

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


Late into the night Valerie got home and she was very tired, when she got home she met her mom in the living room and her mom came to hug her with a big smile "my darling I'm so proud of you, a lot of my friends and business partners has been calling me saying you rocked the meeting, my love you are awesome" her mom couldn't contain her happiness and almost squeezed the air out of her then Valerie could not help but complain "mum you are squeezing the air out of me I'm about to suffocate" she replied in a joking manner then her mum freed her "you this brath is this how to act when you've not seen your mum for two days" Valerie laughed and said "mum stop exaggerating it's just a day, and where is dad" they both sat down..... "you know he would be at work" her mom replied "okay I would head to my room now.." Valerie was about to go upstairs "what about food are you not hungry?" her mum asked in a worried tone "no mum I've eaten on the plane, thanks" then Mrs Smith asked in an irritated tone "can you even call that food?" then Valerie shakes her head while going to her room "I'm satisfied, see you tomorrow " immediately she got inside her room she took a quick shower and checked her assignments once again then she saw the note the stranger left behind "when would be return the medical kits and who is he....." she frow her brows then went to bed and she fell asleep immediately her head hits the pillow..

The next day Valerie was woken up with the sound of her phone ringing, she felt very angry with the sound but she had to pick up in case it was important and immediately the phone was by her ear she heard a loud scream then she immediately check the screen and saw it was Vivian "Vivian can you please be a little less noisy and why are you calling me so early?".... she asked in a hast to get back to sleep "have you checked the internet today? you and my lovely fashion King has made the headlines" immediately Valerie heard this she sat up and searched the internet on her laptop.... Valerie could not help but scream "oh my gosh" and she started laughing "wow Valerie everyone thinks you are a celebrity and the best part you and the fashion King walked on the red carpet and even had a discussion after that OMG that's so awesome... and are you coming to school today? if not let me met you at home so you can give me the full gist" Valerie laughed "I'm coming let me get ready I would be in school in the next 40 minutes." then she hung up and immediately went to dress up for school

When Valerie got to school lots of people were pointing at her while others were staring at her with admiration in their eyes and she just kept on walking with her head held up high and she quickly thought of checking out her Instagram followers and then she was utterly shocked her followers has grown from 260k to 800k followers she was very happy and kept on smiling till she saw Vivian waving at her..... "Valerie you have become way more popular than expected, this is wonderful and congratulations my little darling" she smiled beautifully at Valerie and Valerie was very thankful for having such a supportive and annoying friend"... "thank you very much"

"so it's time for the full gist tell me everything without leaving a single thing out" she asked wide eyed and Valerie started laughing "okay I would tell you everything after class so let's head to class first, we need to submit our assignment" immediately Vivian looked at her "you still had time for assignments?! are you a robot" Valerie smiled and replied "probably" then Vivian laughed and they both went to their class