
Victor Crane (DC/MARVEL)

Cheating is not cheating if it's you doing it (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠)b Hate me, love me, do whatever you want, but don't you dare demand me a harem Also there is no schedule, this is not my passion, its barely a hobby

1934_5 · Anime & Comics
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Forget what I said last chapter, mates, this vacay was the best thing to happen to me since the day I figured out ovenless brownies. Took a while for sure, but I came back to my usual mentality of doing what I want, even relaxing while the world collapsed around me.

And thanks to that, here I am at school, not paying attention to what the math teacher is saying and, in actuality, dying of jealousy over her husband. Goddamn, those cheeks look heavenly.

"Victor, pay attention and answer this question." But damn, this voice... It's worth it though, if you know what I mean.

"Ehh, 5?" Play dumb, Victor, it's better so they won't bury you in a ton of expectations.

"Correct, and why is that?" Damned brain, give me the wrong answer.

"Because the table had 12 delicious cookies on it. I ate 7 cookies. After I finished, I counted what was left on the table, and there were 5 cookies remaining." What kind of answer is that? You're a grown man.

"Very well," she said before going back to teaching... Oh right, I'm ten years old.

After this fiasco, it was recess time, and I had something really important to do: convince my foolish friend of the greatness of soccer compared to football.

"Soccer is better because it has style and strategy," I enthusiastically told Russell, our dimwit brute.

"Nuh-uh." Shit. "Football is better because of violence." Wait, he's got a point.

"Yeah, but there's violence in soccer too!" I said to him before taking a large sip from my milk carton.

"Nuh-uh." Stop that!

"What do you mean, nuh-uh?!" This will take a while.

... And a while it took. The whole recess actually, and now let's learn some fake history about this world. Our history teacher, sadly, is not a sweet mamacita with great ASSests, but an old man who looks older than some mummies I saw in pictures.

"Alright, class, open your books to page 72." Good, this voice can break glass, goddamn.

Anyway, page 72... Huh, is that Logan with the Howling Commandos? Neat... Wait a minute... Going through the book, I start looking for characters from the movies that I know of, and yes, this is the first time this happened because I never pay attention to school and disabled my power of assimilating knowledge from any source... Oh right, let me turn this in real quick.

Ok, here's a summary: Logan and Sabertooth were both in WW1 and WW2. This book doesn't cover the civil war, but I'm pretty sure they were there too. Which means there's a bacteria out there planting the seeds of hatred against mutants all over the world... I should've paid more attention once I saw Stark Industries on the news. Evelyn's right, I'm very disassociated with the world.

... Should I do something about this? I mean, if mutants exist, there's a chance my brethren from the orphanage might be taken by shadow organizations, just like the Court of Owls tried with Kyle before I taught them a lesson about respecting one's territory.

Yeah, I'll see what I can do about that later. "Mr. Crane, please read the next paragraph for us." Let me deal with this bullshit and be right back at ya.

Like I said, shorter. And yes, I reused the dialog, sue me

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