

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 24

Katsuki hesitated to enter the apartment complex. He'd barely just gotten out of hospital before he came down. News had gotten out. The battle of Kamino Ward had revealed quite a lot of things, so the news had a lot of ammo.There was the secret of All Might and his retirement, the injuries and deaths of other heroes, the damages done to Kamino Ward and the sudden reappearance of the long thought dead All For One. However, one piece of news was most prevalent. The names and faces of the suspects among the League of Villains.

This was allowed by the Police and the Public Safety Commission to let the cops gather information more smoothly while letting others get away from a potential dangerous person. That was before the damn vultures started hounding the family members and friends of some of the League members. The parents of Mina Ashido. A friend of Magne. They'd tried getting to the members of 1-A after finding out about Izuku and Momo. Several had been arrested for breaking into the grounds of the Yaoyarozu Family manor. But there were others that they tried to get to and failed, either due to them not being able to be found or due to them being under heavy guard. One of these people was the mother of who was the self admitted strategist for the League.

Katsuki hadn't seen his Auntie Inko since the start of the school year. Ever since Izuku went missing, she never gave up on him. She still waited for him to come home. She didn't come to his place anymore to see the old hag. Didn't want to miss him. It was one of things that had made Katsuki determined to find his old friend. The other was a sense of responsibility and trying to atone. Not that it had worked. In a cruel way, they were right. Izuku was alive. But neither had wanted this.

He'd borrowed the key from his mother without asking and let himself in. The apartment was eerily quiet. The dust and dim shadow of gloom that hung over it spoke of an abandoned place. But, like a ghost, Inko sat in her front room looking down at some papers and a picture. A picture of a green haired boy grinning whilst wearing an All Might halloween costume. She didn't hear him until he spoke up. " Aunt Inko?"

" Huh?" The woman looked lost. She'd thinned from lack of eating over the last year and looked sickly. There were dark rings under her puffy red eyes from a combination of no sleep and a lot of tears. " Oh. Katsuki. Hello."

" Not doing too good huh?" Inko nodded. She looked back down.

" How could this happen?" She asked, solemnly. " My baby. How did I fail so much of a mother to let this happen?"

" Auntie. It's not your fault."

" Who's else must it be?"

" Mine." Inko looked up sharply.

" No. Don't you dare."

" He doesn't hate you, Auntie. He hates me. He's has every right to as well." Katsuki sighed. " Can I get some things off my chest?" Slowly, Inko nodded.

" I'll make some tea then." Before the tea was ready, Katsuki was already talking. A flood of regrets poured from his mouth. Everything, the bullying, the injuries, UA, Kamino. He told his aunt everything. And Inko just listened. Quietly waited for him to finish. " I'm sorry." He finished with. " You have every right to hate me too." Inko took a long, silent sip of her drink. Then she sighed.

" I don't hate you, Katsuki."

" What?"

" How could I when I already knew?" Inko put her cup down. " I'm his mother. I've seen his injuries of course. But I turned a blind eye. I didn't want to believe that Izuku's closest friend had turned on him. Not like the rest of the world. Not like his father." Katsuki looked down. " I threatened to take him out of Aldera multiple times. I blame that place for not stepping in, not you. But Izuku… he'd always talk me down. At the time, he blamed himself."

" But it wasn't his fault."

" I know." Inko nodded. " It's not yours either. We both failed him."

" Auntie-"

" Don't. Just… promise me something." Inko gave Katsuki a determined look. " You bring him home."

" I promise." Katsuki nodded. " I'll bring him back."

" Good." Inko gave him a shaky smile. " That's all I need right now."

The air around Class 1-A was heavy when they gathered in front of the dorm building. It was fairly obvious of why. When the year began, there was 20 students, all bright eyed and ready to become the next generation of people to save people from Villains. Or so they thought. However, it was clear from the fact there was now only 18 of them that wasn't the case. Out of all of them, Bakugo and Jirou were taking that fact the hardest.

Mikumo Akitani and Momo Yaoyarozu had both made their own impact in Class 1-A. Mikumo, or Izuku as he was now known, was a boy with a powerful quirk and a sharp mind. Many of his classmates came for him for help with their quirk. His analytical skills allowed him to put together different ways suits and quirks could be adapted to cover up weak points in their fighting styles. Momo was another important member of the class as the classes Vice President. She was smart, well respected by both her peers and teachers, had a strong quirk and a beautiful face. There was no doubt both would have been good heroes.

That's why them both being missing was so alien. Because they weren't going to be heroes. Not any more. Following the Battle of Kamino Ward, it was revealed that the two former star students were nothing of the sort. It hurt knowing two of their friends had been colluding with the League of Villains.

However, Denki Kaminari had to try his best to keep up the act that he was sad as well. In reality, he laughing at them all internally. Cause they thought that was all they had to worry about. Denki had been helped by Akitani and introduced to the league, where the boy reintroduced himself as Izuku Midoriya. After being freed from the curse that was his quirks weakness forcing his brain to short circuit, Denki figured he owed Izuku one and kept quite. When Izuku almost died at the Sports Festival and no-one seemed to care, instead blaming him for ruining the fight and injuring his opponent Bakugo, he was infuriated. Now they all felt sorry for themselves and Denki didn't care at all. This was karma as far as he was concerned.

He was only able to finally let himself finally let it all out when he collapsed to his bed, laughing at the whole situation. To them, he'd been kidnapped after being used as a disguise by Himiko Toga and was found barely alive by heroes. His excuse to stay was to get back at the villains and to prove himself as a great hero. In reality, he was just another spy in UA. He was surprised UA's security was so lax he could just waltz back in without issue. The only thing different was that Venality had been forcibly taken down after Iida told everyone about it, which sucked since it cut off an easy avenue to chat with the others. Still, there were other ways he could do it. The group texted each other now while Izuku designed another chat room that wouldn't be so easily discovered. Something abut the Deep Web.

Denki was knocked out of his thoughts by a knocking. " Kaminari? Are you alright?" Kirishima's voice called from the other side.

" Yeah. Just a bit tired, y'know?"

" Yeah. I get it."

" You alright?"

" Just thinking about things." He admitted. " I think we all are."

" Yeah." Denki agreed. " It's been a hard couple of weeks." He got up and opened the door. " Still though. We have to band together, yeah? Can't let a bunch of villains beat us."

" Ha. Too true. Honestly, I'm surprised you came back."

" Psh. Like I'd give up." Denki grinned, winking.

" Seriously though man. If you're having troubles, my rooms always open. I… know you and Akitani were close." Denki went silent at Kirishima's statement. Slowly, he nodded.

" Thanks."

" It's cool. Are you joining the rest of us? Think Kinoko and Sero are preparing some sort of crazy thing for later." Denki shook his head.

" Nah. I'm still real tired, so I think I'll just go to bed early."

" Alright. See you in the morning then."

" Right." Denki gave him a smile and a wave before closing the door on him and leaping back onto his bed with a smirk. "Sucker." His phone buzzed. He looked down and chucked slightly.

Mikumo: So. How are the dorms?

Me: Less fancy than I expected

Me: No En Suite Bathrooms which blows.

Mikumo: That was the worst part about the bar

Mikumo: Thankfully, Giran got us an apartment complex that remedies that.

Me: Don't rub it in

Mikumo: Sorry.

Mikumo: Any news yet?

Me: Nah. We're stuck here for a few days before a last week of holiday lessons

Me: Then it's Term 2

Mikumo: Well, have fun playing Hero

Mikumo: If you need anything, give Kuro or Toru a holler

Me: Sure you're alright with me borrowing your girl?

Mikumo: I trust you not to try anything

Mikumo: And if yu do, she'll likely dismember you before I get the chance

Me: Remind me to never get on Toru's bad side

Mikumo: Noted XD

Denki chuckled. Man, he missed everyone. Still, he had a mission still to do. He could have his fun later.

" I can't believe you actually did that." Fuyumi exclaimed. Shoto and Dabi sat across from their sister. Kurogiri's place wasn't the only hidden establishment meant for the less legal side of the general populace to gather. Unlike some of the others, Shoto's face wasn't actually known to the public. Nor was the true identity of Dabi. Seems even with all the new security measures people were taking, some peoples secrets were too important to sacrifice.

" He's still alive, right?" Dabi asked.

" Yes. But he's confined to a hospital bed. When I saw him, he seemed… It was weird seeing him so quiet." Fuyumi tapped against her glass. " They're talking about making him a prosthetic. Making it fireproof. He should be able to get back to hero work afterwards, but it probably won't be for a few months. After the next rankings at the very least."

" Gives us time to get stronger then." Shoto said simply. " We're not done yet."

" What are you guys even planning anyway? A lot of people got hurt in Yokohama, you know."

" You knew this would happen."

" Yes. I did." The three went silent.

" So. How's Natsuo?" Dabi asked.

" Ha. You should have heard him when they showed Father on TV. Rung me up right away, laughing about it. He's the number one fan of you both."

" Ha. Seriously?" Dabi smirked. " That's awesome."

" It worries me, honestly. I hope he doesn't run off to join your group. I have a hard enough time worrying about you both already." Fuyumi laughed lightly. " I still support you, you know."

" Good. I was worried this was you turning us away." Shoto admitted.

" We're family. I'll stick by you no matter what happens. Even if I'm not the biggest fan of the outcome, I can't say father didn't deserve it. But, there are people who got hurt who shouldn't have."

" People get hurt all the time, Yumi." Dabi said, shrugging.

" That doesn't mean you should hurt more."

" I get it." Shoto nodded. " It sucks but the ends justify the mean."

" I seriously hope so." Fuyumi sighed. " I don't want more people at my door apologizing about a relative getting injured."

" Ah, the glory of annoying neighbors." Dabi smirked.

" Ha. Tell me about it." Fuyumi sighed. "But seriously. Stay safe. And good luck."

As was too be expected following such a massive attack, the police were out in force with special orders regarding members of the League. What those orders were was things that Izuku wanted to know. To Mina and Himiko, him sending Toru in to download them like they knew he'd done was boring. That's why they'd broken into the basement of an empty store. Himiko flicked through the phone of the police officer currently handcuffed to a dusty shelf, screaming bloody murder as Mina played with him. " Man, this guy is sooooo boring." Himiko huffed. " His phones filled with pictures of his kids and his wife and his friends with gross messages to them."

" Hey." Mina asked the cop. " Where are your orders written down? We need them."

" I-I'll never tell. You crazy bit-" The man was cut off by his own screams as Mina melted one of his fingers off his hand.

" I need your tongue. Not your fingers."

" Psh. Check this out, Bestie. Guy plays Waifu gacha games. Dude, you have a wife." Himiko jeered. " Aren't you a but old to be spending money on half naked elf chicks?"

" Wait seriously?" Mina laughed. " That's pathetic. Oh right. Were was I?" Mina melted another finger off. " Oops. I already did that. Ah well. I have seven left. So talk."

" You… You won't… break me. I'll die… before-" Mina melted another finger off.

" Man, you go on and on." Mina glanced over to Himiko. " Hey Miko. You got this guys home address?"

" Hmm. Let's see…" Himiko flicked through his phone. " Nope. But I have his daughter's school. Hmm. Let's see. Ketsubutsu by the looks of it. General course. She's pretty."

" Leave her out of this!"

" Well that depends on you doesn't it. You wanna talk or should I go and remove her fingers instead?" Mina asked sweetly. The man grit his teeth and relented. Seemed liked Police were increasing everywhere with more undercover cops to watch them. They weren't just looking into the League but those who may have connections. Suppliers and allies. Their major target at the moment seemed to be Giran, who they were having trouble finding a concrete location on, and the Shie Hassaikai, who they believed to have ties with the League. Himiko snorted at that.

" Why'd we run with some washed up Yakuza group. Just a bunch of gross old men. No thank you."

" You're not with them?"

" Nah, but I'm happy you told us you think so. A reward is in order, I believe." Mina flashed a sadistic grin. " As a reward, I'll make sure your family can still recognise you at the morgue." Mina giggled as she outstretched her arm. She may have to break that promise. Depends on how much fun she and her girlfriend could have before they were needed again.

Izuku hummed as Mina and Toru relayed their findings to him over texts, tapping his finger against the nearby table. After the Kamino incident, Izuku had once again been injured in his fight against Katsuki Bakugo. Everyone was thankful it wasn't another three week coma, instead his injuries being solved by bandages and time. His body ached if he used it to much, so fighting was out of the question for now. " I see. So that's how it is. So they already predicted our next move. I'm impressed. Seems the heroes can actually do some pretty impressive work when backed into a corner."

" Think it'll be a problem?" Momo asked, sitting across from him.

" No. But it'll be fun to see what happens." Izuku smirked. " We have just over a week and a half til we meet up with Overhaul. It'll be interesting to see what we can get out of him."

" He's Yakuza. Their time is over." Tomura sighed, taking another glass from Kurogiri. After they moved into their more secure base, one of the first things that Kurogiri did was set up the bar again. Apparently, he really enjoyed his cover as a bar keeper, claiming it was relaxing in a way. The others didn't complain. He was good at mixing drinks.

" He's still got a lot of resources and a lot to prove if Ochako's information can be believed." Momo reminded the League's acting commander.

" So he's useful." Hitoshi surmised. " We can take what we need and throw him away when needed."

" Pretty much. Still, his men are strong. I'm hoping we can take some with us." Izuku thought back to some of his filed on Shie Haissakai. Overhaul was a man with a very strong quirk. As were a lot of his top commanders, the Eight Precepts, and many of those under them. Still, being underlings couldn't have made everyone happy. And he was an expert at exploiting things that didn't make people very happy. " Toshi. Heard back from Denki yet?"

" Apparently, UA is having their kids develop special moves." Izuku looked leant over the back of his chair to look at him.

" Special Moves? Like that loud, obnoxious 'Random America State Super Punch' crap All Might does?" He asked. Hitoshi nodded. " Why? That's a year two thing."

" For the License Exam."

" That is also a second year thing." Momo leant forwards. " Why are they doing that for 1-A now?"

" Because they lost All Might." Izuku realised. " They need new soldiers. It likely why Iida, Kirishima and Katsuki didn't get expelled and charged under the Vigilante Act." Izuku thought. " When is that?"

" Ten days from now."

" So a day before we meet up with Overhaul, eh?" Izuku hummed.

" What are you scheming this time, Izuku?" Hitoshi asked.

" Oh. This and that. Say Momo. How long do you think before they deactivate our IDs from the system?"

" 3 months of inactivity is the usual limit. It's so graduates can come in and get some Support items they forgot or ask teachers for advice during office hours. After a year after a student leaves or graduates, the cards are deactivated manually. Of course, under certain circumstances, cards are deactivated manually as soon as possible." Momo answered nonchalantly. " That's what Midnight told me once at least. Could have changed since then. Why?" Izuku smirked.

" I was thinking of having a retirement tour of the identity Mikumo Akitani." He said. " All the profiles of students soon to be allowed to legally use their quirks for heroics. I'd very much like to see what they've got in store for us. I'll figure out the specifics soon."

" You're gonna risk breaking into a place with multiple heroics teachers and students using an identity they know is yours?" Tomura asked.

" If Twice's clone passes the guards at the front gates, I'll be free to wander." Izuku shrugged. " I'm not so stupid to put the real me in harms way. And I won't be alone. I'd like to have one or two more than just Toru, but I think a break in is exactly what these hero coursers need to wake up."

" Give 'em a scare, huh?" Hitoshi chuckled. " I'd be fine with that idea."

" It's a risky move." Momo said, worried.

" True, but it's not like we ever got anywhere without risking something before." Izuku stretched. " Don't worry. We're not gonna get caught. I just want to use their haste to our advantage."