
Urban Primordial System

Long shin was depressed as his relationship with his girlfriend ended when she told him to break up in front of everyone feeling depressed he walk towards the park as it was night time there was no one in the park he seat on a cliff Orb of the Primordial Chaos is an artifact which contained infinite powers of the Primordial Chaos very few even know about its existence while no one knows how it came to be but there was a saying that whoever gets the inheritance of the orb of the Primordial Chaos will Rule over the Infinite Cosmos and multiple dimensions from the highest peaks of the Nine Heavens to the depths of the Nine Hells and Chaos no one will be able to stand against the inheritor of the Orb of Primordial Chaos as it contains within it very mysterious but omnipotent power. After many years this saying will prove itself as many will remember the saying and the man who even gods were afraid to offend It was unknown where he came from or which race he belonged to many gods hated him many demons fear him many arrogant immortals were slain by him. Each of the gods and demons had their huge armies of uncountable soldiers fearless elite's and mighty generals They had powers to shatter the heavens and level the earth Destroying the very universe with but a wave of their hand Many of the gods and demons decided to band together by using their uncountable number of soldiers they tried to fight him but the result was terrifying He painted the cosmos with their blood imprisoned their souls and refined their corpses into energy With his one word, the uncountable number of beings powerful enough to destroy a galaxy came to a halt in the next second with a wave of his hands their souls left their bodies imprisoned within his realm. After the heavens shattering battle of the gods and demons no god or demon ever tried to offend him they cursed him behind his back but never dared to scheme against him as whenever he goes somewhere even the gods have to lower their heads and give way Wherever he goes the Dark Army follows He is the sovereign of the Darkness, he is the slayer of the demons, he is the enemy of the gods, the destroyer of the heavens, controller of the chaos. he has some call him devil, some call him god, some call him a saint In his journey, he had made many sworn friends, natural enemies and met many beauty's There is no shortage of women throwing themselves on him, he had many wives from mortal to goddesses and demoness. Join us in this journey of a mortal who fought his way to the apex of existence. _________________________________ this is my first-time writing, I'm only writing for fun if you are someone who cares about Grammars and stuff then this novel is not for you. ______________________________

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 98: Cerulean Seduction: A Night to Remember(18+)   

The bathroom door gently swung open, revealing Liu Minger draped in a pristine white towel that clung to her every curve.

Her ample assets, like twin peaks, strained against the confines of the towel, teasingly poised to break free at any moment. The lengthy expanse of her jade-white thighs beckoned invitingly; each contour accentuated by the towel's embrace. Her boneless arms, as smooth as porcelain, held a captivating allure that enticed the desire to caress. Even her dainty feet, appearing more exquisite than ever, stirred an inexplicable longing.

Her glossy lips, tinted with a rosy hue, begged for an affectionate kiss, their temptation undeniable. The cascade of her long, cerulean hair, damp from the bath, added an extra layer of sensuality to her already enchanting appearance.

In this moment, Liu Minger's allure reached its zenith, as the soft light of the bathroom danced upon her, enhancing her natural charm and leaving an indelible impression that lingered in the air.

As Long Shin completed the preparations for their dining table, his attention was suddenly arrested by the sight of Liu Minger. His eyes, wide with astonishment, couldn't help but linger on her enchanting figure.

Liu Minger exuded an aura of seduction that was impossible to ignore. Her every curve, every contour of her figure, seemed to beckon and provoke lust to devour her within him.

A deep longing welled up within him, a desire to caress her supple twin mounds, to grasp her firm buttocks, to taste the allure of her rosy lips.

"Have I left you speechless, my love?" Her voice, dripping with seductive allure, sent a shiver down his spine, making his bones feel as though they might turn to jelly.

Liu Minger had stealthily approached him while he remained in his dazed state.

Long Shin emerged from his reverie with a playful chuckle. "Indeed, you took my breath away, so much that I want to forget about dinner and lose myself in you right here." He leaned in, his breath brushing against Liu Minger's ear, and whispered with a devilish smile.

"Humph, you scoundrel!" Liu Minger snorted lightly, not giving Long Shin a chance to pursue her further. She swiftly made her way to the bedroom, her intentions clear.

In the bedroom, Liu Minger began to change into a captivating blue see-through babydoll nightgown. The sheer fabric clung to her every curve, accentuating her sultry form. The babydoll's delicate lace and ribbons adorned her like an erotic masterpiece, making her appear even more tantalizing.

As she slipped into the nightgown, her body seemed to radiate an irresistible allure. Her curves, so invitingly outlined by the babydoll, promised a night of passion and desire that was impossible to resist.

Her pink nipples were subtly outlined beneath the delicate fabric of her babydoll nightgown. Two slender straps clung to her figure, accentuating her captivating form. Liu Minger's back was elegantly exposed, adding a touch of allure to the scene.

The nightgown featured a mesh-like design, offering a teasing glimpse of her shapely buttocks. Their firm and inviting appearance left a mesmerizing impression making those who saw them want to bury their face in those heavenly pillows. Liu Minger had chosen a matching G-string, and if one were to look closely, they might catch a glimpse of her alluring twitching ass. On the front part her small clitoris seems to want to come out. The delicate contours of her femininity seemed to beckon, adding a hint of playful temptation to the moment.

After changing, Liu Minger gracefully made her way to the dining table. Long Shin had worked his culinary magic, and the table was adorned with a tantalizing spread of juicy red spicy pork. The aroma wafting from the dishes was irresistible.

"These smells so good," Liu Minger couldn't help but exclaim, her eyes fixed on the beautifully cooked pork and steaming rice. She inhaled deeply, savoring the fragrant scent that filled the air.

Long Shin, with a warm smile, stood up and pulled out a chair for her. "Please, have a seat," he invited her, and Liu Minger elegantly settled into the chair. Long Shin joined her at the table, and Liu Minger picked up her chopsticks, eager to taste the delicious-looking meal.

"Thank you for the food," she said before taking a bite. The moment the pork touched her tongue, an explosion of flavors danced inside her mouth. The tenderness of the meat allowed it to effortlessly yield to her bite, and each morsel was a burst of delight.

"It's so delicious," Liu Minger exclaimed, her eyes shining with delight. She eagerly grabbed another piece of pork, relishing every moment.

Long Shin watched her with contentment, then reached over and gently wiped away a stray piece of pork that clung to the corner of her lips. Unbeknownst to him, this simple gesture sent a warm flush to Liu Minger's cheeks.

"You'll have to take responsibility if I gain weight because of your cooking," she teased, her tone playfully scolding, yet filled with affection.

He chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with affection. "I won't mind if my Minger becomes a little plumper. In fact, it would only enhance your cuteness even more."

Liu Minger's cheeks took on a lovely shade of pink as she listened to Long Shin's endearing words. His playfulness always had a way of making her heart flutter. She paused for a moment, her gaze softening as she looked into his eyes.

"Long Shin," she began, her voice tender, "you always know how to make me feel special. It's not about my appearance, but the way you love and accept me just as I am. That's what truly matters."

Long Shin smiled warmly, his affection for her evident in his eyes. "And I always will, Minger. You are perfect to me, inside and out."

Their intimate moment continued as they savored their meal, their connection deepening with every shared glance and unspoken sentiment.

After half an hour, the couple had finished their dinner. Liu Minger sat in her chair, savoring the memory of the spicy pork.

"Ahh~!" Suddenly, a cute, desire-filled moan escaped her lips.

She felt a sudden arousal, something firm pressing against her nether region. Without needing to glance down, she knew it was Long Shin's hand gently exploring her.

Her G-string panties provided no resistance. The thin fabric allowed her to feel every trace of his teasing fingers as they caressed the petals guarding her sacred garden.

"Scoundrel, stop it. We just finished dinner," Liu Minger playfully protested, her words at odds with her body's growing excitement.

Long Shin and Liu Minger had recently begun this journey of passion, and their desires for one another remained on a passionate high.

Both craved to lose themselves in the intoxicating world of desire and pleasure, yearning to merge their bodies and explore every inch of each other.

Seeing Liu Minger's acceptance in her eyes, Long Shin was emboldened. He didn't hesitate, gently parting the front of her panties with his finger, making direct contact with Liu Minger's most intimate area.

"Ahh~" Liu Minger gasped, a shiver of pleasure coursing through her body as Long Shin's fingers traced the contours of her most sensitive areas. His gentle touch explored the tender folds of her flower, teasing her softly.

The warmth of their connection heightened as he tenderly caressed her vulva, his fingers finding their way to her delicate bud, which he pinched ever so gently, eliciting a sweet sensation.

Feeling that the sensation wasn't enough, long shin parted Liu Minger's flower and inserted two of his fingers within her cave.

As Long Shin continued his intimate exploration, Liu Minger's senses were ablaze with pleasure. The sensations he evoked within her were electrifying, causing her body to respond in ways she couldn't control.

Her breath quickened, and she instinctively covered her parted lips with her jade-white palms, attempting to stifle the sweet moans that threatened to escape.

"Mumn~~ this feel!sogood~" But even as she tried to muffle her sounds of pleasure, a soft, muffled moan slipped past her lips, betraying the intensity of her desires.

In her mind, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions consumed her. Every touch, every movement of his fingers deep inside her sent waves of ecstasy through her core. She yearned for more, surrendering herself to the tantalizing sensations that Long Shin was coaxing from her very being.

"Does it feel good?" a devilish voice was heard beside her ears asking her a question.

Liu Minger's senses were already muddled by the searing pleasure she felt through her cave, but Long Shin wasn't done yet.

'She was able to take-in my thick dragon; this should be no big deal for her' thinking that he inserted another figure inside her cave.

Liu Minger screamed in bliss as she felt her pleasure skyrocketing to new heights with each additional finger. Long Shin increased his movements, and Liu Minger's body soon began to tremble uncontrollably as her orgasm slowly crept closer and closer.

"Ahhh! Don't stop! Please! I can't take it anymore!" She pleaded into the air, her body trembling with anticipation. Long Shin responded to her pleas, accelerating the pace of his fingers until finally—with one final thrust—she was overwhelmed by a tidal wave of pleasure that crashed through her entire being.

Even after making Liu Minger climax Long Shin wasn't done. This time it was his tongue.

Long Shin began licking the depths of her cavern, sending wave after wave of pleasure through her body. His tongue explored every inch of her, teasing and tantalizing, tasting and savoring.

Each flick sent an explosive sensation of pleasure radiating out from her center throughout her entire being. Liu Minger's body writhed with pleasure, unable to contain herself any longer as she let out a deep and passionate moan of ecstasy.

She grasped onto Long Shin's head with both hands, pushing herself against him as if to draw even more pleasure from his ministrations.

Long Shin felt himself get harder, aroused by Liu Minger's response to his touch. He gently bit down on her clitoris before taking it into his mouth, sucking softly while flicking his tongue across the little nub in circles. This elicited an even higher moan from Liu Minger that almost left him trembling in anticipation.

Long Shin's tongue continued to explore the insides of her cavern. The more he tasted her, the sweeter she seemed to taste. Long Shin was enjoying the taste of Liu Minger's juices that began spilling out onto his tongue as his attentions became more and more passionate.

Liu Minger was on her back, legs spread apart, as Long Shin's tongue explored every inch of her.

'This isn't enough!' she thought. Liu Minger felt a sudden urge to feel Long Shin's manhood inside her, in the place that his tongue now occupied, she couldn't suppress her desire.

Her hands gently pushed her lascivious partner away, and he gazed up at her expectantly. Liu Minger smiled and nodded, and Long Shin wasted no time in trying to ripe off her panties.

"Scoundrel, don't tear them. I need them. Please, don't hurry so much!" Liu Minger was still hungry for Long Shin's touch, but in this heat of the moment, he was in no mood to be slow and gentle.

"I'm sorry~" he said, before ripping off the panties, the sound of the delicate fabric filling the air. Liu Minger, her face flushed, looked down at Long Shin's hardness, her body growing warm with anticipation.

Without waiting for her to say anything, Long Shin held her up and placed her on the dining table, he then flipped her on her stomach, then gently pushed her onto all fours. In this position, Liu Minger's plump butt beckoned to him, and he could see that her engorged flower was dripping wet with anticipation of his touch.

Her hips were perfectly curved, and her ass was plump, almost like a juicy peach. He could feel her muscles contracting as she anticipated.

She was so aroused, so wet and slick, that he knew he would be able to easily enter her. But he decided to tease her just a little bit first. He kneeled between her legs and gripped the shaft of his dragon between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing up and down.

A soft moan escaped Liu Minger's lips as she looked down into Long Shin's eyes, watching as his hand moved faster and faster, his thick dragon throbbing and twitching at the base. As he brought himself closer to climax, Liu Minger bucked her hips, begging to be filled. But Long Shin was in no rush.

He raised her legs up and pushed them back, baring her entrance, revealing her soft pink flesh that was dripping with her juices, and with one powerful thrust, Long Shin slid himself inside her.

Liu Minger let out a low, animalistic moan as she felt Long Shin's dragon entering inside her pussy.


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