
Urban Primordial System

Long shin was depressed as his relationship with his girlfriend ended when she told him to break up in front of everyone feeling depressed he walk towards the park as it was night time there was no one in the park he seat on a cliff Orb of the Primordial Chaos is an artifact which contained infinite powers of the Primordial Chaos very few even know about its existence while no one knows how it came to be but there was a saying that whoever gets the inheritance of the orb of the Primordial Chaos will Rule over the Infinite Cosmos and multiple dimensions from the highest peaks of the Nine Heavens to the depths of the Nine Hells and Chaos no one will be able to stand against the inheritor of the Orb of Primordial Chaos as it contains within it very mysterious but omnipotent power. After many years this saying will prove itself as many will remember the saying and the man who even gods were afraid to offend It was unknown where he came from or which race he belonged to many gods hated him many demons fear him many arrogant immortals were slain by him. Each of the gods and demons had their huge armies of uncountable soldiers fearless elite's and mighty generals They had powers to shatter the heavens and level the earth Destroying the very universe with but a wave of their hand Many of the gods and demons decided to band together by using their uncountable number of soldiers they tried to fight him but the result was terrifying He painted the cosmos with their blood imprisoned their souls and refined their corpses into energy With his one word, the uncountable number of beings powerful enough to destroy a galaxy came to a halt in the next second with a wave of his hands their souls left their bodies imprisoned within his realm. After the heavens shattering battle of the gods and demons no god or demon ever tried to offend him they cursed him behind his back but never dared to scheme against him as whenever he goes somewhere even the gods have to lower their heads and give way Wherever he goes the Dark Army follows He is the sovereign of the Darkness, he is the slayer of the demons, he is the enemy of the gods, the destroyer of the heavens, controller of the chaos. he has some call him devil, some call him god, some call him a saint In his journey, he had made many sworn friends, natural enemies and met many beauty's There is no shortage of women throwing themselves on him, he had many wives from mortal to goddesses and demoness. Join us in this journey of a mortal who fought his way to the apex of existence. _________________________________ this is my first-time writing, I'm only writing for fun if you are someone who cares about Grammars and stuff then this novel is not for you. ______________________________

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 99: Cerulean seduction: Tangled in Desire (18+) 

Liu Minger was so wet that he had to push against her drooling opening for a few moments before he could force himself in.

"Ahhhh! Long Shin!" she screamed, in pleasure as she was penetrated. Every inch of Long Shin's 9 inch dragon felt like it was on fire as he entered Liu Minger's hot cavern and he began to let out a low moan, an expression of his pleasure at finally being sheathed inside her.

Liu Minger's walls enveloped him, and as he slid himself deep inside her, Long Shin was overwhelmed by the sensation of her walls contracting around him.

It felt as though a thousand little hands were gently massaging his shaft as he slid in and out of her.

The feeling was more than just pleasurable; it was almost unbearably so.

He could feel himself on the verge of climaxing as his hands explored Liu Minger's body.

Slowly, Long Shin began to thrust, pushing himself deeper and deeper inside her. Liu Minger let out soft moans of pleasure every time he pushed deeper, her body growing more and more sensitive with each thrust.

He could feel himself being completely enveloped by her tightness, and the sensation was more than he could bear.

Liu Minger turned her head to look back at Long Shin, and he could see her cheeks were flushed red with pleasure. As he thrust into her, she clenched her fists, and her eyes rolled back, her body writhing in pleasure.

He made sure to grip her soft, supple ass tightly as he thrust himself inside of her. He wanted to stimulate every inch of her, and she was more than willing to let him have his way.

Liu Minger's body was quivering with pleasure as his thrusts came harder and faster. She could feel his thick dragon's enormous girth thrusting deep inside her, stretching her walls and pushing deep inside her depths.

"Amm~ Long Shin! I can feel it! I can feel your huge shaft deep inside my pussy, filling me up! I'm going to~" Liu Minger screamed as the pleasure began to overwhelm her.

"Cum for me Minger!" He begged as he increased his intensity.

"Give me your sweet juices. Let me pleasure you!" He begged her, gripping her hips and thrusting even deeper into her. After a few more thrusts, Long Shin could feel his time was near, and he picked up the pace, slamming his hips against her ass as he fucked her faster and faster.

Liu Minger could hardly keep up with his pace, and she let out louder and louder moans, her voice growing ragged as her body tightened around him.

Long Shin could feel his orgasm nearing, and he wanted Liu Minger to cum first, to catch her in the throes of ecstasy and let himself go.

He grit his teeth as he continued to thrust into her. Gradually, Liu Minger's cries grew louder, and her body began to quiver more.

"Cum for me! Cum for me!" Long Shin gasped, sweat pouring down his face as he tried to hold back his own climax. Liu Minger's body was shaking, and her walls clamped around his shaft even tighter, and she could feel herself quickly approaching the edge.

"Ahhh! Long Shin!" Liu Minger screamed as her orgasm overpowered her, and she came hard on his dragon. Her legs quivered as she climaxed, throwing herself back onto him as he continued to pummel her with deep thrusts. With each thrust, his shaft would slam against her womb, pushing it further.

As he watched her shudder in pleasure, she could feel his shaft pulsing inside her, and she knew he was ready to cum. She could feel his hot semen begin to fill her vagina, and it sent her further into orgasmic bliss.

With a final thrust, Long Shin emptied his dragon inside her, filling her completely. Underneath him, Liu Minger was in ecstasy. Her body was still shaking, and she could feel his warm seed inside her.

From her perspective, she looked down and saw his dragon pulsing inside her, and she could feel his semen spraying deep inside her. She could feel his hot seed spilling out of her, and it felt like heaven.

"Minger, you're so beautiful." Long Shin breathed as he collapsed on top of her, and rolled her onto her back. He then laid himself down on top of her, He pressed his lips against hers.

Her lips were soft and full, like the surface of a rose petal. She could taste herself on his lips. From the way he kissed her, she could tell that he loved her.

His hardness pushed against her softness for several seconds, so long that it felt like hours to Liu Minger.

When their lips finally parted, Long Shin withdrew his huge dick from inside her pussy and mumbled something to himself in a daze.

Internally, Liu Minger's pussy was screaming at him not to pull out. Holding Long Shin's cock in place.


The sudden sound of sticky flesh being torn apart resounded in Liu Minger's ears as Long Shin slowly pulled his gigantic cock from inside her pussy. pulling his rigid cock slowly out made her shiver with pleasure as another stream of semen leaked into the air and fell onto the ground below in slow-motion like a waterfall or a fountain.

It splashed into the dirt in front of them and formed a small puddle of liquid near their feet.

It was astonishing how much semen Long Shin had poured inside her womb that even after being filled to the brim it still let out such an excessive amount.

"Did you like it?" Long Shin asked her gently, playing with her cerulean blue hair.

"I liked it too," Liu Minger smiled at him and said, as she brushed the hair away from his eye. She struggled to stand up from the table, but managed to do so.

She then knelt before him, and inspected Long Shin's huge rod. 'Even though it's no longer in me, I can still feel its shape inside me', she thought to herself, as she brought her face closer to his dick.

Kneeling in front of Long Shin's dick made Liu Minger incredibly wet again. The musk of his manhood filled her nostrils; she couldn't help but take a few more deep breaths of his masculine scent.

She brushed her cheeks against his sticky organ that was now coated in their shared juices and then gently planted a kiss on the tip of his member.

"Ghrm~" Long Shin let out a low rumble as he felt her lips touch him; he really enjoyed when Liu Minger played with him like this. Her soft rosy lips caressed the sensitive side of his shaft and sent chills down to his toes.

The jolt of pleasure felt like a thousand little hands gently massaging his shaft.

"Minger," he moaned, "you're amazing," he said as he gently pulled on her hair. "You're so cute," he looked down at her and smiled before pulling her head closer to his erection.

The feeling of his warm member between her lips and the sounds of his moans made Liu Minger's heart skip a beat. She moistened the tip of her tongue with the tip of her lip as she gently slid it against his cockhead, tasting him again. "Minger, you make me so horny," he groaned as he dug his fingernails into her hair.

As soon as he pulled on her hair, she slid the tip of his dick deeper into her mouth and released him. The sensation made Liu Minger's nether region quiver with excitement. "I want you, Minger," he said as he drew out her name.

Long Shin didn't wait for his response as he cradled Liu Minger's head between both hands and thrust his enormous penis into her mouth.

The long shaft extended deep into her throat, gagging her as she attempted to take the entire length of it in. As she struggled to control her breathing and not suffocate against his meaty midsection.

Tears streamed from Liu Minger's eyes, watering her mascara and giving her face a flushed appearance, even beneath the reddening hue of sexually exhausted skin.

He rocked his hips slightly forward then, driving his dick further inside her mouth until it felt like he was trying to shove a barrel down her throat.

She clutched his backside with both hands in order to steady herself as she struggled to breathe around his cock. The experience was not unpleasant when the thrusting was slow but became more intense as she wetted him with spittle and collected the salty taste on her tongue with each plunge.

Droplets of spit spilled down onto her plump breasts.

She found the sensation of him pounding her throat pleasurable, even when he became more aggressive.

Liu Minger did not struggle as she took in more and more of his flesh with each thrust. She simply closed her eyes and accepted her fate as his dick slowly filled her mouth.

She knew that if she struggled, or even tried to pull away, Long Shin would simply push her head down further to choke her.

The sexual tension was too much for her to bear, she knew Long Shin loved her and she wanted to give him any pleasure he desired. She had no problem doing it, and she chose to be submissive because it made her feel good.

She opened her mouth as wide as she could, her lips stretching to their limit as her tongue danced around his shaft before it was thrust back into her throat.

Every time Long Shin plunged his cock into her mouth, she thought she couldn't hold it any longer.

Her eyes closed from the intense pleasure, and tears streamed down her face as he held her head in place while thrusting his hips. "

Minger, I'm about to cum!" Long Shin roared. As soon as he said that, Liu Minger came again from the thought of him cumming into her mouth.

"Mhn~~"The thought of his warm seed shooting deep inside her mouth made her shudder with pleasure, and she moaned softly as she climaxed.

As he felt himself reach the point of no return, Long Shin thrust further into her mouth, sending his entire member down her throat and cumming hard.

"Minger!" he shouted as he rammed his cock into her mouth, releasing a huge load of semen into her mouth. It spilled out of her mouth and dribbled down the side of her face and onto her breasts.

Once he was done cumming, Liu Minger came off his cock and licked all the semen off her breasts.


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