
We will get through this

Anne had become engaged to another man and Venom helps Eddie get over the shock.

Caitlin_Lush · Movies
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Of course, there was a part of me that still loved Anne, I would always consider her one of my best and only friends. We had been engaged, I'd been prepared to spend the rest of my life with her. He'd wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. His life had been pretty great, before he'd gone and fucked it all up. And it was his fault. He knew that. And he knew that he really didn't deserve to have her after everything he'd done. He didn't want to fuck things up for her, anyway. She was happy.

That didn't change the fact that it fucking hurt when he found out she was engaged to someone else. He thought about her replaying his favorite memories with her. He felt venom swell around his stomach and intestines.

"Eddie" his voice growled "We're going to get her back"

"No" Eddie said quietly. "No, we're not."

"She should be with us!"

Eddie sighed. "No! Look, it's over, okay?" His throat felt tight as he spoke, his eyes stinging with tears that threatened to well over. "It's over" he whispered. He took a deep breath, wiping angrily at his eyes. "It's time to accept that."

Would it make you feel better if we ate Dan? We can eat Dan.

"We are not eating Dan."

It would solve all of our problems, Eddie...

Eddie sighed. "We talked about this. You're only allowed to eat bad people. Dan's not a bad person. Anne deserves better than me"

"Better than you? Yes, you fucked up but I am still here!" Venom reminded Eddie gently.

I know and I am thankful for that! Eddie whispered quietly, Eddie collapsed onto the couch old couch that was in the living room. Venom manifested out of his back and rested their head atop of Eddies.