
Watched By A Night Eye (WBANE)

Rory had a feeling of his every move being watched. Turns out to be true that he was actually being watched by something epic. He found out from his watchman that he has the said epic powers called Night Eye so he was recruited to where he belong, leaving everything he has and forsaking everyone he knew and down to his new world...the underground He learnt more of his epic self after facing so much from all sides, being bullied, forsaken, dejected from all sides. He found out many secrets about the undergrounnd and all their scheme. He went back to the forsaken surface of Veroz to save it from the hands of the Underground. He wasn't alone as he formed alliance with his friends on the outer surface and with the mission....to destroy the underground and to save Veroz. A Story of Love, Dejection, Rivalry, Sadness, and Secrets....Read More. P.S...this book WBANE is entwined with my other books SUPERNATURALs and The Witches Of Avalon. Read along for better understanding.

Adams_SDA · Others
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27 Chs

Fearful Monger

The rest days has just been as normal as ever. Taking classes, going home, doing chores and facing a brat..My Uncle.

Get me right, I love my Aunt, so much...even more than my real parents but my uncle is less a lovable person. He finds faults in everything I do, he kicks my buts around, he doesn't even take me like one of his. I don't know...maybe the fact that he has no son of his makes him go hard on me. My Aunt has tried to ease all of what he was doing to me but he wouldn't budge. He just derives joy in hurting me like hell.

Today, I was back from school, so tired and stressed. I met my Uncle at home in the living room watching a football match, and his welcoming eyes were as mean as ever. I wasn't a guy with a conduct of greeting people, so I just 'hey-ed' him and his replies were as mean as ever. Either he calls me dumb rat, or a nincompoop or all sorts of names...I really don't know, that doesn't get to me. After heading to my room, and retracing my steps back downstairs, and onward to the kitchen, that maniac of an uncle ate my lunch. Even right then, he was giving a purposeful chuckles. I sighed in despisal before heading upstairs again to wait for my aunt. That very day was not as kind as I would say.

Another day with daily routine, heading to school, tagging with Neil and attending classes. To be fair, I was kinda ease with the feelings nit evolving like it was a total ease for me not fearing about someone or something watching me. All those ease came to an end when I was in Geography class with Neil by my side. The feelings came up again, and this time, it was very hard to ignore. It felt like that person was literally behind me. The aura I felt, it was different from the others. This one was new fresh and freezing.

"Neil, do you feel something?" I asked Neil still feeling chilly.

"Dude, what's up with your feelings again, I thought that died down" he whispered trying to keep a keen attention to the teachings.

Trust me, I wanted this to die, I was virtually trying my best to ease down these feelings but it was just not itself this time. I had to get over this if I had to finish this class. .

"Dude, you're one maniac, you always complain of this, remember vividly that all of these caused this" Neil said pointing to his nose at the cafeteria. Believe me, if you would see Neil right now, you'll wanna laugh. I guess the ice pack did nothing and his parents helped him with the rest. He looks like hell right now.

"Okay cut it" He snapped me out of my thoughts because I was staring at them for too long. "What ya doing after school?"

"Don't ask me that. I don't wanna be in any of this. You and your house caused these fears"

"Don't blame it on me, you're just one weak somebody who can't get over horrors they just saw. The woods is a complicated place I know that but you Rory, you wouldn't just let go of what you saw at the past."

"You're calling me a baby?"

"No, but i'm calling you a fearful monger. Hah...that sounds perfect for you"

"Yeah yeah yeah dude. Knock it off."

I hated being mocked just like this, but Neil was right. I am a fearful monger. Neil just kept laughing at my fearful self and I just lay low eating my dumplings, right then, the fear gre again. I don't know what to do now. Keeping a normal face is out of the option because already, Neil had noticed me fearing. He tried looking around and still keeping a Sorry face to me.

"I have to go"

"Dude, it's still lunch hour"

"I don't care anymore. I have to go home"

Though it was just 23 minutes to 1pm, I couldn't hold it anymore. I have to go home. Home is far more better than me staying here right next to Neil being mocked of my fearful self.

I walked home with my hands shooked in my jacket pockets and my heads lowered almost close with my jacket collars. The feelings are really sending a cold to my body. Why can't I figure this out? What is it all about. I want to know what this is. I just want to. Maybe if I can prove that someone's really watching me, that would scratch out my fears.

I reached for the keys and I opened the doors. Today I wasn't in the mood of strolling out or reaching Neil's house so I stayed indoor today. I went over to the fridge to stay hydrated. I drank the whole bottle and reached for one more. My recent actions are off. I really need a solution to myself.

My aunt as usual, left me some foods so I digged right into it and then, my uncle entered the house. It was strange because he was never this Early, maybe he came by to pick something. Uncle walked right in dropping his keys in the small bowl ceramic right by the side of the door, hanging his jackets and walking briskly to the room. He sighted me and gave an irritated face as an hi


"Neil. What are you doing here by this time? Aren't you supposed to be in school or something?"

"I got a little sick so I came home early"

"Sick? Hope it's not contagious?" He asked sarcastically.

"I believe it shouldn't be. I have to ask the same question to you too uncle, what are you doing here?"

"You dare question my movements? You have the balls to talk to me that way?"

"I'm just asking. "

"That's it. I want you out of this apartment now. Leave and don't come back until it's 8"


"Don't question me. Get the hell out of here."

I dropped the food and walked following his instructions. I can't get the reasons why uncel wants me out of the house...why?

Oh, I guess today is their anniversary. Uncle never comes home early, or askse to leave the apartment. Though he hates me, I know that but he wouldn't dare do that. So that should be the only reason. He wants to plan something exotic.

Now the issue is where to go?