
Void WIzard in HP

Well, I'll be brief. A new writer, I write when I have inspiration or free time, English is not my native language. According to the plot , a non - standard or standard rebirth , the hero of the OP , but not immediately and well , read on if you want to find out . / A man who was robbed of emotions and the world who wanted him dead. But he adapted and decided to seek knowledge and magic, but his world was ordinary and very mortal. As a result , he died having lost all connection with the world . But because of his perseverance, he developed a unique soul and the Higher Beings responsible for sending the souls of mortals sent him to the world he wanted. There he is waiting for knowledge, opportunities and many incredibly strong creatures who will be happy to profit from his uniqueness.

mamun_220 · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 4) Malfoys

[ You weren't waiting, but I showed up. Who cares, I have a free minute... free hour ... a few hours and I can write a couple of chapters. So you can wait for 2 or 3 chapters today. ]

" Father , how are we going to get to the Malfoy Estate ? "

" At first I wanted to get the carriage , but your mother insisted that the Malfoys are not worthy of such honours. So we'll get through the fireplace."

"Husband, you know yourself that you shouldn't be too nice to them, They were the main supporters of You-Know-Who."

"That's why, my dear wife, we don't need any more enemies."

"Astoria will not go with us father, mother?"

"No, Astoria is too small and she shouldn't strain herself too much."

Having finished this conversation, the four of us went to our fireplace. It is located in the guest hall which has a beautiful fireplace made of expensive bricks, there are also several cabinets on the shelves of which there are insignificant antiques and family heirlooms On the ceiling there is a crystal chandelier on which a couple dozen candles are burning.

" Okay, take a small handful, throw it into the fireplace and clearly say the Malfoy Estate.

Daphne and I followed the instructions and entered the fireplace. After a few unpleasant seconds , we found ourselves in a large hall , extravagantly decorated in gold color and also a servant can be seen who checks the invitations and announces the guests who have come ."

Our parents immediately appeared behind us and we went to the main hall .

"Please provide invitation letters.

His father handed him a decorated envelope."

"Okay Benton Greengrass and Abigail Greengrass, I apologize for the delay in your time."

"Just announce our arrival and we'll go."

" Yes, yes, I'm sorry again. MR. AND MISS GREENGRASS."

Under his ads, we enter the hall and immediately what catches the eye is a large number of important people dressed in expensive and elegant suits of various colors and tables filled with snacks. Servants also go and serve drinks. I can recognize the wine , there is also champagne and a few other drinks unknown to me . Oh , here 's the legendary Lucius and his son Draco Malfoy .

"Oh, good evening Benton and you are as beautiful as ever, Miss Abigail."

Lucius said, holding out his hand to my father.

" Glad to see you 're still in good health , Lucius . I see your son with you . What was his name, and yes Draco Malfoy."

"Glad to know that Mr. Greengrass knows my name, it's an honour for me."

"I see Benton you brought your children too . As I see it, the young gentleman should be Manuel and the young lady is your daughter Daphne."

"Yes, I finally decided to introduce my heir to the world."

While my father was talking to Lucius, I noticed little Draco. As in the book and the movie , he is blond with pale skin and gray eyes . While I was looking at him , he did the same . I can't help but boast of my beauty with light skin, blue eyes and black raven hair. I have never said that I am beautiful and did not see the point in it . After all, my true beauty will manifest itself only when I become a teenager.

"Draco be kind and that's all for our guests so far."

"Yes, Father."

"Daphne, Manuel, take a walk while your mom and I talk to the rest of the adults."

The three of us left the adults. Walking silently, I decided to ask Draco.

"What are you interested in Draco?"

"I'm a Quidditch. As soon as we get into Hogwarts, I'm going to become a Slytherin team hunter."

"What do you think about magic ?"

"What should I think about her? We're not mudbloods to take care of such a small thing.

Yes, a pureblood. He doesn't understand all the charm of magic , although to be honest, Daphne isn't particularly interested in it either and mostly she read those books to spend more time with me. And to be completely honest, they are only 4 years old and I just demand too much from the children."

"Oh , just send me to introduce you to my friends ."

And he took us to meet, as you think. That's right with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.

"Let me introduce them to the one on the right is Crabbe and the one on the left is Goyle."

"Nice to meet you."

I say, shaking their hands. To be honest, I would prefer not to get acquainted with these idiots , but if it so happened, then I have to put up with it.

"Nice to meet you two.

My sister speaks with an expressionless face. Hell, we haven't even started studying Occlumency, and she can already build such an expressive face. Maybe it's in her blood? Seriously, maybe there were some icy creatures in her wizard bloodline that have long been forgotten about?"

" Send, I'll show you our garden.

Already at 5 we went to the garden. When I get there, I want to say that their garden is really beautiful and big. In the middle there is a lake with clear water, in which you can see some fish, as well as the garden itself is decorated with exotic trees and flowers. A good place for privacy and peace."

"Let's play Snakes and Ladders."

"Come on."

I don't really like this game, well, since it's already been offered, why not. If anyone doesn't know, Snakes and Ladders is an ancient Indian board game. The game takes place between two or more players on a game board with numbered cells. Players, moving forward on the field in the order of throwing dice, periodically fall on "ladders" and "snakes", which either carry them forward or lower them back. So we sat down to play this game.

I didn 't expect to have the opportunity to write today , but just take as much as I can give today .

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