
Void WIzard in HP

Well, I'll be brief. A new writer, I write when I have inspiration or free time, English is not my native language. According to the plot , a non - standard or standard rebirth , the hero of the OP , but not immediately and well , read on if you want to find out . / A man who was robbed of emotions and the world who wanted him dead. But he adapted and decided to seek knowledge and magic, but his world was ordinary and very mortal. As a result , he died having lost all connection with the world . But because of his perseverance, he developed a unique soul and the Higher Beings responsible for sending the souls of mortals sent him to the world he wanted. There he is waiting for knowledge, opportunities and many incredibly strong creatures who will be happy to profit from his uniqueness.

mamun_220 · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 3) Library

"Archie, prepare all the books about the basics of magic and most importantly about magic cores."

"As you command, young master."

"I don't understand, brother, why you asked the house elf about this, because we're going there anyway and could have taken it ourselves."

" You don 't understand , Daphne , our library is huge , and we can 't even start doing magic without awakened cores , and while we are looking for the books we need , it will take a lot of time that we could spend reading .

Talking with Daphne and ordering our house elf to prepare everything, we go to the library and talk about the importance of the basics and especially the awakening of our magic cores in advance."

"Brother, I still don't understand why we need to study all this boring knowledge so early."

"Because the sooner we start it , the easier it will be for us at Hogwarts and the stronger we will be compared to our peers ."

" And why do we need this brother? We are one of the oldest pureblood families , we don't need to show these Muggleborns anything ."

"For a lot , Sister , first of all , the stronger we are , the more we will be respected ."

Secondly , we will have more opportunities and it will be easier to manage our gray faction . And most importantly, we will be free.

"So we are already free, brother."

"No, Daphne, if we are the strongest wizards of our time, like Dumbledore or You-Know-Who or like the 4 founders of Hogwarts in the old days. We will be able to be truly free, we will be able to change the world at our discretion to walk, travel and explore whatever we want without anyone's permission. And most importantly, we will not depend on any handouts from wizards who are stronger than us, we will choose our future ourselves."

"Okay, brother, I still can't understand your point of view."

"Don't worry, sister, you're still little and when you're a teenager you'll understand."

" We are a brother of the same year of birth."

" Don't find fault with Daphne's words."

"Hmm, well, let's go faster, your books are waiting for us."

Cute pouting Daphne ran to the library. I followed her with a smile. When I get there, I am again surprised by this vast room, with a huge number of bookshelves. Although not all the books were about magic. Some about the history of our ancient family , as well as about the history of other purebred families . Also about the geography of magical Britain and the rest of magical Europe. There are many more books about different plants and extinct animal species.

Having stopped looking at this splendor . I walked over to the table where Daphne was already sitting and Archie was standing next to me waiting for the rest of the errands.

"Young master, I have collected the books you need, which you requested."

"Thank you Archie, you are as reliable as ever."

" No need for words of gratitude young master it is Archie's job to fulfill all the wishes of the Master and Mistress, especially the young master and young mistress."

" Okay Archie, we'll be here until it's time to sleep, so leave us until it's time."

"As you command, young master."

With a clap home, the elf left us.

"Brother, it says here that the magical energy that we use has been around since ancient times. And even before the first wizards appeared."

Really, let's see what else it says.

We sat down next to Sethra and started reading books. The elf obviously did a great job , the whole table was furnished with magic theories , magic cores , the first wizards and how they awakened their magical powers .

After a few hours, we went to our rooms. From what we have read, we can draw the following conclusions. Firstly, the first wizards somehow themselves or with the help of the blood of magical creatures awakened their magic cores. They also didn't use wands to direct their spells. Although it cannot be said that they did not have other tools instead of wands, but still they also used talismans, magical texts and, of course, rituals.

Yes, rituals at that time were especially diverse and advanced. Now, because rituals are considered dark magic, it has greatly degraded, lost or simply stalled in development. Which is pretty depressing. Wizards also passed on their methods of awakening the core by word of mouth and only from master to disciple. Of course there were books, but they were either lost or impossible to execute due to the lack of the necessary resources. Extinct species, lost cooking methods and just gaps in important parts. But the problems with awakening disappeared over time due to the long development of the wizard civilization.

Yes, there are squib problems or problems in purebred families where there are only one or two children. Because more children may simply not awaken the core. It 's over with the problem of inducing cores is missing from the Weasleys . Because in ancient times they either had such concentrated magical blood, or they developed some kind of gene. Of course, these are just my theories from what I've read. Further studies require a lot of resources, opportunities to conduct them and the main desire. Which I don't have at the moment.

But I've learned a couple of ways to awaken my core. One of them is to wait for a natural awakening at the age of 11 . Awakening from strong emotions. I can also try to forcibly awaken my core. Honestly, I don't like any of these options. A violent awakening can leave some consequences , strong emotions may not work the first time , and waiting up to 11 years is too long . Well , I 'll think about it tomorrow , I also need to continue studying the theory of magic and maybe I can come up with more ways . After the meeting at the Malfoys .....

Haaaaa tomorrow will be a long day and with these thoughts plunged into the world of dreams.

A rather peculiar chapter , I wanted to write more , but they just didn 't have time to study deeper theories of magic .

There will be no chapter tomorrow and on the weekend . I have started intermediate tests and I need to prepare.

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