
Web of Dragons

Spider-Man was issues away from making a deal with the devil when he was suddenly transported into a new world of alien threats, martial arts, and Dragon Balls. How will Peter return home, read and find out in the next episode of Web of Dragons!

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Champions and Demons

Chi-Chi blushed a bit as she frowned at Bulma for her to stop teasing her fiancée, "I'll have you know he's only 15. He can still hit a growth spurt."

"Huh? But didn't you say that you were 14 when we met?" Peter asked.

"I didn't know how old I was, so I guessed?" Goku chuckled.

"Ahem! I'm sorry to interrupt, but this is a tournament, not a meet and greet," The announcer called out.

"Uh…right," Goku chuckled as he took his stance.

Peter noticed the glint from his metal cuffs and smiled as he saw the same on Chi-Chi's.

"At least there still training…I don't know what trouble we have to face in the future, but if it's in a world where people can destroy entire moons, I'm guessing we'll need to be a lot stronger than we are."

"Hey, even I can do that now. I think I could take Carol down with ease," MJ chuckled.


The two took off with an intense burst of speed that made the crowd gasp. They exchanged blows and blocked every attack with difficulty. A couple times, Goku came close to landing a punch, but Chi-Chi would find a way to withdraw and make space.

"Goku's pushing her back, but Chi-Chi is keeping up!" Peter commented.

"Yeah, I think his weights are only a bit heavier than hers is too," MJ sounded impressed.

The fight continued for several minutes, but after a while, it was clear that Chi-Chi was starting to exhaust herself.

She sighed and said, "I still haven't caught up!"

"You're not too far behind," Goku chuckled.

"I forfeit," Chi-Chi said as she walked over to the spectator's area and said, "I'd hug you, but I'm covered in sweat."

"Aww…that's fine. Don't bother me none, hon!" MJ hugged her little sister.

"So, how was your time with Goku?"

"It took me three months to teach him what marriage meant, but he has been putting in the effort to learn more about the world. He isn't as naive as he was when we started our journey."

"Tell me he knows how to use money now, please," Peter lifted a brow.

"Yeah…that was the hardest," Chi-Chi looked a bit exhausted, "I had to use food to make him understand the value of everything. So if he says something like that's worth 80 pieces of steak, please don't laugh."

Peter started laughing.

"It's not funny! Do you know how much he eats? If we didn't hunt for most of our food, we'd have already burned through his cut of treasure you found three years ago. I once saw him eat an entire dinosaur."

"Well, maybe we can help with that crazy metabolism he has. Bulma and I managed to create a new super strain of the Senzu bean. We've basically doubled their efficiency and cut their growth time down by half a month. It can heal scars now too, and since you guys are family, we'll give a few hundred of the first crop. Just grind one up and sprinkle some on the food, and bam, regular food prices."

Chi-Chi grabbed both Bulma and Peter's hands as she cried and said, "Are you two saints?"

"Uh…" Bulma and Peter looked at each other before they started laughing again.

The next contestants came out, Master Roshi and Tien. The fight was intense, their fists moved at supersonic speeds, they danced around the arena exchanging dozens of blows, and they fired powerful beams of energy towards each other.

Roshi used everything he could to push Tien back, bringing out all of his techniques, the Thunder Shock, Kamehameha, Hypnotism, and even drunken fighting.

Tien used his Ki to make an extra two arms, fly, shoot a Dodon ray, a Kamehameha, Solar Flare, and even used his Ki to pump his blood quicker to increase his physical abilities by almost double.

Master Roshi pulled out his Full Power Form and fought back on even terms.

The entire time they fought, they exchanged words, and it looked like Tien was struggling with himself.

"Roshi's got the upper hand."

"Yeah, when we visited, we learned he got even stronger since he's been training with Krillin for a while now."

"I give up," Roshi said as he slimmed back down and walked towards the crowd.

"Why'd you give up, ya perv?" Bulma asked.

"It's the new generation's time to shine," Roshi smiled.

"You know, you're still wearing the wig," Peter chuckled.

"Erp… I mean, who's Master Roshi?"

"Nobody said anything about Master Roshi…" Bulma slapped her forehead while letting out a sigh.

"Secret Identities are not your things, nice try though. Don't worry, we won't tell Goku," MJ chuckled.

"I have to say, you grew into a fine woman," Roshi smiled.

"Don't even, Roshi," Peter's eyebrow twitched.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mess with MJ, she's about as strong as Peter with her Symbiote active. Heck, thanks to Peter's neat suit being able to duplicate itself, I even got one of my own. I bet I can kick your butt," Bulma chuckled.

Roshi gulped before saying, "Well, look at the time. I should be getting back into my usual outfit."

"Yeah, you better run," Bulma threw her arm up before looking at Peter with a smile, "Thanks again for the suit."

"Hey, gotta protect my boss somehow," Peter chuckled.

"It was the least we could do since you let us stay with you for free and gave us time to find a place of our own."

"Not to mention the job, have I mentioned how much I love the job?" Peter smiled.

"Only like a million times," MJ replied.

The next fighters came out as Goku and Krillin.

"Huh, Krillin might be in trouble," Peter said.

"We should have made some cuffs for him too," MJ followed up.

"We could give him a suit to make up for it," Bulma added.

Goku kept the weights on as the two clashed several times. They both shot Kamehamehas at each other, and showed off the full gains of their training.

Krillin managed to grab Goku's tail. However, instead of falling down weakened and disoriented, Goku lifted him with his tail alone and threw him across the arena.

"Glad to see he fixed that issue," Roshi said as he came over in his tux.

With the weight suppressing Goku's full output they looked about even. However, Goku dropped one of his weights, causing the bracer broke the arena floor seconds before Goku hit Krillin once. The bald monk was sent flying across the arena and out of bounds.

"Argh! You were wearing weights? How heavy are these things?" Krillin shouted as he jumped back on stage while rubbing his head.

"Um…I think each of them are 15 Tons each. It took me months to get to this level," Goku grinned.

Tien began to sweat.

Krillin's jaw dropped as he tried to pick one up, but he couldn't do it.

Goku chuckled as he walked over and put it back on his wrist, "You should ask Bulma to make you some. Peter found out the more pressure we put on our bodies, the quicker our Ki will grow."

"Hmph, I'll catch up. If you can do it, so can I," Krillin huffed as he headed back with the other competitors.

It was the final match, Goku versus Tien.

Tien threw everything he had at Goku, and even with the weights on, Goku was easily beating him.

Chiaotzu tried to cheat, but his telekinesis wasn't strong enough to hold Goku, only slow him down.

Peter noticed this because ever since he learned to control his Ki, he was able to sense the Ki in others. He figured it was just an evolution of his Spider-Sense.

When Tien demanded Chiaotzu to stop, Peter saw how the Crane master was trying to force his student to continue interfering in their match. He was about to make a move when Master Roshi hit his old fellow disciple and sent him flying into the distance.

"Leave the kids alone, you stupid old fart!" Roshi's Kamehameha launched the Crane School's master out of the city.

They continued the fight and Goku held himself back to fight with just pure skill alone, and he was still coming out on top. However, when Tien pulled out the Tri-Beam, the fight was over for the bald triclops.

Goku took off his weights and dodged the massive laser before he flew up with a one handed Kamehameha to hit Tien with a head butt strong enough to knock him out.

"Wow, he destroyed the whole ring," Peter commented.

Goku called his Nimbus over to carry Tien back to the ground while the announcer declared Goku the winner.

After he took the prize money, the group met up and went to dinner with the whole group. Even Tien and Chiaotzu joined.

"Good job, Goku," Peter congratulated.

"Why didn't you join?" Goku asked as he scarfed down the meal.

"Eh, my powers kind of make it unfair. Even without Ki, I can lift up to 75 Tons. With Ki helping, I'm up to 150Tons, what about you?" Peter lifted a brow.

Goku held up his fingers as he counted, "Er…about 92. I finally got my tail to 2 tons. However, without Ki, I'd say I can only lift 10 Tons or so." Goku chuckled as he waved his tail, showing off the small grey ring he had at the base and tip.

Chi-Chi sighed, "Honestly, I've never seen him in so much pain before. There were a couple of times I thought he'd yank his tail right out with the stunts he pulled."

"Hehehe! It worked though," Goku threw up a victory sign.

After paying for the large bill, Goku patted his stomach and his eyes went wide as he said, "Aw man, I left the dragon ball back in the waiting room!"

"I'll get it," Krillin said as he ran off.

"So, Goku. What do you plan on doing next?" Tien asked.

"Get stronger! Korin said that there was someone even better at teaching above his place," Goku chuckled.

"Korin, I've heard of that before…" Tien furrowed his brows.

"He the Sage from the sacred land of Martial Arts," Peter informed.

"Korin told me the Kami of this world was the only one who could help me push past my limits, and that my Power Pole was the key to reaching God's land."

"But there's nothing above the tower?" MJ tilted her head before gasping, "Peter, it's a floating island! Now that's a fantasy world for ya."

"So, you need to fly in order to reach it?" Tien smirked.

Peter remembered how Tien's Ki worked when he flew and thought, "I can probably copy that."

"I don't know, Korin told my Power Pole is supposed to be used to reach it. I was going to head there with Chi-Chi after the tournament. You guys want to come with?"

"You just want to fight Peter," MJ chuckled.

Goku chuckled innocently as he rubbed the back of his head.

While the group laughed, Peter stood up and frowned seconds before there was an explosion heard in the distance.

"Trouble?" MJ asked.

"Looks like it," Peter replied as he made his suit appear.

MJ followed after to see Krillin fighting against a green dragon man.

Peter webbed him up with his newest permanent web formula and said, "Who's this guy?"

"Don't know, but he's after the dragon balls," Krillin threw the bag with the four-star ball.

"Okay, who are you working for, and why do you want the dragon balls?"

"You're a fool if you think this can hold me," Tambourine shouted as he tried to flex. However, he couldn't break the line.

"Yeah, my webbing can support hundreds of tons of force and it gets more durable the more you push on it. You're not getting out."

A sweat drop formed on the creature's head as he closed his eyes and said, "Very well…then make it fast. I will tell you nothing!"

"Whoa, who said anything about finishing you? We're not murderers," Peter replied.

"You're not…going to kill me?"

"Why would we want to do that?" Goku asked.

"Er…ahem," Tambourine kept quiet about the martial artist he had already killed.

"However, you did attack my friend and tried to steal something that didn't belong to you, sooo," Peter chopped the back of his neck, knocking him out.

"Hey guys! The dragon radar is picking up a moving dragon ball. I think someone is collecting them."

"Grreeaat… How about we lock these orbs up this time. That way this doesn't happen in the future," Peter said as he looked at the radar, "Hey, MJ. Can you look after this guy while Goku and I go deal with this?"

"Can do," MJ pulled out a pair of police cuffs made from the same material their weights were made of.

"Each of these weigh about 15Tons, he shouldn't be able to move."

Goku called down his nimbus while Peter started to fly, "Huh? Neat. This isn't so hard. I'm just applying Ki to create a shell around my body and then push it like a jet engine. Nice technique," Peter said as he looked at the flabbergasted Tien.

"Who is this guy?" Tien questioned.

"He's the strongest guy I know. If he had entered the tournament, I wouldn't have stood a chance!" Goku chuckled.

"There is always someone stronger," Roshi smiled.

The two flew off when Krillin looked at MJ and said, "Can I get some of those weights?"

"Sure!" Bulma smiled as she retracted her Symbiote.

While the group looked at the monster made from King Piccolo's essence, Goku and Peter were flying towards the nearest dragon ball.

They appeared next to a guy hunting a large fish and said, "Excuse me, but are you collecting the dragon balls?"

"Huh? What's a dragon ball," The overweight man carrying a sword asked.

"That thing around your neck," Goku pointed.

"Oh, nah. I found it a while ago. Here if it's yours you can have it back." Yajirobe tossed the ball to Goku before the kid caught it and put it in his bag.

"Sorry for taking up your time. Come on, Goku. This guy wasn't the one that sent that dragon guy,"

"Right!" Goku said as he flew off again.

"Wild, people can fly now?" The swordsman said as he got a pull on his fishing line.

Next they ended up at a flying ship with a set of familiar faces.

"It's that Peloof guy again!" Goku frowned.

"I see we have visitors," A green man stood up and walked out onto the large deck while two new Dragon men stood beside him. The children known as Cymbal and Drum stood on the sides of their father with eager expressions.

"Why are you collecting the dragon balls?" Peter asked.

"And why'd you send someone to attack my friend?" Goku followed up.

The green-man flew up with a smile on his face, "Why to restore my youth and conquer the world!"

"Great, you're one of those. Okay, Mr. sorry, didn't catch your name," Peter spoke up.

"I am the great Demon King Piccolo!"

"Okay, listen up you sorry excuse for a wind instrument, that's dumb. I mean, what would you do to this world once you conquer it? What's your end game?"

"I will do whatever I please," Piccolo frowned.

"Okay, secondly, do you know how much time and effort you have to put into running a planet? Think of the workload, think of the paper cuts!"

"You're beginning to test my patience, masked fellow," Piccolo's eyebrow twitched.

"Hey! Can I fight this guy?"

"Well, he seems kind of weak…Sure, I'll sit this one out."

Goku nudged his head to a nearby island and said, "We'll fight there."

"Hmph, you've clearly signed your death warrants," Piccolo sneered.

"Huh, I didn't sign anything?" Goku tilted his head as Peter snorted.

Goku started flying off with his Nimbus while Demon King Piccolo felt like cussing up a storm.

With a flash of intense speed, he snagged the only dragon ball they collected, webbed up the crew, defeated the Dark Namekians, parked the ship, called the Royal Army to pick up and arrest Pilaf, and flew after Goku and the demon King.

When he caught up, he saw Piccolo and Goku ready to throw down.

Goku didn't take off his weights and was clearly suppressing himself as he let the Demon King throw everything he had at him.

It only took Goku ten minutes of dodging to completely wear down the old Namekian.

"Is that it? That's all you have?" Goku sighed.

"What are you?" Piccolo huffed.

"I'm just a Martial Artist that likes fighting strong people," Goku rushed forward and hit Piccolo so hard a large hole appeared in his stomach.

"Holy crap, Goku! Too much!" Peter paled.

"Huh? But he was bad guy that tried to kill our friend? Grandpa Gohan said Demon's shouldn't be spared because of how much damage they cause to the world." Goku seemed confused.

"Ah…is he really a demon? No, he was clearly a bad guy. Ki doesn't feel like that unless you've slaughtered people before…Am I in the wrong here?"

"This isn't over," King Piccolo grunted as his neck began to expand, "I will give everything to my reincarnation! King Piccolo shall live on!"

He suddenly spat out an egg and launched it into the distance. However, Peter webbed up the egg and held it in his arms as he pulled it back to him.

The light faded from King Piccolo's eyes as he fell to the ground. There was a look of disbelief and woe as he hit the floor, completely lifeless.

"Great, he spat out an egg…what am I supposed to do with this?"

"Can we eat it?"

"I don't think we should. I've seen too many alien moves to know where this is going."

"Could you hand that over to me?" An elderly voice came from behind Goku and Peter.

They both looked back to see someone who looked exactly like Piccolo and a dark-skinned Jinn were floating on a flying carpet.

"Uh…" Goku and Peter looked back the body of the demon King and then to his twin.

"That there used to be my evil half. I thank you two for defeating him. I am the Kami of Earth, its guardian god, and that egg you hold is the incarnation of the Demon King."

"So you're saying, you're god, that this egg, is that devil reborn?" Peter grabbed his head.

"In a way, but at the same time, not. No, it is more accurate to say that it is his child with all the Demon King's memories force onto him."

Peter struggled with letting the egg go. Sure, he was a demon king's child, but babies are innocent. He couldn't put the sins of a father onto its child.

"I will not do anything to harm to it. But I will raise him as my own," Piccolo said while reading his thoughts.

Peter sighed as he mumbled, "How'd you know what I was thinking? Right, you must be a mind reader too."

"That I am,"

"So…Not my place, huh?" Peter hummed as he handed over the egg.

Kami smiled and took it while saying, "I look forward to your visit. However, I ask that you forgive his other Kin. They are still newborns and can better themselves. In turn, I will oversee their growth. I suggest you resurrect those that were killed by the Dark Vassals. The one you captured during at the tournament grounds killed more than a few of them."

"Huh?" The two heroes tilted their heads as the god disappeared on the flying carpet.

"I guess, we're done, here?" Goku scratched his head.

"No, we have to collect the rest of the dragon balls. If we leave them out there, some other bad guy would end up collecting them."

"I guess you're right. But putting them together can be just as dangerous."

"Should we just keep using them?" Goku said while tilting his head, "I mean, if there stones, no one can find them."

"Couldn't Bulma hide them?" Peter thought before saying, "What would we wish for?"

"Um…something good for the planet?"

"Huh? I mean, there are plenty of good things we could do for that. For starters, we could make sure the sun doesn't expand, give it eternal energy that way it doesn't age."

"The sun is going to get bigger?" Goku looked up in fright.

"Oh yeah, it'll swallow up the planet when it becomes a red giant."

"We have to hurry! We can't let that happen!" Goku gripped his fists with a worried expression.

Peter couldn't help but laugh, "Ptb…hahahahaha! Sorry Goku, but that event is billions of years in the future. So, we agree that we should use the wishes to help the planet from things that can hurt it, but we shouldn't use it spoil the earthlings…if we solved everything with the dragon balls, people would lose their drive to better themselves."

"Hmm…Okay! Let's make the sun wish after we resurrect the guys that dragon fella killed."

"Nah, we should wish the moon back first. We'll do the sun one after."

Peter shrugged his shoulders and flew alongside Goku to gather the rest of the dragon balls. They summoned the dragon and wished for the resurrection of any of the people killed by Piccolo or his men alongside the return of their moon.

The dragon stared at them for a second before saying, "Fine, but the moon is just a bonus."

Peter almost couldn't help but smile as he thought of the next wish. With a stable and eternal star, Earth would exist as long as it did.

"We could also make other planets habitable," Peter hummed as he watched Goku catch the dragon balls.

"Here! I'll keep Grandpa's and visit you guys when it turns back to normal."

"I'll try and help Bulma make something that can hide the balls. Maybe we won't have to keep using it for long."

The group flew away and returned to their friends before explaining everything that happened.

They eventually decided on traveling to Korin's tower to train. Even Bulma tagged along because she wanted to see the floating island.

When they got there, Bulma was stopped alongside Tien and Chiaotzu. Korin informed them that unless he approved their presence, they couldn't go to the Lookout, and that they would have to be trained by him first.

Bulma took it as a challenge and figured that her super suit would give her an edge. However, she would quickly learn that using it would be forbidden, and that she had to start from scratch.

Goku, Peter, Mary Jane, and Krillin were all allowed to head on up. Peter carried MJ and flew while Krillin held on to Goku as he extended the power pole placed in the holder at the top of Korin's tower.

They flew above the clouds and saw the large temple like construct floating in the higher part of the atmosphere.

"Wow, it's not an island, but not far from it. This place is huge!" MJ commented as she saw Goku and Krillin climbing on the ladder to the surface.

They joined up to meet with Kami and Popo again who told them that their training would soon begin.

They spent the next two weeks being taught to control and sense Ki while improving their combat abilities. Bulma and the others finally showed up on the third week.

Piccolo Jr, was born shortly thereafter. With a clean start, Kami decided that he would raise him as the successor to the Guardianship of Planet Earth.

Piccolo was different thanks to what Kami did. Just as the Demon King passed on his memories while the Namekian was still incubating. However, Kami did the same with his memories before it was born. The life he lived doing good, far outweighed the life the Demon King had living inside the rice cooker.

What came out of the egg was a confused Namekian that wondered what his future would be.

He still went by the name Piccolo, but had his own desires to beat the warrior that so easily defeated his father. The Namekian actually joined in on the training and before they knew it, time had passed by rapidly without their notice.

They trained in many things, Ki manipulation, sensing, Kami's style of martial arts, and much more. Goku went through his growth spurt, surprising everyone how quickly he shot up from 4 foot 5 to 5 foot 9.

After seeing the material their weights were made of, Kami gave them weighted clothing that was made from the same material, allowing them all to put further strain on their bodies without losing flexibility.

On the night of a full moon, to prevent the Saiyan from transforming on his lookout, Kami informed Goku that he was the giant monkey that killed his grandpa.

"I…killed, grandpa?" Goku looked at his hands with a sad expression.

"I'm afraid so. That night, you turned into a large ape, and have done so two more times since. One was when you first collected the dragon balls and the other during the tournament. As far as I can tell, you lose all sense of reason when you transform. However, it is your tail that allows you to trigger the transformation in the first place. If we remove it, we can prevent it from happening again."

"As terrible as this is," Peter put his hand on Goku's shoulder, "Mutilation is never the way."

"Where we come from, there are countless people born with mutations that make them look different than others and give them strange powers. However, removing a part of yourself regardless of whether it's a horn or tail, it's no different than chopping off your hands and feet. It's not right," MJ followed up.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Kami lifted a brow.

"We could teach him how to control it? I've dealt with mutants before, it's not that they can't control their powers, but it usually ends being the cause of weak mentality," Peter defended his friend.

"If Goku transforms with his current power, he would easily destroy this world," Kami refuted.

"How about we use the dragon balls to make sure that doesn't happen? We could wish for Goku to have complete control over his transformation," MJ suggested.

"I…very well. I will agree to that," Kami said as Goku breathed a sigh of relief and releasing the worried clutch from his tail.

Near a year of training, the group was shown the Time Chamber, but Goku and Peter decided on saving its use for an emergency. Since they could only use it for two years, it was a trump card they could rely on if they had no other choice.

So other than checking it out, they didn't use it.

Once a year had passed, the dragon balls became active and they made the wish for Goku to gain perfect mastery over his bestial transformation. After the dragon made the wish, they collected the dragon balls before they could fly off, and this time, Peter suggested they keep it in the room of Spirit and Time.

"This way, they'd come back in a day, and since it's in an entirely different dimension, no matter how good a radar another person might have, they won't be able to pick them up."

"Great idea! Not to mention the cool down is a only a day out here. We have wishes on demand now." Bulma laughed as she ran off with the dragon balls.

"Please…don't abuse this power," Kami sweated.

"Relax, we'll only use them for good," Peter smiled.