
Veil of existence (BLEACH)

A being that has no where else to go other that ascent. Lost everything, even part of himself so he started to build again. Someone once said “if you want to write a story worth reading, you must write it for the audience of one, yourself.” so this is his story, long before his reincarnation. first world is BLEACH ______________________________________________________________ Consider to support me as patrons on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/deansama

DanteSama · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 18

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my Ƥáƫrĕöп and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the Ƥáƫrĕöп is 20 chapters ahead at chapter 38. I'll probably be writing 2 every day https://www.Ƥáƫrĕöп.com/deansama Thanks for your support. Enjoy the chapter!)

Another power is absorbing spiritual energy from the near area and another power that is named blood dress, which can transfer and change the enemy spiritual energy to yours and heal and protect you from the attack and in office, can absorb their spiritual energy. Hollow spiritual energy is poisonous to humans and so to Quincy and if their spiritual energy enters the human body, their soul starts to change to hollow so Quincy hates hollow and hunts them everywhere they go. Because of that the circulation of reincarnation will start to crumble with fewer numbers of souls, and the world will start to be destroyed. Therefore, after representing these facts to the soul city, central 46 sent Yamamoto and his people to the human world for investigation of this matter. The Quincy nation built in a vast island in the middle of the Atlantic oceans between South America, North America, Africa and the European continent named Atlantis Island and their nation named Empire of Light.

When Yamamoto finds out about Quincy and their exploits, he sends his report to central 46 and after consulting with the monk, he tells them that king of Quincy Yhwach is the soul king's son and he has inherited power from soul king. Central 46 gives command to Yamamoto which is to eradicate Yhwach and his followers with extreme prejudices. When the command came down from central 46 to Yamamoto, with the suggestion of his second he accepted the command but put forward his own condition for building an organization named (Gotei 13) 13 Division Imperial Guards of soul society (soul city Government). Central 46 accepts Yamamoto's condition with their own condition that Yamamoto have to deal with Yhwach personally and take care of him, Yamamoto agrees immediately without any hesitations. After he rallies his troops and instantly goes to the human world.

I was sitting in the main hall of my palace and monitoring their progress in this matter and after Yamamoto and 13 Division Imperial Guards left. I stand up and go to central 46 with kanji following me and start getting wary, because of frowning in my face. Kanji in his time that I know never sees me being that much angry. He sends distress messages to the clan head and head of each department and gives them heads up about how he sees me angry and on to move in central 46 direction. When we finally get to central 46 I can see my head department and their second and shiba clan head with his son who is heir of the shiba clan and his daughter who became a medic in hospital and their personal guard. After I see them and greet them shortly, I enter the central 46 building and go to the middle of their council and look each of them in the eyes and stay silent for a few minutes.

Dante: "Do you have any idea about what you did."

Console member: "what business is that we grant Yamamoto to create a new military organization under our command?" After one of them says that, others give their approval.

Dante: "who gives a damn about what you approve of or that infant Yamamoto created a scum group to play make-believe that he is important and without him soul city will be destroyed. My question is about you sending that band of criminals and killers to the human world and going after the Quincy people. So answer my first question, do you have any idea about what you did."

Console member: "so what we find out about soul king son and his follower and country he built. So like the father like the son, they are dangers and need to be dealt with."

Dante: "did ever accord to you that the information that you source about was my intelligence department and the only way you could find out was, me give them order so they give one of you console members. And if I know all the information as shogun why would I didn't do anything about it you imbeciles."

All the people present start to look at the single person that starts to sweat visibly.

Console member: 'That moron comes and represents that information after taking that much money for the operation that led to getting that information, he pockets the money and gives us bits and pieces of the whole information, which we have to first send Yamamoto to validate the information for us. Now we have to fund the 13 Division Imperial Guards from our pocket.' "So what if we send them to kill Yhwach, he has to die or the world will be in danger."

Dante: "Are you even capable of thinking at all? If someone from my department suggests that, I would explain to them because the soul king is connected to all realms so if he dies the realms will follow and he wouldn't damage anyone and things in those realm because the damage will mirror into him. So after that we could do no damage to the soul king and couldn't let him get damage. The Shiba clan and I personally designed and built a special seal so he couldn't have access to outside and no one can harm him and that seal has five keys that each great clan guard one of them. If Yhwach is really the son of a soul king and has inherited his power then we could not and should not kill or even harm him. Even I myself wouldn't do something until I put it on the vote of great noble clans, your central 46 Console members and my heads of department. And even after the vote I recommended that we debrief the Quincy people, because they didn't know any better. But you, without knowing the full story and facts, send your attack dog to not just kill Yhwach but to massacre Quincy and the people of that country in the human world. Which you have no jurisdiction over there and only I have that authorization to send the military forces to other realms. To be continued.


Indirect tactics, efficiently applied, are inexhaustible as Heaven and Earth, unending as the flow of rivers and streams; like the sun and moon, they end but to begin anew; like the four seasons, they pass away to return once more.

There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard.

There are not more than five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white, and black), yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen.

There are not more than five cardinal tastes (sour, acrid, salt, sweet, bitter), yet combinations of them yield more flavors than can ever be tasted.

In battle, there are not more than two methods of attack: the direct and the indirect; yet these two in combination give rise to an endless series of maneuvers.

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