

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 27

" Well, that was some unwanted excitement." Mera announced to the hall of students that were still able to be there. " Still, you handled yourself well out there. It may not have been the exam we expected to have, but the information we gathered from it proved useful so we decided to use it. Please turn your attention to the screen. These people have passed." Katsuki looked up, scanning the screen.

After the League retreated, the medics were brought in. The fake rescue mission had quickly turned into a real one. What the exam was meant to be was a fake fight for their lives against Gang Orca, who was found frozen in a waiting room alongside his sidekicks, surviving though with some major burns from Crucible's flames. Mera also had to step in to address the claims that Aizawa and Ms Joke were league spies, confirming that he was attacked by Himiko Toga which is how the false announcement was made. That didn't fix the broken noses of the Commission security guards, but it did stop the teachers from Shiketsu trying to arrest them. In the end, what was meant to be a simple test turned out to be something that heavily injured almost 60 people and had even killed several from other schools and a few members of H.U.G, mostly thanks to Mina Ashido dropping buildings on people and crushing people to death under the rubble. Overall, it was a disaster. A part of Katsuki was troubled that such a thing was what they were being judged on. Then again, such a thing is what they were expected to face regularly.

Bakugo smiled as he found his name and face in the list of examinees. Glancing around, he found the rest of his class somewhere on the board. The two idiots who fought with him and Iida were there too. Overall, 43 people passed the exam. People who'd fought hard. People who'd tried to help each other and the H.U.G evacuate to safety. People who'd shown what the needed qualities to be a hero. He knew Izuku was still out there. And Katsuki wasn't going to find him sitting in some dusty classroom.

"Bakugo. Iida." On their way back to their bus, the two were stopped by Inasa and Shindo running up to them. Shindo gave them a steely, determined look. " Here."

" Hmm?" Iida took a sheet from Shindo. A bunch of names and numbers were written down on it.

" If you need us, call!" Inasa told them. " They made an enemy of all of us this day!"

" Intelli from Seiai and Shin from Seijin helped us get these from the different schools." Shindo said. " She and the others share our message. If you need us, call. We'll be there."

" Heh. Are you serious?" Katsuki chuckled. " I'll think about it."

" Thank you both." Iida said, smiling. " I can put together something for the heads of each school. Like a chat room. We can coordinate movements using it."

" Keep it small." Bakugo said. " No-one else needs to know about it. We don't know where the League is watching from."

" Be careful. This is all going to get a lot worse before it gets better." Shindo said

" Of course!" Inasa nodded. " Everyone! Look after yourselves!" With a last few words of farewell, the reps from each school left to head home. There were preparations to be made.

A few days following the attack, Aizawa called a few friends to a cafe in Naruhata. He entered the Hopper's Cafe, waving to the owners as he sat down in his regular booth in the far back corner of the place. He told Ichiro he was expecting friends before ordering some coffee. It took about an hour for the two he asked to finally arrive. " Shota. I didn't know you knew a place this cute." Emi teased him, sitting opposite him. " A perfect first date."

" This isn't a date."

" Oh c'mon!" Hizashi shouted, taking a seat next to his friend. " Give the lady some love!"

" See. Mic has my back."

" You'll scare the cats." Shoto complained.

" Still such a cat person." Hizashi grinned. " Yours'll get jealous if you come here too often."

" Do you still live in that crummy midtown apartment in Musutafu with the black cat and the big fluffy one?" Emi asked.

" Oh. You didn't know? He recently adopted another one. Right after the Sports Festival. It's like a tiger cub, all red and strippy." Mic smiled.

" Aww. Why don't you tell me these things Shota?"

" Enough. This is NOT why I called you here." Shota grumbled. He breasted, straightening up. " This is about the League." His two friends immediately become more serious. " They're becoming more brazen."

" Why bring this up with us though, Shota?" Emi asked.

" I want a personal opinion. If I try this talk with Tsukauchi or Nedzu, they'd just tell me it's being worked on."

" Yeah. Those guys are always so secretive." Hizashi agreed." So, what's this about?"

" Further actions to take. I don't think it's rational for Tsukauchi's secret task force to be keeping us all in the dark about the League's actions." He said. " I want to be able to protect those kids. The provisional exam proved that what they're doing means I can't do that."

" Hey. Give them some credit." Emi said. " Nighteye's still out of commission and, even with him, you can't expect them to be able to predict the future."

" Attacks by Selfish Villains are just more unpredictable disasters. It ain't fair, but that's why we've gotta be ready at all times."

" Being ready isn't enough." Shota stated firmly.

" You want to find them, don't you? Strike first." Emi looked up at Shota. " This isn't like you, Shota. You don't usually chase things."

" Not unless I think it's needed."

" Like Villain Factory." Hizashi mused. " 1-A. You really care about them, huh?" Shota didn't answer. " Heh. Alright. We've always done these things together. What's one more suicide mission?"

" You make it sound so dramatic, Mic." Emi smiled. "But these guys did mess with my kids too. I suppose some payback wouldn't go amiss. I'm in."

" Thanks." Shota let a small smile creep onto his face. As annoying and overly cheerful as they were, he was happy to have such good friends. He made a silent vow to the memory of Oboro. He would not let a single one of his kids meet the same fate his old friend had.

Tomura's group suited up and entered the warehouse as Twice went to collect their guest. Izuku had decided on the security detail. He had decided a one on one meeting between Tomura and Overhaul would likely not end very well, so decided to go with him, alongside a few of the League members. He had Toru and Hitoshi keep watch for any of the Shie Hissaikai's other members while having himself, Shoto, Spinner, Magne and Mina back up Tomura inside. At Giran's request, seeing as they were borrowing his warehouse, Ochako was also to make sure the place didn't get beaten up. " How long is this going to take?" Tomura asked, tapping his foot impatiently.

" Twice is taking a more indirect route. A crime boss and a Villain in a car together is sure to cause some kind of drama if they're spotted after all." Izuku shrugged.

" And you're sure this is gonna work?"

" He's Yakuza. I doubt he's going to be so stupid to turn us down." Spinner jeered.

" Yaku-what?" Mina asked.

" Yakuza, dear." Magne told her. " Back in the day, before quirks were a thing, they were a big deal. They were crime bosses in charge of a vast network and were untouchable due to the power and influence they held. However, after Heroes came to be and Villains like All For One or Destro came to power, their influence began waning."

" In other words, they might as well be a endangered species." Spinner snickered.

" A lot of the last ones to survive, like the Shimano or the Dojima, keep their heads down and stick to underground trades. We've had dealings before but Chisaki's group seem to be the only ones who are still trying to be mainstream." Ochako said with a shrug. " Giran thinks it's due to him having some kind of secret weapons. He has a good supply of Trigger as well, so certain groups rely on him after the Villain Factory went under."

" Trigger?" Izuku glanced at her. " I've never heard of it."

" Ha. Now there's a shock. You haven't heard of something?" Tomura laughed. " It's a drug that boosts quirk performance past it's limits. Some junkies take it to feel powerful. I've never tried it, but I hear it ain't too addictive. Only real side effect is that it turns your tongue black."

" It's high value for criminals or just druggies looking for the greatest high they can get." Ochako told him. " It's not really well known about after the Villain Factory thanks to the Diet and the Commission working in tandem to bury it. Giran had to give me the entire history lesson just in case someone asked me what I was selling. So they feel reassured it ain't a police sting or something like that, you know?"

" A drug that enhances quirks?" Izuku mused. " That could be dangerous. I'd rather not reach a point to have us rely on such a cheap trick for supremacy."

" Only a weakling uses cheat codes to make themselves stronger." Tomura scoffed.

" Not everyone can disintegrate buildings with a touch, you know?" The group looked up. Stepping through the door behind Twice was a man in a fur collared hood and a beak like mask. Tomura stood up to meet him. " Let's get this over with. It's too dirty in this place. I wouldn't have agreed, but I wanted to talk with you anyway. This saves me time."

" You wanted to talk with us?" Tomura asked.

" Of course. The followers of the great All For One." Overhaul put his gloved hands in his pockets. " You caught my eye."

" What do you want?" Izuku asked, curious. Overhaul chuckled.

" Izuku. Be careful." Izuku heard Toru's voice call from an earpiece. " Other members of the Shie Hassaikai are nearby. What should we do?"

" If they try to interrupt, stop them." He whispered. Meanwhile, Overhaul continued his speech.

" All For One was an interesting man. This mythical dark emperor or whatever. By the time my generation was born, he was treated like an urban legend, like a Yokai designed to scare kids into not wandering around outside after dark. Even dead, he was feared. But then he came back and was put to bed. Right on national television. And with him, All Might was put out to pasture. Those who live in the light. Those who thrive in the dark. Neither has a leader now. See where I'm going with this?"

" What?" Mina asked mockingly. " You think you're gonna be the next Boogeyman?"

" Learn to temper you ambitions, you low level thug. That's my role your looking at." Tomura told him, annoyance in his tone. " Or do you think someone like you can challenge me? Challenge everything I'm building?"

" And what of a plan?"

" A plan?"

" A goal without a plan is nothing more than a delusion. You can't do anything if you haven't planned to get what you want." Overhaul sighed. " What are you going to do after you've gathered your forces? How are you even going to gather forces? Do you have any idea of a hierarchy? You got some good hits in against the hero industry, but you lost your biggest gun. Do you really think anyone will be willing to join you?"

" We have plans in place." Izuku told him. " Will you join us if we tell you them?"

" Do you really have a plan or just some ambitious scraps?" Overhaul raised a hand and slowly placed it against his chest. " Because I have a plan. I don't know or care what you wanted me to come here for but I never came here to join you."

" Then what did you come here for? To waste our time?" Tomura asked dryly. Overhaul shook his head.

" I have a plan. To execute it, I need money. But you said so yourself. People think we Yakuza are low level thugs. Obsolete. No-one's going to bite if I go asking without someone like you to increase my notoriety. Put yourself under me. I will show you the way forwards." There was a brief silence as everyone took in what the Yakuza boss was suggesting. Then Izuku started laughing. " Something funny?"

" Oh. Sorry. Sorry. Were you serious?" Izuku asked. " You really thought we'd go for such an insulting sales pitch? You remind me so much of a former pro hero I once met. So sure you know all the answers but in reality, you don't know a thing about anyone here."

" You are pathetic." Tomura sighed. " Leave." Magne launched forwards at Tomura's command, already swinging the giant magnet in her hands. She activated her quirk on Overhaul, dragging him to her.

" Sorry, Mister Yakuza. But we didn't gather just to have someone like you collar us." Magne pulled back her weapon and swung. " We decide were we belong. Not you." Izuku watched the attack. His eyes narrowed as he saw the Yakuza boss remove his glove. Remembering what Giran had told him about Overhaul's quirk, he looked to Shoto.

" Crucible! Wall!" With a nod, Shoto sent a wave of icicles across the floor. Hearing the order, Magne stopped herself as Overhaul pushed his hand forwards. He caught Magne's bar as the ice wall cut him off. Magne growled in pain as the magnet exploded along with her right hand. With an annoyed look, Overhaul smashed through the wall on a second motion.

" You all made the first move." He muttered. He glanced over at Shoto as he jumped in. Shoto glared back, raising an arm. Flames burst from them. Then they stopped. Shoto recoiled.

" What the-" Shoto growled.

" Filth. Don't touch me." Overhaul batted Shoto away. The boy raised his right arm in defense only for it to be erased in a touch. Shoto screamed in pain. However, this made an opening. Izuku leapt in the air and fired an air shot down on Chisaki to keep him in place as Tomura leapt in. Chisaki's eyes widened as a slight metallic clunk echoed around the room. " Shield!" Overhaul declared. Quickly, a man in a bird mask and a black t-shirt slid in front of Overhaul, blocking Tomura's attack. However, it was the last thing that man ever did. Overhaul looked angry as Tomura reduced his shield to ash and dust. Spinner lunged forwards with his sword of blades.

" Take this, you bastard! High Speed Cutter!" Spinner began spinning as he came down on Overhaul. The man raised his hands to block.

Suddenly, Spinner was stabbed from above by an arrow like blade.

Spinner's eyes widened as his spin slowed. As his whole body slowed. Overhaul took this moment to push a hand forwards, swiping across Spinner's snout with a finger. " A life for a life." He growled. Everyone looked on in shock as Spinner exploded into a shower of blood. Overhaul stepped back as the back wall broke down. A man in a white raincoat dropped down from above as a trio of bird masked men broke through.

" Kai. Are you alright?" Whitecoat asked, slightly panicked

" Yeah. Appreciate the assist."

" Sorry. I missed a shot."

" Don't worry about it." Overhaul sighed, rubbing one of his blood stained arms. " It's hard making decisions like this. I understand that. Still, it's unproductive to kill each other. I hate blood. It's too filthy. Still, we're even now. A death for a death." He turned to leave. " Call off the others. We're leaving for now. I owe you people an arm and a hand."

" You bastard. I'll kill you for this." Twice seethed.

" Don't think you're getting away!" Mina screamed. " Izuku. Tomura. Let me melt them all!"

" Go for-" Izuku started.

" No."

"Tomura?" Izuku looked surprised. Tomura narrowed his eyes.

" No."

" Wise move." Whitecoat said.

" Do think carefully about my proposition, League of Villains." Overhaul glanced over his shoulder, tossing a business card over to them. " Sooner or later, it doesn't matter when. Give me a call when you decided." With that, the group left. Izuku growled. He began gathering air in his legs.

" Izuku." Tomura looked at him. " No."

" I can't let them just get away with this." Izuku growled. " It was my plan that brought him here. But now Spinner…" Izuku shook his head. " I can't let this slide."

" Izuku." Tomura said again.

" I'm gonna contact Toru and Shinso. Together, we'll crush them." Tomura sighed.

" Magne. Put him to sleep." Quickly, Izuku felt a heavy pain in his chest. He looked down to see the remorseful eyes of Magne.

" Sorry, Izu. This is for the best." Tomura closed his eyes until he heard Izuku's body fall.

" Tomura! What the hell!" Mina shouted angrily.

" That isn't important right now." He said. He raised a hand to his earpiece. " Kurogiri. We need you." He glanced down at Twice. " How is Shoto?" Twice looked down at the boy in his arms.

" Hey. Can you stand?"

" Ugh. I'll live." Shoto said through gritted teeth. " But… they did something. My quirk wouldn't come out." Mina screamed.

" Tomura! Let me go! I'll kill them all!"

" No." Tomura knelt down and placed a hand on Spinner's sword, the last memory of the lizard man who had been their ally, making sure not to destroy it accidentally. He closed his eyes, saying a silent prayer.

" Tomura?" Magne looked over at him. " Are you… OK?"

" Speak for yourself. Get yourself and Dabi's brother to a doctor." He took the hand off his face, giving everyone a look at his face, burning with rage. " I'm not letting this go. We'll crush them. But not tonight. We need a plan first. We need a way to destroy them without any way of letting them get away. When we get that, we'll kill them all. That smug bastard who dares to think he has any right to my position. I expect a lot of repayment for this insult." He looked over to Mina. " When that time comes, then you can melt as much as you want. Himiko can cut them as much as she wants. Dabi can burn them as much as he wants. Everyone can kill them to their hearts content. They will pay for crossing me."

Kyudai Garuki looked up at the familiar sound of the warping of space. " Ah. Kurogiri. How can I help you?" He asked, straightening out the pile of paperwork on his desk and spinning on his chair.

" We are in need of a doctor." Kurogiri said. " Quickly as possible."

" Hmm? What happened?" Kurogiri briefly explained Tomura and Overhaul's disagreement. The doctor hummed. " I see. How troublesome. To think the Yakuza would go so far."

" Will you aid us?"

" No. Not personally. I still have a few tests I need to run. Call Tomura's little bout with Shie Hassaikai one of them. Than being said…" Kyudai spun in his chair. " Haru, my dear. Come hear a moment." Kurogiri looked surprised. Slowly, a young woman entered the room. She had brown hair with silver highlights and a white doctors coat over a black top and jeans. From her visible hands, it was clear to see, while one was normal, the other one was shiny and white, plastic from her prosthetic arm. Her throat was scarred and she wore a mask over her mouth and nose, sleek and black yet clearly mechanical, two vents in mirror positions on either side of it to help her breath.

" You called, Doctor?" She asked, her voice raspy and muffled from the mask.

" Haru, you remember Kurogiri, yes?" She nodded. " I'd like you to go help his group. They're in need of a good doctor. I believe you fit the bill."

" Are you certain Doctor?"

" The girl will be of great use to you, Kurogiri. Take her." Slowly, he nodded. He opened a portal.

" Go through. Tell Tomura Shigaraki who you are and that I sent you. I shall return shortly." The young woman nodded, passing through without any other questions.

Tomura looked up at the sound of warping air. He raised an eyebrow as a young woman in a mask stepped through. " Who the hell are you?"

" Haru Garaki. I'm a Nurse. You needed a healer, right?"

" We do. Is that supposed to be you?"

" Yes."

" What's with the get up?"

" I'll explain, if you really want me to. Show me to them first." Tomura hummed. He was suspicious about the young woman, but if Kurogiri sent her, she must be of some use. With a sigh, he stood up and led them to the room they'd put Magne and Shoto in after they'd returned. Magne was fine. They'd stopped her bleeding with a tea towel for now. Shoto had passed out just before they returned. As they walked, the woman started talking.

" When I was young, there was an accident. I lost my right arm and had some major damage to my throat and the right side of my upper torso. It was only due to surgery and luck I survived. My prosthetic is mostly just a replacement for my arm. The mask helps me breath." She looked over to him. " The Doctor who saved me adopted me. That's what's with the get up. I could ask the same about you. Your scratched all over. Was that self inflicted? It's not quirk related. I know you from television. You disintegrate things, correct?"

" Hmm. You've done your homework." Tomura admitted. " I scratch myself when I get antsy. Nervous or annoyed. It's a bad habit."

" I can't heal scars unfortunately."

" Clearly." Tomura opened the door. Dabi looked up sharply.

" Who's the chick?"

" She's-"

" Haru. Haru Garaki. I'm the nurse Kurogiri asked for." She looked at Dabi with dull grey eyes. " What's the problem?"

" Can't you see? His whole fucking arms gone?" Dabi growled.

" Let me see." She walked over to Shoto and looked over his missing appendage. Meanwhile, Tomura stood against the wall, observing. Magne stood next to him.

" She's cute. Where'd you find her?"

" You'll have to ask Kurogiri when he gets back. He pulled her from under some rock." The two watched as Haru brought her left hand to the remains of Shoto's left arm. She placed all five finger tips to it. Tomura's eyes widened as Shoto's wound quickly closed. " What the…"

" My quirk is Repair." She stated. " When I place all five finger tips to a target, I can heal all their wounds, internal or external. Unfortunately, I can't regrow limbs with it. He'll have to figure something else out there." She looked over at Magne. " You there. Let me see your injury too."

" Right." Magne outstretched her right arm. Haru placed a hand on it, closing the bleeding stump. Tomura narrowed his eyes. It bugged him how similar her quirk was to his. Down to the activation requirements and speed just entirely in reverse.

" You have a dealer for weapons, right?"

" Weapons and support items, yeah." Tomura nodded.

" Get him to get prosthetics. They work wonders. Take it from me." Haru sat down in a chair in the make shift doctors office. " If I understood the doctor's request, I believe I'll be staying with you for the time being. You need a Doctor, correct?"

" I never signed off on that." Tomura stated.

" Unfortunate. Be quick about it." Haru tipped her head and looked at Tomura in a way that he could tell she was smiling behind her mask. " It's nice to be working with you, Leader. I hope our partnership is fruitful."

Kurogiri watched Haru leave, closing the portal behind her. He looked back to the Doctor. " Are you sure that is wise?"

" Relax, Kurogiri. It'll be fine. I wouldn't have said she could go if I didn't think it would be."

" I am concerned about that. All For One was quite clear about what to do with her."

" Her memories won't return." Kyudai said, shaking her head. " Even if they did, I doubt it would do much. She may be even more loyal to young Tomura. Who can say?" The doctor gave a cruel laugh. " Mark my words, Kurogiri. Tenko will need that girl for the trials yet to come."