
We will get through this

Anne had become engaged to another man and Venom helps Eddie get over the shock.

Caitlin_Lush · Movies
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Wind wiped passed Brocks's head as he swept along the highway not caring where he was headed, rain started to fall making the tarmac slippery and dangerous. Turning like crazy, the tyre of the motorbike trying to get a firm grip.


Rain started pelting against his helmet blinding him even more, turning his hand the bike started gaining more speed


"Why? You don't believe in consequences. No injuries. You fix them. No hangovers. You mend them. I couldn't even hurt myself if I tried" I responded feeling numb, I increase the speed even more.

Through the darkness, up ahead a car light twinkled in the night.


I didn't care as I closed my eyes and felt venom quickly sliding from my chest down my shoulders to my hands, engulfing them in a cool slimy texture. A car horn blasted, loud and alarming. Gripping the handlebars, they took a sharp turn left swerving to bypass the car. Slowing down and pulling off to the side of the road. I just sat there heaving, finally, my eyes couldn't take in any more, and a tear slipped down my cheek, my shoulders heaving with emotion.

Venom recedes back into my arms leaving a weird sensation, speaking in a low soft voice "Eddie, I apologize that I can't mend the heart. Emotional pain hits much harder and lasts longer. You just need to pull up your big boy pants and take it"

I swallow weakly, letting the words sink in, I appreciated that they were trying to help, but I snap back saying.

"Well, that's easy for you to say"


"Because I'm a real boy, and you're just an amoeba"

"I will only take that now because we know you are hurting"

I felt him spreading himself out just under my skin along my back and chest, acting like a blanket or warm embrace

"Don't worry, buddy, I will get you through this"

I inhale, comforted by the symbiote words I start up my bike again and head back home to our apartment.