
Urban Primordial System

Long shin was depressed as his relationship with his girlfriend ended when she told him to break up in front of everyone feeling depressed he walk towards the park as it was night time there was no one in the park he seat on a cliff Orb of the Primordial Chaos is an artifact which contained infinite powers of the Primordial Chaos very few even know about its existence while no one knows how it came to be but there was a saying that whoever gets the inheritance of the orb of the Primordial Chaos will Rule over the Infinite Cosmos and multiple dimensions from the highest peaks of the Nine Heavens to the depths of the Nine Hells and Chaos no one will be able to stand against the inheritor of the Orb of Primordial Chaos as it contains within it very mysterious but omnipotent power. After many years this saying will prove itself as many will remember the saying and the man who even gods were afraid to offend It was unknown where he came from or which race he belonged to many gods hated him many demons fear him many arrogant immortals were slain by him. Each of the gods and demons had their huge armies of uncountable soldiers fearless elite's and mighty generals They had powers to shatter the heavens and level the earth Destroying the very universe with but a wave of their hand Many of the gods and demons decided to band together by using their uncountable number of soldiers they tried to fight him but the result was terrifying He painted the cosmos with their blood imprisoned their souls and refined their corpses into energy With his one word, the uncountable number of beings powerful enough to destroy a galaxy came to a halt in the next second with a wave of his hands their souls left their bodies imprisoned within his realm. After the heavens shattering battle of the gods and demons no god or demon ever tried to offend him they cursed him behind his back but never dared to scheme against him as whenever he goes somewhere even the gods have to lower their heads and give way Wherever he goes the Dark Army follows He is the sovereign of the Darkness, he is the slayer of the demons, he is the enemy of the gods, the destroyer of the heavens, controller of the chaos. he has some call him devil, some call him god, some call him a saint In his journey, he had made many sworn friends, natural enemies and met many beauty's There is no shortage of women throwing themselves on him, he had many wives from mortal to goddesses and demoness. Join us in this journey of a mortal who fought his way to the apex of existence. _________________________________ this is my first-time writing, I'm only writing for fun if you are someone who cares about Grammars and stuff then this novel is not for you. ______________________________

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 97: Embrace of Desire: Long Shin and Liu Minger 

Within the confines of a lavish villa, the air tingled with anticipation as a cerulean portal materialized. Emerging from its depths was a young man, his crimson eyes sharp and his black hair glistening.

"I'm back," Long Shin murmured, his gaze drifting to the elegant timepiece adorning the wall.

The clock's hands pointed to 8:30 pm, a realization that prompted him into action. Unfazed by weariness, he ventured to the kitchen, a realm of culinary delights. He donned an apron.

Surveying the ingredients at his disposal, he decided on a delectable dish: spicy pork. With practiced ease, Long Shin embarked on the cooking process, the sizzle of meat music to his ears.

Pork, both tender and luscious, met the embrace of aromatic spices, each element working in harmony. The kitchen filled with a tantalizing aroma as Long Shin's skilled hands danced across the stove.

Moments later, a plate emerged, adorned with succulent red pork accompanied by a bed of rice. The dish was a masterpiece, it's very presence an ode to Long Shin's culinary finesse. The alluring scent spoke to the senses, evoking hunger in anyone fortunate enough to be in its presence.

Long Shin's focus remained on his culinary creation, the thrill of preparing a delightful meal for him and Liu Minger driving his actions. The meat he used wasn't ordinary; it hailed from magical beasts, infusing the dish with an otherworldly essence.


The melodious chime of the doorbell resonated through the villa, prompting Long Shin's anticipation. He knew exactly who had come, and a delighted smile graced his face as he eagerly headed to the entrance to welcome her home.

With a gentle touch, Long Shin opened the door, revealing Liu Minger on the threshold. She still wore her office attire, the cerulean blue of her hair cascading gracefully down to her slender waist. Her complexion, a flawless shade of jade-white, held the ethereal quality of newborn innocence. Her curvaceous figure exuded a fragrance reminiscent of blooming flowers, an aura of mature allure that could leave any man spellbound.

"I'm back, dear," Liu Minger greeted him with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with affection as she took in his apron-clad form. To her, Long Shin looked charming and handsome in this domestic setting.

"Welcome back," Long Shin replied, unable to contain his happiness. It had only been a few hours since they were last together, but the sight of her brought an overwhelming sense of joy and relief. His embrace was an embrace of longing, an unspoken desire for their bodies to become one.

As they drew closer, their lips met in a soft, tender kiss. The sensation was electric, a merging of two souls in a passionate exchange. Their bodies pressed against each other, melting into the embrace as their hearts beat in perfect rhythm. It was a kiss that spoke of love and longing, a connection that transcended words and ignited a fire within them.

The kiss endured, an intimate moment that seemed to stretch on forever. Long Shin felt the weight of Liu Minger's curvaceous body pressed firmly against his own. Her skin was velvety soft, and her ample, marshmallow-like breasts gently molded themselves against his well-defined chest.

Liu Minger's affectionate embrace intensified as she wound both her arms around his neck, drawing him closer. One of her legs entwined with his, a silent declaration of their longing and desire for one another.

As the kiss finally broke, a thin, glistening strand of saliva lingered momentarily between their parted lips. Their eyes locked, and Long Shin felt himself getting lost in the depths of her hazel irises.

Long Shin cherished the silky cascade of her long hair, his voice gentle as he spoke, "Go and wash up. Dinner is already prepared, and we can enjoy it after you're done showering." Liu Minger lowered her head, a light smile playing on her lips as she nodded. Her arms remained securely wrapped around his neck, and one of her legs held his lower half in a tender embrace.

Long Shin, noticing her lingering hold, decided to tease her playfully. His lips brushed near her ear as he whispered, "My dear, I'm already yours. You can hold me as tightly as you want whenever you wish. But for now, why don't you go and take that shower? Or perhaps you'd like me to help you wash your body?" Each word he uttered seemed to carry a mischievous allure, and as he finished speaking, he playfully sucked on the corners of her ear, sending a shiver down Liu Minger's spine.

"Ahh!" Liu Minger couldn't help but let out a soft, involuntary moan as Long Shin's lips teased her earlobe. The sensation sent a rush of warmth through her, and as she regained her composure, her cheeks blushed a vivid hue.

"Go now!" Long Shin, sensing that he'd had his fun, released her from his affectionate grip, at least for the time being.

"Tch. I'll make sure to get even with you for this," Liu Minger muttered, her milky white teeth audibly grinding together in playful annoyance. Her words carried a hint of faux anger, but her flushed cheeks and smoldering eyes told a different story.

After casting Long Shin an affectionate yet feigned glare, the enchanting young woman made her way to the bathroom, leaving him to chuckle under his breath. With the bathroom door closed, she was enveloped in the cozy ambiance, prepared for what lay ahead.

As the hot water cascaded down her body, Liu Minger couldn't help but indulge in the delightful sensation it offered. The warmth seeped into her skin, relaxing every muscle and soothing every worry. She stood beneath the steady stream, allowing the steam to envelop her like a comforting embrace. The bathroom was filled with the fragrant scent of her favorite shower gel, and she reveled in the gentle lather as it caressed her flawless skin.

With graceful movements, she let her nimble fingers navigate her curves, the sensation sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. The steam-kissed bathroom held an air of intimacy, a sanctuary where she could pamper herself after a long day.

The heated waterdrops teased her shoulders and cascaded down her back, leaving a trail of glistening droplets in their wake. As she tilted her head back, her cerulean blue hair spread like a silken cascade, a vivid contrast against the pristine white tiles. Liu Minger's radiant beauty seemed to come to life under the tender caress of the water, and her form exuded an alluring charm.

The steam-filled bathroom embraced Liu Minger as she stepped into the inviting bath.

"Mhn~" The sensation of the hot water enveloping her sent ripples of pleasure through her body forcing out a low yet sexy moan, it was fortunate that Long Shin was only teasing her when he said about washing her body, or else he would've pounced on her hearing her moan.

The tub's warmth cocooned her, melting away the strains of the day.

As she lowered herself into the bath, the sensation of the water was both soothing and exhilarating. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she immersed herself further, the warmth seeping into every pore. The hot water seemed to possess a magical quality, easing away the tension in her muscles and allowing her to relax fully.

With cerulean blue hair cascading like a waterfall, Liu Minger reclined in the tub. The soft bathroom light played on her radiant beauty, casting enchanting shadows and highlights. Droplets of water slid down her shoulders, following the enticing curve of her back, creating a glistening path that emphasized the sensual contours of her body.

As she rested in the soothing warmth of the bath, her graceful form came into view beneath the water. Her twin marshmallows, delicately submerged, seemed to float effortlessly in the tranquil depths. The hot water enhanced the softness of her skin, giving it a gentle, inviting allure.

Her cerulean hair, now damp and darker, framed her face with an alluring contrast. It created a mesmerizing tableau against the pristine white tiles that surrounded her. In this intimate moment, bathed in soft light and immersed in the warm embrace of the water, Liu Minger's allure was nothing short of captivating.

As she closed her eyes, Liu Minger's thoughts inevitably drifted to Long Shin. The day's events played in her mind like a vivid memory, each moment etched with emotion. She recalled his teasing whispers, his tender kisses, and the warmth of his embrace. A sweet smile played on her lips as she thought of his affectionate gestures.

Liu Minger couldn't help but feel grateful for the love they shared. Long Shin had brought immeasurable joy into her life, he also made her able to cultivate something that she had lost hope for, she remembered the smiling face of her mother and father, they had tried everything within their power to make her able to cultivate, but her body constitution was different no matter how many treasures she consumed nothing seems to occur.

She cherished every second they spent together. Her thoughts wandered, envisioning their future and the adventures that awaited them, now that she was able to cultivate, now that she was a magister, it was no doubt that she would have to step deeper into the cruel world, but she was not afraid, she has her family who would go to any lengths for her, and now she also has Long Shin.

The bathwater continued to soothe her, and in its tranquil embrace, Liu Minger felt a profound sense of contentment. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she and Long Shin would face them together. As the hot water enveloped her, she whispered his name softly, feeling the connection between them even in this serene moment of solitude.

The mirror reflected her image, and her hazel eyes gazed back at her, glinting with a mix of desire and anticipation. The thought of what awaited her in the future.

Meanwhile, Long Shin, in the kitchen, couldn't help but smile to himself. His affection for Liu Minger was boundless, and he cherished every moment they spent together. Her playful threats only added to the enchantment of their relationship, making him look forward to the days and nights they shared.


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