

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 26

The area was blown apart as the second exam got underway. It was described as a simple rescue simulation, saving people from the Help Us Group, better known as the H.U.G, who were posing as civilians. The entire arena based of multiple locations was blown to pieces to simulate a disaster site. It was supposed to be simple. However, as a black mist appeared in numerous places, it soon became apparent that it was anything but simple.

Momo smiled behind her mask as she and Shoto emerged in the centre of the stage, flanked by some masked clones Twice made of some of the other members. " So, I hear someone wanted Villains." She called. " Well, worry no more. The second round of your little exam is underway. Who needs some show offs pretending to be Villains when you can have the genuine article."

" We are the League of Villains. Try not to act too stupidly." Shoto said with a shrug. The hero course students around them looked somewhere between perplexed and terrified. Some of them, the students from UA especially, knew exactly what was happening. Others thought they were actors too, like the hostages. Momo drew a bat from her arm.

" Now then? What was your mission? Ah yes. A rescue. Crucible. If you would?" Crucible nodded. A wall of ice burst free, smashing into the designated rescue zone and sealing it off. " Let's see how long it takes for you to start realising that yes, this is real. Yes, we are the real League. Yes, you could die. This isn't your exam anymore, heroes. It's ours. Let's see how worthy you really are. Will you rise to the challenge? Or will you fold?"

" Allow me to introduce myself." Shoto said, removing his Lion shaped mask and revealing his scar. " I am Crucible of the League of Villains. My real name is Shoto Todoroki, son of Endeavor." There were some gasps at that. " Come on then. Show me if you're any better than my old man."

The destroyed building shuddered violently again. A group of students fought to keep it from collapsing as another group desperately tried to dig through the parts that already had to rescue to H.U.G member. From a top the ruins, swinging her legs off the edge of where she was sitting, Mina grinned, dropping another glob of acid onto the building supports, causing the entire structure to shudder. " Come on. You're almost there. Don't give up." Mina flashed a manic grin. " I wanna see your despair when you try so hard just to know you couldn't save everyone. That's part of being a hero too, you know? Hee hee hee. Thank me for my lesson. And try harder."

Magne pressed down hard on a member of the H.U.G's skull with her magnet, her foot crushing the wind out of a students lungs as she slowly pressed her weight down on their chest. The group of students before her could only watch, frozen, none of them daring to move. " If you don't hurry, they are gonna die you know?" Magne taunted. " So then. Who's gonna be the brave young boy or girl to try and save the hostages next?" She smirked. " Or are you just gonna let 'em die?"

In the factory zone, a series of explosions added to the already collapsing debris piling up around the hero students. Dabi laughed, launching another fire ball into a gas canister, blowing it up. " Come on, heroes. It's your job to win in bad situations like this, right? If you end up working with that bastard when he gets a new arm, you'd better get used to this. He'll use you as cannon fodder. So come on. Face the heat. Or are you too busy wetting yourself to give the Villain what for?"

Shota and Emi ran through the arena halls, listening to Mera call things over the announcement system. " Attention. No-one outside the exam is to enter while it's active, hero, staff or student. This may not be ideal, but it's part of the exam now. Anyone who tries interfering will be charged with Vigilantism."

" The League's attacking. How can he say this is part of the exam?" Emi asked, angrily.

" I wonder about that. Let's go see him." Shota and Emi quickly made it to the announcers booth. Sitting at the mic, dressed in a Shiketsu High uniform, spinning a hat on a finger, was Mera, his feet up and watching the carnage unfold with a chaotic glint in his eyes. On the ground, bleeding from a head wound was another copy of Mera. The Shiketsu Mera looked over as Shota and Emi burst in.

" Well now. What took you so long? I was beginning to think no-one would show up." Mera said, grinning.

" Mister Mera? What's going on?" Emi asked, confused. Shota narrowed his eyes.

" No. You're Himiko Toga."

" Heh. You got me. Not like it was a secret." Toga said, laughing. " Still, took you all morning and a different form to figure out I was even here. You only knew Izu was here cause he let you know. I thought you heroes were trying to up security. Was that all hot air or are you just really bad at this?"

" Give it up Toga. You can't beat the two of us. Not with your skills."

" Au contraire. I don't need to."

" What do you-" Emi was cut off by Toga leaning into the mic, not breaking eye contact with the two heroes as she did so.

" Attention all Commission Staff!" She began, panic evident in her voice. " I'm being attacked by Eraserhead and Ms Joke in the announcers booth. They're in league with the League of Villains. Some one save me before-" Toga released the button. The form of Mera melted away, quickly being replaced by the young girl, grinning like a maniac. " Enjoy."

" You can't think that'll work." Shota growled. Toga simply hopped up on the ledge of the booth and spun around.

" Who knows?" She giggled before hoping backwards, down into the battlefield below. Shota knelt down by the real Mera, checking his pulse.

" Is he alright, Shota?"

" Yeah. He's still breathing." Shota looked up. " Mild concussion but otherwise, he'll be fine."

" Phew. That's-"

" Freeze!" A group of Commission guards burst into the room. Shota grit his teeth.

" Hey! It's not what you think!" Emi tried to defend herself. " The shape shifting Villain, Himiko Toga, she did this and disguised as Mister Mera."

" Don't… listen to...her…" All eyes fell to the unconscious body of Mera. " Those two… they… attacked me." Shota watched the face of Mera as his voice wheezed out. But not from his mouth. It wasn't moving. Shota's eyes widened. " Isn't that… right… curs?"

" Emi! Don't-"

" What?! Of course n-" Emi fell limp.

" Tell them… you did it… your motives… as the League spies." Mera's voice sounded

" Yes." Emi spoke emotionlessly. " Shota and I are the Leagues Spies. We assaulted Mister Mera." The guards got ready to fight. Shota growled. He passed his eyes across the crowd. Behind the guards, he saw the form of Hitoshi Shinso salute mockingly at him before disappearing. Shota swatted Emi on the back of the head. " Ow. What just…"

" Later. I don't think we're getting out of this now." Shota and Emi got ready as the Commission guards attacked.

Katsuki and Iida paled at the sight of Forge and Crucible stepping onto center stage. " It… can't be." Iida said. " Momo. Shoto. Why? How are they here?"

" Fucking Izuku must've figured out we'd be here and decided to follow up after fucking Yokohama." Bakugo growled. " Shit."

" Iida. Bakugo." The two looked up. Inasa Yoarashi of Shiketsu and Yo Shindo of Ketsubutsu ran up to join them. " Your class was attacked by that so called league, yeah?" Shindo asked. " Are these guys…" Iida nodded. " Shit. What the hell?"

" These are the same people behind All Might's retirement!" Yoarashi scowled. " This is not good!"

" What can we do?" Iida thought.

" Momo's power involves creating items from her body. Shoto can use both fire and ice. While I'd love to suggest we keep close to minimize what Momo can do, with Shoto with her, that's not going to work."

" You know 'em?"

" That bitch Forge was a part of our class until Yokohama." Bakugo told them.

" A spy! How despicable!" Yoarashi stated.

" Momo, Shoto and I are all alumni of Kosei academy. I don't know much about Shoto but Momo is an old friend." Iida told them sadly. " I think they tricked her somehow, but she seems resolute in what she's doing now. We have to bring them down."

" A long ranged specialist and a close ranged combining their strengths? This is gonna be tricky." Shindo admitted.

" What are your quirks?"

" Well, as you saw in round 1, I can create vibrate anything I touch. I can use it to create localized, low magnitude earthquakes." Shindo told the two.

" My Quirk is called Whirlwind! It allows me to freely manipulate air currents around me in various ways!" Yoarashi stated.

" So we got ground and air, eh?" Katsuki smirked. " That'll make things interesting." Katsuki eyed Yoarashi. " Yo. Blowhard. Can you use that wind of yours to lock down Crucible's flames?"

" Put out the flames with intense wind." Iida nodded. " Good thinking. If Shindo can destroy his ice with his tremors, then you and I can handle Momo."

" Handle the kid of Endeavor, huh? Sounds fun." Shindo smirked. " Is that true, by the way?"

" It is. He went missing around a year ago. To think he'd be Crucible." Iida shook his head. There was no time to be thinking that now. " Shindo. Yoarashi. If you can handle Sho… If you can handle Crucible, Bakugo and I can put the pressure on Momo. I can have the members of my class nearby take on those thugs to give us room."

" We're in this together now. Let my class back yours up." Shindo reassured 1-A's class rep.

" We must push them back! Everyone has to work together!" Yoarashi proclaimed. " Let's defeat these Villains!"

" Heh. Now you're talking!" Bakugo grinned, slamming a fist into his open palm. " Let's crush 'em."

" This is boring." Mina growled. She'd spent ten minutes watching these pathetic worms who called themselves heroes squirm around, pulling people from the rubble. She spent that time hearing the works of the others. Fiery explosions set off from Dabi. The messages from Himiko designed to spread confusion among the heroes present. Now a giant pillar of ice erupted from the middle of the compound. She was tired of playing with her food. She covered her arms with acid and hoped down, spreading her quirk everywhere and listening as the remaining support beams and rubble keeping the buildings from tumbling down began collapsing behind her. She began laughing as she heard screams echoing.

Izuku had given them an interesting order the day before the invasion of the exam site. Before, like at the USJ or the Forest Training Grounds, there was one rule he abided by. No killing students. Heroes? Fair game. Just not the students. However, after Yokohama, his attitude had shifted slightly. He and Tomura seemed to have plans they kept from the others. Even Shoto, Momo and Shinso didn't know the full scope of Izuku's plans and they were the closest to him, other than Toru. Toru was another factor entirely. With her relationship to Izuku, Mina figured she knew but could never be too sure. Either way, one thing Izuku told them before leaving Momo to plan the attack was new. No Mercy.

Mina may not have had the tactical mind of Izuku and Momo or the foresight of Shinso, but she wasn't stupid. She knew what the order meant. As did the others. She knew that without even asking them by how they shifted at the order. Some, like Momo, Shinso and Denki. They became more serious with their actions. Others were like her. Others like Shoto or Toru or Ochako. They were elated. These idiots were gunning for a hero license. Mina saw it as her role to teach them what that meant. Yokohama was the beginning of something. A war between the Heroes and the League. In her mind, everyone in between would have to pick a side or die in the crossfire. Maybe not all the League would agree with that concept, but she knew some totally would.

Behind her, the sound of rubble smashing caught Mina's ear. She glanced behind her. " Well. We sure do meet in fun places, don't we Eiji?" Mina giggled. Eijiro Kirishima rose to his feet. Other heroes with more defensive based quirks were with him, protecting others from being smashed to pieces by falling debris. He immediately activated his quirk.

" Get everyone to safety. She's mine."

" Are you certain, Kirishima?" A Shiketsu student who seemed to be made of hair asked. He nodded.

" We have a score to settle."

" We won't let you fight alone, Kirishima." Another UA student with weird looking head, Takoyummy or something, told him, getting ready to fight. The hairy Shiketsu student joined them. Others nodded, making to lead the injured away. Mina simply laughed.

" Man. Hero Syndrome, am I right? But fine. I'm game." Mina started stepping side to side, warming up for the dance ahead. " The more the merrier."

17 people. That's how many heroes tried to step up to save her hostages. 12 people. That's how many she brought down. Some ninjas tried throwing stuff at her but she magnetized someone else in her way. Some students tried a direct approach and she smashed them aside with her magnet. Some tried stealth but they were far too clumsy. Magne sighed. Like everyone else in her life before becoming a Villain, these heroes weren't taking her seriously. " Are you done?" She asked, smirking. She eyed the crowd. She saw a familiar face. The tail kid from the Forest. Interesting spot to see someone she recognized. Or maybe not.

" We can't keep rushing in without a plan." He told the remaining 5 students. A blond girl with sharp teeth glanced over.

" Agreed. What are you thinking?"

" Not with that guy listening." Magne smirked, waiting for the attack. Suddenly, the tail kid broke from the group and launched at her. Magne activated her quirk, dragging him to her. She used her quirk to drag tail boy to her and swung her magnet. However, the boy seemed to be expecting that. He latched on to the pole with his tail. Before she could shake him free, One of the students, a strange boy with blue skin and a rock like face, hardened some muddy water from the two large ninja students, propelling the female from before who'd tucked her body into itself like a turtle at Magne.

" Here I come!" The girl shouted from inside herself. Magne snorted. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to get rid off the nuisance latched onto her weapon, she magnetized the turtle girl and the tail kid together. However, she noticed too late that was exactly what they wanted. Using the force, tail kid let go of Magne's magnet and used a powerful swing, knocking turtle girl into Magne. Magne stumbled backwards from the blow, losing the concentration needed for her quirk. In that moment, the ninja duo created a muddy wave, retracting the injured closer to them as tail kid and turtle girl retreated to their group. Magne rubbed her stomach.

" That'll bruise." She muttered before looking up. " Not bad heroes, I'm impressed. But this is a rescue mission and I'm still a dangerous Villains. So I guess it's your time to play defensive." Magne flipped the magnet in her hand, slamming it down into the concrete. A number of the clones fell back from messing with various other heroes to back her up. " Now it's our turn to go on the attack."

Dabi grit his teeth as he dodged out of the way of a pair of rocks spinning back at him fro behind before being caught by the shifty eyed ass who threw them. He lit up his quirk to counter. " Melee attackers. Now is your time to strike." A voice called. As ordered, three students struck. Two in white uniforms, one with claws and another with tentacles coming from her arms, and the 1-A brat with the big lips and the ugly, yellow costume struck from multiple sides. Dabi was forced to wrap his flames around him to stave them off. " Retreat. Tomi." Dabi's flames flickered as he was assaulted from a sudden stream of cold air from the roofs above by a white uniformed student with a mask.

" Ugh. So what?" Dabi growled. " You some kind of tactician for these heroes?" From her spot in the ruined factory, a fourth student in white with pale blue hair sipping from a tea cup looked down at him.

" I try to be." She said simply. " Dabi of the League of Villains. You've made quite a name for yourself."

" Thanks. I try." Dabi pulled back an arm, only to get struck in one of his scars from a fifth and final white uniformed student from above with a large glove and a slingshot. Dabi was sick of this. So many high and mighty people looking down on them. Some members from UA and other schools had already escorted the injured to safety while this group, commanded by the white uniformed bitch, held him back. Immediately afterwards, the Boomerang guy was at it again. Dabi blasted the rocks apart. " You guys are testing my patience." Sick of being locked down, Dabi ran forwards. The front line folded, rushing backwards into the factory. When Dabi hit a certain point, a barrage of cold air and rocks from above stopped him again.

" Now, Toteki." The ringleader shouted. The boomerang guy threw more rocks, arcing them above him. Dabi looked up, shielding his eyes as a container full of liquid fell on him, soaking him. He growled.

" Water?" He questioned. No, something was wrong. He brought his arm up to his nose and sniffed. He recoiled at the harsh smell. " Gasoline!"

" Simple water wouldn't douse your flames. They're very intense. I saw as much here and on the news. However, the scars covering your face and arms prove you aren't immune to the intensity. Your opening gambit proved the canisters in this area could explode. A simple investigation into your own actions fueled my plans." The mastermind sneered. " So, with this, the flames will burn fiercer for you. I you try to activate your quirk again, you'll immolate yourself. So don't try it." Dabi eyed as he was surrounded by the front line again. " Give up. You've lost."

" Lost?" Dabi said quietly. " Is that what you think?" Then he grinned. As the trio tried to attack him, he activated his quirk, exploding into azure flames. He felt the pain as the flames seared his entire body, burning away his shirt and jacket. But compared to what he felt when he was younger, this was nothing he couldn't handle. " You think I can't handle pain? You don't know shit from what I've been through. When I was a kid, my loving father did worse than this almost daily. Names Touya Himura, bitch, son of heroism's biggest fucking asshole. Thanks for the power up. Now, fucking die."

Momo clicked her tongue as she hoped back from Bakugo, causing him to blow up the ground where she was standing. The sounds of engines behind her distracted her from Bakugo's rage. She dissolved the suit on her back and launched a net out to ensnare Iida before blocking Bakugo with her bat, causing it to get blown to pieces like the other three she'd summoned. She glanced over to Shoto for support but found nothing as the ground was rocked, smashing apart the wall of ice Shoto built to hold back Inasa's winds. " This was your plan, wasn't it Tenya?" Momo asked as her old friend rushed her again.

" Not just mine. We all came together to think on how to counter the two of you." He declared. " Recipro Burst!" Momo rolled under the spin kick Tenya delivered, only to end up right in the path of another explosion, pushing her away. She hit her lip before summoning a blanket to cover her, making sure it was fire proof, and pinned it down with some copies of Magne's weapon. Then, she got to work.

" DIE!" The loud voice of Bakugo echoed as an explosion rattled the blanket but it still held. Momo was barely able to finish a large speaker like device. Tenya's eyes widened, clearly recognizing it. Shoto created a barrier of ice around him. Momo put headphones over her ears and flicked the switch. A high pitched sonic wave pierced the area from the LRAD she'd created. Tenya got down low and covered his ears. Bakugo screamed in pain from being the closest to it. Even so far back, Shindo and Inasa were also struggling with it. Momo began counting to fifteen.

She barely reached 7 before the device was kicked over, smashing against the ground. Momo quickly leapt backwards to clear a distance, quickly pressing a button on her wrist, sending a signal to the others. Time to retreat. Standing over the LRAD was Aizawa. He glared at her with red eyes. " Mister Aizawa." Iida said, panting.

" Sorry it took so long. We were held up." Behind Momo, one of the clones was destroyed as Ms Joke entered the fray.

" Mrs Fukukado." Shindo said happily.

" Get to safety, kids. Leave this one to us." Momo frowned as the two heroes loomed over her.

" Hmm. So that's that. Fine." Momo muttered pressing a button on her wrist. Then she put her hands up. " Fine. You got me."

" What are you doing here, Yaoyorozu?" Aizawa asked.

" Didn't Izuku say?"

" Answer me."

" Simple." Momo smirked as a dark mist began surrounding her. " Helping with your test."

" Shit. Don't-" Aizawa tried lunging forwards but was too late as Kurogiri evacuated Momo to safety.

Mina created an acid barrier, sliding back as the force of the Shiketsu students mass of hair crashed into it. " Haven't you heard of a barbers?" Mina taunted him through gritted teeth. " You really need one."

" Speak for yourself, slobberpuss." She heard as the shadowy creature from the bird like student slammed into her side. Knocked back from this attack, Eijiro rushed in, swinging a hardened fist into her, sending her to the floor.

" Three on One. Man, you guys are the worst." Mina spat.

" Give it up Mina. You can't win." Eijiro told her.

" Come on Eiji." Mina spun on her back before lifting herself onto her hands. " Do I look like the type of girl to give up." Eijiro's eyes widened.

" DOWN!"

" Acid Disco!" Mina announced. Using her abilities as a dancer she spun on her hands, firing a stream of acid 360 degrees from her feet, forcing her attackers back, before pushing up and landing upright. As she got ready to strike with her opening, a beeping came from her wrist. Mina huffed. " Already? Ugh. Fiiiine." Mina pushed the button on her wristband to call Kurogiri. " Well, I guess we're gonna have to cut this one short. You ran out on me last time, so I guess it's fair I do it this time, yeah Eiji?"

" Tokoyami!" Eijiro looked over at his classmate.

" Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami commanded.

" On it boss!" The shadow shot forwards. Mina simply mockingly saluted and stuck her tongue out as she vanished from the complex to safety. Her only regret was not being able to hear Eijiro's inevitable cursing. And that she didn't leave her mark on her rival now she could finally go for the kill. Oh well. There was always next time.

Magne stopped at the beeping on her wrist. She hummed, watching the hero course students running to get the injured to safety. " And it was going so well too. Oh well."

" Stop right there, Magne!" Magne glanced up as she pressed the button on her wrist. Judging by the hats, the people surrounding her were from Shiketsu. Probably failed students and teachers.

" Sorry. But I can't be bothered to deal with people who don't catch my attention. If you don't mind, I'll be going." Magne said dismissively as black mist began surrounding her.

" I said stop." Magne turned to see a Shiketsu student in black lobbing a chunk of meat at her. Instinctively, she moved to swat it out of the air. As she touched it though, she felt odd. The world seemed to warp as she vanished into Kurogiri's fog.

With a pained groan, Dabi brought himself down, sitting on a piece of rubble. After an intense show of his powers burning a lot of the students, the ringleader decided to order a retreat. Dabi decided to let them go. He didn't feel too good after that. His felt like his scars had ground a few inches each. His clothes and wristband, usually made to withstand his flames, were ash due to gasoline that he'd been doused in. He didn't know when to retreat. "Fuck." He groaned. " Took it a bit too far." A brief shuffling brought his attention over to a girl in Shiketsu attire approaching him.

" Wow." She said, pushing the brim of her hat up to reveal Himiko grinning at him from under the hat of the uniform. " You look like shit."

" Ugh. Himiko." Dabi let himself relax. " I feel worse."

" So. Hard times?"

" They poured gasoline over me, the fucking miscreants. My own fire hurts me but that shit was like being at the hands of the old man again. It should've just called Kurogiri."

" Speaking of which, the alarm went off. Momo said you weren't calling in, so I came to find you." Himiko offered Dabi an arm, which he took, letting her pull him up. She pressed the button on her own wristband to call in Kurogiri. As the mist surrounded them, Himiko smirked. " By the way, you got a pretty big-"

" Don't. Don't even finish that thought." Dabi sighed. This was so embarrassing.

Dabi was met by a heavily blushing Momo tossing a towel at him and yelling at him to go change. Shoto helped him into their joint apartment upstairs. Magne came back a pile of meat. After some panicking, Toru was able to use Limiter to free Magne from the mess of flesh she'd been turned into. " That fucking brat." Magne swore.

" You alright big sis?" Himiko asked. Magne nodded.

" Fine. But I wish I got a better look at the fuck. I'd go back there and flatten him."

" How's everyone else?" Izuku asked.

" Good." Mina flashed a thumbs up.

" All fine." Himiko smiled, spinning the Shiketsu cap on one finger. " I like this style of hat. Izu. Get Giran to get me red one."

" Ha. I'll ask him, Himiko. Don't worry."

" Yay." Himiko grinned.

" Did you find what you were looking for?" Tomura asked from his place at the make shift bar. Izuku looked over and nodded.

" Yeah." He nodded. " From Mera's laptop. The names of the heroes on their pay roll. All their underground schemes. All of it. Toru downloaded the data as always. I got the information I wanted as well. Names, quirks and locations of an entire generation of heroes to be. When they enter the board, I'll be ready for them." Tomura raised an eyebrow.

" And?"

" We have a copy of Mera's ID. He's a pretty big deal in the Commission. If they're hiding anything else, we'll drag it out from the shadows. But we can deal with that later. Cause next on the agenda..." Tomura clicked his tongue, scratching at his neck.

" Yeah. Yeah" He growled. " Guess it's finally time we meet with them. Let's see if these Shie Hassaikai goons can really get us what we need."