
Veil of existence (BLEACH)

A being that has no where else to go other that ascent. Lost everything, even part of himself so he started to build again. Someone once said “if you want to write a story worth reading, you must write it for the audience of one, yourself.” so this is his story, long before his reincarnation. first world is BLEACH ______________________________________________________________ Consider to support me as patrons on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/deansama

DanteSama · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 19

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my Ƥáƫrĕöп and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the Ƥáƫrĕöп is 20 chapters ahead at chapter 39. I'll probably be writing 2 every day https://www.Ƥáƫrĕöп.com/deansama Thanks for your support. Enjoy the chapter!)

Dante: "Not only that but you give the 13 Division Imperial Guards the key to open a breach in a seal that protects the whole soul city and they open the seal and lift wild open for anybody that they want to come in soul city without us knowing about it. What is making it much worse is if even one of them dies and is left behind, the Quincy and Hollow and damned soul could take the keys and copy it for themselves. They could enter and exit the soul realm anytime they want without our knowledge. Now do you see what you all did?"

After people in building hear me give the full account of what happens with soul king and gravity of their order they become furies about them and my prestige goes even higher in their mind after they find out that even with my power I wouldn't do something this important without putting it on vote with them, and prestige of console member go down because first they don't have unity and second they consult with anybody about this matter and give execution order on the spot. And the security breach is another matter altogether.

My captain and vice-captain of the intelligence department start to make a report about all the information and facts and what is happening in central 46 and have them all sign under it and attach a summon letter from Shogun that kanji wrote and I signed. They send the summons immediately and go to the console hall in my palace. Dante personally sent an invitation to the royal guard in the soul palace to participate in the vote. After 20 minutes they all show up, even bring their heir and guard with themselves, when the last people sit in the hall, doors are closed and the session begins.

Dante: "the leader and defender of soul city we gather here today for important information that our department of Intelligence gathers. First, an individual named Yhwach, in over 200 years after his birth, Yhwach himself had form a kingdom of Quincy known as the (Lichtreich) Empire of Light located at island middle of Atlantis ocean between South America, North America, Africa and Europe continent named Atlantis Island. He is now around 350 years old and hasn't aged a day after 35, so from that we know he inherited part of soul king power and after having his soul exam our department came to the determination of Yhwach is not the real son of soul king but he has a unique soul, with the property of void. We find out that somehow the soul king, using his inner soul connection to the realms, cut part of his soul and put that part in Yhwach soul. With this finding we recommended that if we have to deal with Yhwach, first we must extract part of the soul king then we can do what we judged him to. And because of the soul king soul part in Yhwach, he has the power to damage a human soul to the point that the soul couldn't reincarnate and after some time they will cease to exist. Second, the Quincy population of the light empire don't have direct contact with Yhwach and only 100 people are his followers. With this finding we recommended that if we have to deal with Quincy, first, debrief them on the matter of the soul king and his power and danger to all realms, we foresee that they will cooperate with soul city. Second we find out that Yhwach is the creator of Quincy and he himself gives part of his soul to them so they can gain power and after they die all the power that Quincy's cultivates comes back to Yhwach. With each Quincy we kill, Yhwach will grow stronger and even if we don't kill any Quincy, Yhwach can take back his power from them. With this finding we recommended that if we have to kill Yhwach, we must first seal his soul first, then kill him.

So after having all the information and facts regarding this matter that you recommend, the flower is yours." With that Dante sat down in his chair and waited for their recommendation.

Ichibe as leader of royal guards came forward and said: "First of all, thank you for gathering this information, thank you for briefing us on this matter, thank you for inviting us and include us in the vote for this matter. After you tell me of this person's name and use my power to know his true name and find out everything from your information is true and I must add that in the future he will try to slain soul king and sit on the soul king throne as a soul king, emperor of all realm in his mind. When he starts he will sacrifice the entire Quincy population to get to the soul king. So my own recommendation is the same as intelligence department of Shogun and for Quincy is the same bring them in the lope because they have strong spiritual power, they will come here after they die.'' After giving a small bow to shogun, he returned to his seat.

Dante: "I as behalf of soul city thank you for senses of duty and your recommendation. So is anyone seconded this recommendation."

Shiba clan heads and Kuchiki clan heads stand and give their vote to the recommendation as a yes vote.

Dante: "Does anyone have different recommendations on this matter?"

Console member: "yes I have a recommendation on this matter. Why don't we exterminate entire Quincy so we could use them as new Shinigami in our soul society?" He said that we had a satisfied smile on his face.

Dante: "anyone who wants a second console member of central 46 on this matter." After he waited for a few moments nobody came forward so he looked to the console members and said: "to answer your suggestion in Quincy matter. We don't need that much new soul. And like every other human they will eventually die and if they are worthy, they will come here. One of the rules that we as soul city have from ancient times is do not interfere in the human realm until it comes to the danger of destruction." To be continued.


The direct and the indirect lead on to each other in turn. It is like moving in a circle—you never come to an end. Who can exhaust the possibilities of their combination?

The onset of troops is like the rush of a torrent which will even roll stones along in its course.

The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.

Therefore the good fighter will be terrible in his onset, and prompt in his decision.

Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow; decision, to the releasing of a trigger.

Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, there may be seeking disorder and yet no real disorder at all; amid confusion and chaos, your array may be without head or tail, yet it will be proof against defeat.

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