
Void WIzard in HP

Well, I'll be brief. A new writer, I write when I have inspiration or free time, English is not my native language. According to the plot , a non - standard or standard rebirth , the hero of the OP , but not immediately and well , read on if you want to find out . / A man who was robbed of emotions and the world who wanted him dead. But he adapted and decided to seek knowledge and magic, but his world was ordinary and very mortal. As a result , he died having lost all connection with the world . But because of his perseverance, he developed a unique soul and the Higher Beings responsible for sending the souls of mortals sent him to the world he wanted. There he is waiting for knowledge, opportunities and many incredibly strong creatures who will be happy to profit from his uniqueness.

mamun_220 · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 2) 4 years

I've been living with the Greengrass family for 4 years now. Father also rarely visits us, mother tries to devote more time to us. Daphne often plays with Astoria, but Astoria is not very active because of the blood curse. As for me, I noticed that the void element does not replenish itself or replenishes so little that I did not even notice the changes. This leads to a possible future problem. Yes, the curse of blood can also hook me. Although everything is fine so far , but if I can't increase the reserves or redirect the void more effectively, then problems await me. Which brings me back to the fact that since yesterday, magical energy no longer moves through my body and does not accumulate in my heart. From this I concluded that either the core is fully created and ready to awaken, or it is sufficiently full and ready to awaken. I will hope that there is no negative option. I have also been exploring the mansion and especially the library since I was 2 years old , and yes it is huge . I do not know how big the library at Hogwarts is, but I am sure that in ours I will be able to study the basic theories of magic, right up to the seventh year of study.

"Brother, you are lost in your thoughts again."

" I'm sorry, Daphne, but you already know how much I like magic and that I want to go to the library more and more."

"Yes, yes, my father and mother said that as soon as we turn 4, you can go there and find something to read."

"That's why we're going to the dining room right now, I can't wait for them to let me go there."

Opening a large and ancient door , we found ourselves in a large room . There was a middle - aged man sitting at the table . His eyes looked straight and his face expressed seriousness. He himself was dressed in an expensive-looking suit and there was dignity and wisdom from him.

Next to him sat a beautiful woman, also middle-aged. The eyes express care and intelligence.She is dressed in an expensive evening dress. Seeing this couple, it comes to mind that they are from high society and that they did not get their wealth and power because of luck and an easy opportunity.

"Good evening, Father, Mother. I hope you are in good health."

I say with a slight bow, I myself am dressed in expensive home clothes , my hair is neatly combed , my eyes betray expectations from tonight and with a slight smile, to top off my pretty baby face, you can definitely say that I will not be ugly when I grow up.

"Good evening Mother, Father. How are you feeling?"

Daphne spoke up right behind me. She herself is also dressed in a homemade evening dress, her hair is neatly laid back, her bangs are gathered with a beautiful, exquisite and definitely not cheap hairpin. Which her mother gave her for her last birthday.

"I see you are also learning etiquette yourself and showing good manners."

My father said without expressing anything on his face, but I can tell from his voice that he was obviously proud and expressed his support for us to continue studying.

"Well, don't have such manners, we are still at home and you are still little children.

The mother said, expressing her concern on her face, but her voice also sounds proud of us."

"Father mother , I can see by your outfits that you are going out ?"

"Yes, today we will go out to finish some things for tomorrow, because tomorrow we are going to the Malfoy estate. I don't want to transfer my responsibilities because of this."

Yes, the head of the faction and their duties.

"Do not forget that you also need to prepare, but do not worry these upstarts who are one of the 28 families, just because of their wealth."

Mom, as always, expresses contempt for the Malfoys. To be honest, I don't think much about them either.

"Well, enough about it, get to eat."

"Father, you said that my brother and I can finally visit the library completely and start studying magic."

"Daphne , I said that you can start reading about magic , teachers will only teach you from the age of 7 and to top it off , you can start studying dark magic ."

It 's fair because no one thinks that a 4 - year - old child will be able to study and understand a lot about magic from those huge books , especially without a teacher .

" Mother Father , I wish we could get our wand sooner after all .."


The father flatly refused and expressed even more seriousness in his voice.

"You will get a wand like everyone else when you enter Hogwarts and awaken your magic core."

Haa, I can't wait to find out about the safe awakening of the core and start conjuring. I know that I can do magic without a wand , and if I can 't see the wand yet , then I can start practicing without it .

"Daphne, do you want to stand up for your brother?"

"No, Father, I'm just wondering why we can't get a wand despite the fact that we will learn from magic teachers?"

"Daphne, you will learn etiquette, history, mathematics, and laws from them. In magic, you will study only the basics and Occlumency."

"Can we study legilimency?"

"It is possible, but if you only have a talent for it only during lessons with teachers.

The father was a little surprised by this question, but quickly hid it and calmly answered."

"Okay , let 's go and you can go to the library and tomorrow we'll go to the Malfoy estate ."

Nodding, we all went back to dinner.

1000 words is still my limit . Although I still have ideas for 2 chapters , but I decided to leave this chapter like this for now . And the rest will be used when they go to libraries and when they start learning from teachers .

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