
We will get through this

Anne had become engaged to another man and Venom helps Eddie get over the shock.

Caitlin_Lush · Movies
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We will get through this

As I held Ann's hand, staring at the jewel-encrusted ring glinting in the restaurant light, sadness overwhelmed me like a hangover, I drew a shaky breath.

"NO" venom's voice echo in my head

"Wow. Oh, Anne. Wow, that is, uh... that is so much bigger

than the... the one that I got you" I stammered not knowing what to say.

I let go of her hand and slumped back in my chair. All around us, the people bustled in and out of the crowded restaurant door and out around the restaurant, not knowing or caring that one man's sad life was coming crashing down.

"That's Dan, right?" Right, I ask "Doc-Doctor Dan?" "Yeah, that... it's Dan" Ann's quiet voice responds

"Holy shit, Anne, way to go" I responded then, instantly filing like a dumbass, my brain numb, words just tumble out of my mouth.

"Are you okay?" Anne ask an edge of concern in her voice, she waited for me to answer.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I responded not meeting her eye

"Well, I am not okay" Rage filled their voice, I flinch slightly at the sound of their voice swirled around my head.

You could just say, "Congratulations, I'm happy for you, you know, like two people who still care enough about each other to lie so that the other one doesn't feel like complete shit. I... Maybe we could do that version of this?" Ann's voice reached Eddie Brock's ears, he just sat there and let the words sink in

"I am happy for you, Anne…. You know, I'm, uh..."

I felt sweat forming along my brow and the palm of my hands. I moved uncomfortably in my seat. "congratulations" I managed to say through gritted teeth.

I felt Venom moving around in my stomach clearly uncomfortable too "That was going to be us, Eddie. I, for one, would not be inconsolable if Dan were to fall into traffic and lose his head and his feet and all of his teeth!"

"What!?" I gasp out loud, earning a concerned and confused look from Anne

"What was that? She asked

"Nothing" I lied, I fiddled with the hem of my shirt.

"If I ask you a question, do you have the ability to tell me the truth?" Anne asked moving closer and leaning in.

"You mean as in being super happy for you because of your engagement? Because, I mean, you just told me to lie, so that's really, really confusing" I stammer trying to avoid confrontation.

"Is Venom with you?" Anne looked at me narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips a bit as she stared at me.

"There dead" I quickly respond trying to calm down and not give anything away.

"I am. I'm playing dead right now"

I nearly smiled at their comment, because I knew they were with me and it was supposed to be just our little secret.

'Yeah, I mean, they..."





"Well, that's..."

"You just don't change, do you?" She snapped

I looked at her, a surprised expression on my face, my brain furiously trying to work out what I had done wrong

"What are you talking about? This is just a... It's a huge shock" I struggled to find the right word to explain my mixed feelings about this whole situation. "Um, I'm in... Anne, I'm in love with you. This is a lot to process."

"No, the truth is you don't love anybody. You can't. Commitment's just not your thing!" I deeply inhaled, the words stung, they really hurt and I felt Venom's rage growing and brewing in the pit of my stomach.

"All right, then, fine. Do not marry Dan…" I started to say

Anne cuts me off, "Dan makes me feel safe."

"Ugh" I was not expecting her to say this, I feel Venom pooling just under the skin on my shoulders and back, the feeling was comforting.

Anne continues "Okay, and you made me feel like I was on a roller coaster and sometimes you just have to know when to get off."

I slouch back into my seat and just sat there not letting my face or body show any emotions. Venom gripped my shoulder muscles.

Anne leans in and whispers "Hey, Venom, take care of him, all right? Don't let him keep messing everything up." I move to the edge of the seat and stand up. Picking up my leather jacket and helmet, I turn to look at Anne. She was just sitting there with a sad but relieved look on her face. I just wanted to diaper so I quickly said "It's a lot to process. Congratulations, Anne. It's great news" and quickly march out to the door of the restaurant letting it bang close behind me.