

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 25

Toru slowly crept through her house, making for the door. She felt like she'd been sneaking around a lot lately. Behind the backs of her parents. Behind the backs of teachers. Behind the backs of heroes. A year ago, she wanted to be rid of her quirk. She saw it as a curse and it almost drove her insane. However, thanks the efforts of Izuku, she loved the quirk now. The things she could pull off because of it. The feeling of ecstasy, stronger than any drug, when she did it. It was heaven. Maybe she was a Villain now but she didn't care about that. She was doing what she loved with who she loved. Who else could say the same?

A soft creak of the floor board made her flinch. She snuck into the foyer and went for her shoes " You know, if you wanted to sneak by me, you should have turned invisible." Toru gasped in suprise, turning sharply to see her mother standing in the hall, arms folded and a somewhat annoyed expression on her face.

" And then I'd have to leave the house naked." Toru reminded her mother who just shook her head.

" Yeah. I suppose you got me there." Her mother frowned. " You know, you've been sneaking off an awful lot lately."

" I've been meeting friends."

" I understand that, but with all that's been happening lately, I can't help but worry."

" It's fine, Mom." Toru started putting her shoes on.

" Where are you going?"

" Uh… Secret."

" Toru." Her mother said in a demanding tone. Toru sighed.

" So, a friend of mine has a mom who works for the Commission. And she found out where some of the hero students are doing their license exams. So we were just… going to go watch?"

" Toru…"

" We're not gonna break in. Just ask some teachers for an autograph." Toru said, nervously.

" Why don't I believe you?" Toru laughed nervously. Her mother just sighed. " Try not to get arrested. I can afford your bail but I'd rather not pay it."

" Right. T-Thanks?" Toru stood up, picking up her bag. She gave her mother a wave. " See you later."

" Just stay safe. Alright, Toru." Toru just gave a nod and a smile before stepping out of her house. Then she let out a breath, letting a confidant smile creep onto her face.

" Sorry Mom. No promises."

The hero Entrance Exam was set to start at 10PM, with the Hero Course of the random schools across the country arriving by 9:30. However, the League was watching over the arena it was to be held in before any of the buses even arrived. Izuku, Toru and Twice watched the place from nearby. " Sure this plan is gonna work?" Twice asked.

" Probably." Izuku shrugged. " I have confidence."

" Wasn't Himiko supposed to be here?" Toru looked over at Izuku.

" She's en route. She ambushed a Shiketsu Student at their hotel and took their place on the bus." Izuku showed a string of texts from Himiko to Izuku. Reading some of them caused her to blush lightly.

" D-Did she really need to m-mention how much trouble… fitting into the shirt she's having?"

" It's Himiko. You know what she's like. I imagine she sent worse to Mina." Izuku looked back down. " Denki's on his way as well with the rest of UA. Should be here early by the sounds of things. I'll wait til they're all in before making my way after them." Izuku was back in his UA uniform for the first time since the end of the Sport's Festival. His hair was still cut short though he'd had Dabi dye it back from green to black again. He had his card on him ready to enter. Beside him, Toru was wearing what looked like normal civilian clothes. However, they'd been modified much like her Villain attire to turn invisible with her. If she or a clone of hers got caught, she could claim she was a hero loving student who snuck in to get an autograph. Twice, as was typical of him, was still wearing his usual red costume. His role was mostly support. He had a clone of both Toru and Izuku ready to go. They'd go in first. Kurogiri would get the genuine articles in later. All they had to do was wait.

It was 9:34 when UA arrived. Fairly shortly after was Shiketsu. Izuku saw as Himiko, disguised as a female student, looked over at their hiding spot a few buildings away and gave them a smile and a wink before going in with the rest of the school. Ketsubutsu came shortly after with a class headed by Ms Joke. " There's plenty of heroes here today. Toru, you need to get that schedule fast. I wanna know about any surprises."

" Don't worry, Izu. I got this." Toru smiled.

" Good." Izuku waited until 9:40 before making his move. He nodded to Twice who created a clone and sent it running down. Izuku watched as it took 5 minutes to reach the entrance, apologize profusely to the Commission guards at the entrance and handed over it's ID. After a few seconds, it was let right in. Izuku laughed. " I can't believe that actually worked. Man, how careless can you be?"

" Shall we make our move then?" Twice asked. " I'm ready when you are. I'm not ready yet. Never will be. "

" Right. Let's give these hero students a show, shall we?" Izuku pressed a button on his phone, calling Kurogiri. A few seconds later, a portal opened. " Just give me a few minutes to get changed."

Shota Aizawa watched as the test begun and his class split up, heading off in different directions. There were a few leaders during this fracture. Bakugo took a small group one way. Iida took another a different direction. Several scattered in pairs or solo. Aizawa nodded in approval. That was good. Spreading out so the enemy didn't have a concrete position on them was a smart plan. Especially with what was about to happen. His friend Emi Fukukado, the Pro Hero Ms Joke, sat next to him. There were a few teachers from the courses in attendance along with men and women from the commission to watch each student.

Emi was a teacher for Ketsubutsu. Before then, they'd met on the field during their own internships. Emi was an overly happy woman, annoyingly so at times. It went with her quirk. Still, like Hizashi and his late friend Oboro, she'd proven to be someone he could confide in. Her teaching style was also surprisingly similar to his. She may not threaten expulsion as often as he did, but she had her own tricks and rational deceptions to keep her kids on their toes. " Say Shota." She asked. He glanced over at her. " Did you tell them?"

" Should I have?" Shota responded. Joke giggled.

" Man. Cruel as ever I see." Emi said. " Didn't even give them a warning about the little tradition we have at the Provisional Exam. Thanks to Sports Festival, we have a good idea about your classes quirks."

" They already know how cruel life can be. They can survive a few ambushes."

" If you're certain." Emi looked at Shota as he continued to watch. The siren went, initiating the start of the first test. Almost immediately, the battle begun, with Ketsubutsu striking UA first. " You're taking it hard, huh? Midoriya and Yaoyorozu?" Shota narrowed his eyes slightly. " It wasn't your fault, y'know?"

" But I should have seen it coming."

" If what the news says is true, the League are crafty. I mean, Yaoyorozu is a well trusted name. How could we have known their daughter was secretly a villain?"

" That's the troubling part."

" Hmm?"

" I spoke to them personally, you know. Yaoyorozu's parents. They didn't notice a thing. But their servants? The Head Maid? She said that, after the USJ, Momo changed. Her demeanor around their manor seemed a bit harsher and stayed out longer at night's. Her tone when regarding her parents seemed a bit more heartless."

" They could tell that?"

" Serving staff are good at telling if something wrong with people. It's in the job description. It's why bartenders are a good source of intel." Shota told Emi. " If what she said was right, it wasn't until after the USJ that Yaoyorozu joined the League. She was isolated with Crucible of the League. I don't think they fought."

" How'd you figure?"

" Do you know who Crucible turned out to be?"

" His identity was revealed?" Shota nodded.

" Not many people know this. The Commission is keeping it under wraps cause of what it means if people found out." Emi gave him a serious look. " His name is Shoto Todoroki, son of Enji Todoroki aka Endeavor. According to Gran Torino, his brother, Touya Todoroki, is the man who became Dabi."

" Endeavor's dead kid and missing kid are with the League? That's nuts!"

" Gran told me when I last met him and Tsukauchi about this League business. Said they blamed Enji for abusing them, trying to make some kind of Ultimate Hero that could surpass All Might. The League found them, took their anger and pointed it at everything and everyone." Shota frowned. " Shoto was classmates with Yaoyorozu. That must be how he got to her. Old trust and some unknown manipulation. Whatever it was, it must have been convincing."

" And that other boy. He said he was with the League the whole time, right?" Emi asked. Shota nodded. " They knew what the strongest points of the Hero Industry are and applied pressure in the right places. UA and All Might. With out them as symbols of peace and security, it's likely villains will start coming out of hiding."

" With the League in the right place to profit from the chaos." Shota growled.

" Right now around 70 students have passed. Guess that means were almost three quarters of the way done." Mera's tired voice echoed around the arena. Emi looked up at the listings of those who passed

" Hmm. Hey looks like your class is doing pretty well all things considered."

" I told you they were talented."

" Heh. I guess I shouldn't have…" Emi froze. " Shota. 67th place."

" Hmm?" Shota looked up. His eyes widened as he read the name. UA High School- Mikumo Akitani. " Emi! Let's go! We need to warn Mera!"

" Right." Emi nodded. Shota cursed as he began to rush. What was his former student planning now?

" Scarfy got your message, Izuku. Completely oblivious. " Twice's voice came through his earpiece.

" Good. Now we wait." Izuku stood on the roof of one of the buildings in the city area. Surrounding him were five students from two high schools who had tried to ambush him. It was a stupid plan. He saw them coming a mile away and ambushed them while they thought they were ambushing him. Even injured and alone, he was easily able to over come it. Now they were out cold. Izuku already handed his coat off to Kurogiri to put in the waiting room. They'd be tracking the markers when they knew he was there.

The portal opened again, Toru popping out. " Hey, Izu. I got them." She said happily. " My clones off hacking into the systems now, blocking camera access so Twice can begin Momo's plan."

" Which is?" Toru handed Izuku a sheet of paper, still warm from the printer. He looked it over. " Oh. So that's what they're planning. I'm surprised Gang Orca is here after Kamino. Sensei gave him and the other heroes a beating."

" I'm guessing the gang members are to compensate for his weakness." Toru shrugged. " Momo's got some things in the works. Out of curiosity, how do you feel about everyone pulling a USJ 2.0?" Izuku burst out laughing.

" That's perfect. A shame I won't be able to join in." He looked back at her. "And the information on the other students?"

" In a pen drive on your desk." Toru confirmed. " I also stole that Mera guy's ID from the security office like you asked."

" Perfect work as always."

" Hee hee. I try my best." Izuku gave Toru a kiss on the cheek before looking back over the exam. " How's Himiko?"

" Passed. 83rd. I think she may have cut someone's hand off to do it."

" They'll walk it off."

" True." Izuku and Toru looked up as the announced spoke once again.

" 5 people left to go. Better hurry up."

" We should get off the roof if it's going to explode, huh?" Toru said, looking down over the desperate struggle the remaining students were having to pass. Izuku stretched.

" Yeah, that would probably be for the best." Izuku turned, pressing a button on the collar that turned into his helmet to call Kurogiri. " Come on, Toru. Let's get some better seats for the show."

Katsuki and Iida met up in the waiting area for the second round. " I see you didn't have any trouble out there, four eyes."

" It was touch and go for a moment there, but we all made it through on our end."

" Yeah. Some flesh molding bastard from Shiketsu ambushed us and a bunch of other students. The idiot decided to take me out of the running instead of passing himself. Sparky and Shitty Hair helped kick his ass."

" Welp, seems everything is done and done. Congrats to all who passed or whatever." The Commission guy said nonchalantly. " Everyone who didn't pass, please leave the area. Those who can't for whatever reason, we've sent guys to get you so please sit still. Everyone else, take a look at the top one hundred." The screens in the room lit up, showing the people who passed. All 18 students from Class 1-A had passed as had most of Shikestu and Ketsubutsu as well as various others from other schools. As they were looking through, Katsuki froze up.

" No fucking way." He muttered. " He… can't be here."

" Bakugo?"

" 67th place. It's… Izuku." Iida looked up sharply letting out a short gasp. 67th place: Mikumo Akitani, UA High School.

" How can this be?"He asked. " This is more than just a mix up on a form."

" Those bastards. UA must have kept his record on file. He just waltzed on in in his disguise and took part." Katsuki looked around the room sharply, trying to find his old friend. " He's not here."

" I doubt he would be." Iida narrowed his eyes. " He's toying with us."

" Excuse me." The announcer said. " Sorry, this is gonna take a little longer than we would like. Something came up. Please be a bit patient. The second round will begin in a half hour. Please don't leave that room."

" Seems that they know somethings up."

" Excuse me!" Iida and Katsuki looked up, seeing a tall boy from Shiketsu, grinning like an idiot. " I have a query!"

" Ah. Yoarashi." Iida greeted him. " What seems to be the problem."

" My classmate seems to be missing! Have you seen her?"

" Which one is this?"

" Camie! Uh, That is Utsushimi! She is the girl who you saw with Shishikura and myself this morning!" Iida and Katsuki looked at each other before shaking their heads.

" Hmm! That is concerning! If you see her, please tell me!"

" Of course. Good look in finding her as well as in the rest of the exam."

" And you, Iida! Bakugo!" The Shiketsu student bowed, plowing his head into the floor, before walking off.

" A missing student. I hope she just went to the bathroom." Iida remarked. Katsuki hummed. He doubted that. He had a feeling. Something bad was about to happen.

After 25 minutes of searching the grounds top to bottom, Izuku watched as all the heroes and guards returned to their seats. Izuku had been using their search as a game of hide and seek. If he thought he was about to be caught, he simply called Kurogiri and changed places. He purposely sat opposite where he knew Aizawa and Ms Joke were sitting earlier, hoping to catch their eye. In that 25 minutes, Momo had given him a run down of the plans. It seemed as though the idea behind the second stage was a fake Villain attack and a rescue mission. Momo's idea was a simple one.

After all, why fake a a Villain attack when they could see how the students reacted to a real one? Izuku liked the idea. So, he went along with it. For once, he was letting himself be used in someone else's plan. He didn't mind. He trusted Momo. She was smart and her tenure as the League's strategist in the Hosu incident had proven she was capable.

He saw them across the way returning, Aizawa looking annoyed. Ms Joke tried to calm him down with her usual positive energy. Izuku couldn't say that it worked. Aizawa gave her annoyed glare. Then he looked up and froze. Izuku gave him a cheerful smile and a wave before he stood up and began to head back inside.

At first, he wondered if Aizawa had followed him. After a few minutes, he felt his quirk vanish and he knew the man was behind him. Living life as Quirkless had allowed him to have an appreciation for his quirk he doubted anyone born with one could understand. He recognised the feeling of warm power as he used it and the full, complete feeling he had when it was there. But he also remembered the feeling of powerless emptiness he felt when he was Quirkless. It was the same when Aizawa used his quirk. He gave Aizawa an embarrassed but cheerful smile, scratching back of his head. " Oh. Mister Aizawa. Sorry. I got lost. I was just running along to the exam hall now."

" Don't mess with me, Midoriya." Aizawa growled. Izuku chuckled, dropping the act.

" Aw. Teacher. So Rude. Don't you care about your students." Izuku said mockingly, leaning against the nearby wall.

" What are you doing here?" Izuku glanced the other direction, seeing Ms Joke standing there, cutting off the only way he had to escape Aizawa.

" Oh, a few reasons really. A few tests to run, you know?" Izuku answered, vaguely. "By the way, you should probably remove my ID from the UA system. So sloppy. It's no wonder I was able to get in to the Hero Course to begin with."

" Talk." Aizawa growled

" You'll both find out in...uh..." Izuku glanced down at his wrist, like he was checking a watch. " I'd say a minute or so. It's too late to stop it."

" But we can still take you in." Izuku smiled, looking at his teacher with a cocky, victorious look.

" Oh come now. We both now that's not going to happen."

" You have nowhere left to-" Suddenly, an explosion rocked the building. The second stage of the exam was beginning.

" Oh. Looks like times up." Izuku smirked. He pressed a button on the small black band around his wrist. Black mist began to surround him. Noticing this, Aizawa shot forwards, trying to catch the Villain before he could escape. Izuku smirked. " Don't worry, Eraserhead. We only repeat the classics." Just before his scarf could reach him, Izuku vanished into the smoke as Kurogiri returned him to their safe house. He spun on his heel, looking the smoke villain in the eyes. " Well?"

" The plan is already underway." Kurogiri told him.

" Then I suppose I'll leave this up to Momo." Izuku took up a chair, putting his feet up. It was a shame not to be able to take part in this, but he'd had his fun and gotten what he wanted. It was only right to let others have some as well.