

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


An hour later lunch time was over and it was time for the last speech, Valerie went on stage to call on the last speaker but to her surprise she got a note saying " call on Mr Alec as the last speaker for the meeting" she immediately became nervous but she tried to pull through "hmmmm ..... it's a great pleasure for me to be the one to introduce to you the king of the fashion world non other than Mr Alec Morrison.... everyone while on your feet let's welcome him to the podium with a round of applaud" then Alec went on stage with a very serious and dominating expression but at the same time he was looking inexplicably charming, his suppressing aura couldn't be ignored at all...

immediately he got on stage the applaud died down at once and it was as if the light was shining only on him "please have your sit" he addressed everyone responsibly before starting his speech and his speech was one of the longest of all the speech they have heard on that day..... while everyone was listening no one seems to be tired instead they were all busy putting points to writing including the reporters,

After an hour Alec's speech came to an end "thank you all for listening attentively and have a nice day ahead" then everyone gave him a standing ovation with thunderous round of applaud..... while everyone was clapping Valerie was just staring at Alec with lots of admiration before she went back on stage "that was an awesome speech, I really gained a lot from every speaker that gave us their take in the fashion world, thank you very much it was a great honor to have you people on stage and a very special thanks to Mr Alec for the last speech it was really inspiring,..... so lastly we shall call on Mr Larry to give us a closing speech to end the meeting thank you and stay blessed" Mr Larry came on stage and gave Valerie a light hug and they both smiled and the reporter also kept on taking photos because they were giving off the father and daughter vibes, then Valerie went to take her seat beside Mr Larry's seat

"you are really good in controlling the meeting would you like to be the only guest host that would handle this program next year" when Valerie her the voice beside her she was shocked then she turned only to see the alluring face of Alec and she could not make a sentence in her head for few minutes before replying "ahm....hm you..you mean me" she asked not sure if he was addressing her

"who else could it be" Alec asked while smiling with his eyes and thinking Valerie is very cute

then Valerie's face became red out of embarrassment and she gave a slight smile "it's a great honor to be the guest host but don't you think I would neglect the duty because I'm a very forgetful person" she replied not being sure of herself, then Alec gave her a knowing smile "don't worry I would remind you" .... then Mr Larry finish his closing speech and everyone started making preparation of heading to their various cities and homes and Valerie was planning on going to the airport with her manager when Mr Larry stopped her "ohhh.. Val are you going to the hotel" he asked while smiling lovingly..... "no Mr Larry I am going to the airport, I need to go to school by tomorrow morning and I have already booked a flight" she replied in a dispirited manner and Mr Larry laughed "alright little Val that means I would see you some other time and don't forget to give me a call when you get home" .... "sure I would do just that and bye for now" she waved at him then left

"what did she say" Alec asked beside Mr Larry and Larry sighed "the little girl needs to go to school tomorrow" then Larry shakes his head and turned to look at Alec's downcast eyes "don't worry you would get a chance next time"

then Alec could not help but laugh "I would get a chance soon" he replied in an affirmative tone as if he had it planned out, then he left smiling and Larry was left dumbfounded "what does that brat mean?" he asked himself and followed along.