
Veil of existence (BLEACH)

A being that has no where else to go other that ascent. Lost everything, even part of himself so he started to build again. Someone once said “if you want to write a story worth reading, you must write it for the audience of one, yourself.” so this is his story, long before his reincarnation. first world is BLEACH ______________________________________________________________ Consider to support me as patrons on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/deansama

DanteSama · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 17

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my Ƥáƫrĕöп and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the Ƥáƫrĕöп is 20 chapters ahead at chapter 37. I'll probably be writing 2 every day https://www.Ƥáƫrĕöп.com/deansama Thanks for your support. Enjoy the chapter!)

However, why do I care about any of the old timeline, and the answer is time travel is complicated. In the past when I was alive, I read few theories about time travel and almost all of them have few similarities like if you go back to the past and change it somehow. One, change the future (have paradox problems). Two, with your action you create a parallel universe (where that energy comes from to create the entire universe because of one little difference). Three, they stuck the time loop (again with what energy). So now with my new knowledge of how time travel works, I know that because my time travel is in different realms that have separate space and time. I could time travel and no one normally could time travel in their own space, time continuum (the energy of the entire universe is defiance against you, so if you want to time travel you have to have more energy than the combined energy of the entire universe).

So in a way I have to be one of the reasons my past self-go to Karakura Town in 1998 and if I somehow wasn't the reason, then when my past self-first go in 1998, I will cease to exist, then and there.

I have to balance the power between Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy, so now that I increase power of Shinigami and Hollow faction, I have to increase power of Quincy faction and with the bonus of gaining power of Quincy and complete my set of power in spiritual form. With Hollow based body and spiritual generator of Shinigami and connection versatility of Quincy can create best spiritual body that can be exist, and after with my cultivation, I can go even further and step into the deity class, that transcend Nephilim with power of archangel, archdemon and human soul.

I find out that my children with their six wings are classified as seraphim. They could have three heads, which means three different virtues and power at minimum. I myself have not yet reached that level; I have one set of wings with the rank on archangel. Nevertheless, I have potential to reach that level of power if so my children could have them to. The rank of angels is angel, with one set of wings and no virtue power. Archangel, with one set of bigger wings with on virtue. Virtue, with one set of wings and personification of their virtue. Cherubim, with two sets of wings and two heads means two sets of virtue. Seraphim, with three sets of wings and three heads mean three sets of different virtue. Angel lord, with four sets of bigger wings and has all seven sets of virtue that personified in each wing. Moreover, the rank of demons is as angels except wings, the demon that came from the human soul has horns instead. However, if they were angels then they have the same rank but instead of virtue, they have sin and black color wins instead of white. Ranks start with demon, archdemon, demon lord, demon duke, prince of hell, king of hell. Moreover, human spiritual rank is, mind awakening, personal awakening, spiritual awakening, soul awakening, enlightenment. Mind awakening is when one can enter their mind and see their true self. Personal awakening is when you build a memory palace and take full control of your emotions. Spiritual awakening is your mind and soul when it is connected and you start to generate spiritual energy, when other people exist near that energy, they start to feel that energy and after some time can hear and see spiritual entities. Soul awakening is when you connect your mind, physical body and spiritual body to your soul. Enlightenment is when your soul starts to generate soul power. I am at this moment a hybrid of archangel, archdemon and human soul with spiritual awakening, so I have reached my full potential in the human soul department; since I do not have a physical body so I could ascend to soul awakening. I have a plan though; a human body is solidification of the soul. If I can solidified my soul with my spiritual power and use the physical material I could build my own physical body and to solidified my soul I need a unique power that grant their user wish like soul king body and need three Breakdown Sphere (The Holyoke) with power of giving soul, power of hollow, Shinigami and Quincy. I have to emerge from this three-breakdown sphere to my spiritual core so it can balance my spiritual power and use physical material with help of soul king power and build a body that can change with my spiritual power. Because my soul is not whole and until I can take back that part I could not let my physical body mirror my soul like everybody else.

Moreover, if I want to go further in angelic and demonic power I have to control virtue and sin and increase their use to personify them in myself. Moreover, after enlightenment and generating soul power start cultivating pure soul energy into the grace and ascent to the hybrid of lord of angels and king of hell Nephilim, and after that it will just be the start and foundation of my being. I had my eyes open and saw the being in the Empty dimension that dwarfed the angels, demons, and other gods, and so if they could reach that level so do I and will.

However, with I that said and done, I have no other crafting skill to master in soul city. Like I said, I have to dispatch Yamamoto, to headed for the Quincy war and preserve the Quincy members and increase their power so the balance of power can maintain. There I could master Quincy power and then range weapons in combat and maxima's my aim. The Quincy have few powers but their main ones are property of Yhwach soul that can steal part of the target soul and those souls couldn't be reincarnated and after sometime their soul will be destroyed. To be continued.


Sun Tzu said: The control of a large force is the same principle as the control of a few men: it is merely a question of dividing up their numbers.

Fighting with a large army under your command is nowise different from fighting with a small one: it is merely a question of instituting signs and signals.

To ensure that your whole host may withstand the brunt of the enemy's attack and remain unshaken—this is affected by maneuvers direct and indirect.

That the impact of your army may be like a grindstone dashed against an egg—this is affected by the science of weak points and strong.

In all fighting, the direct method may be used for joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to secure victory.

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