

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


Valerie had to tell Vivian about every single thing that happened during her trip without leaving any part out and this was done while on there way to the cafeteria for lunch..

After they got their food and went back to their sit Vivian could not hide her admiration for Valerie "my friend you are the most lucky person on Earth" Vivian said this giving Valerie a simple smile "come on what do you mean by the most lucky person... my darling we are all very lucky in one way or the other and I only just got the opportunity to talk to the king of fashion which is a big deal and a not so big deal as well" Valerie told Vivian with all seriousness about her take on the issue and this made Vivian very happy for making the right choice of friend because Valerie is very down to earth, honest and humble at all times.....

Before they finished eating Valerie could not help but look around the whole hall and noticed something she felt was amiss "Vivian have you seen Charlie and Noel today I can't seem to find them anywhere"... then Vivian laughed "ohhh those two decided on skipping school today and I don't know what's wrong with them the don't just want to finish their final year without being rebellious" Valerie could not help but laugh at this while wishing to be rebellious as well but that is only a dream that could never come to pass and the worst of all is that she's all over the news right now and she can't afford to spoil her family name at all....

They both went back to class and continued their classes then it was time for daily radio broadcast in school and Valerie is the on in charge of it on that day....

immediately she entered into the broadcasting room she felt others inside the room were giving her a curious look on how she would give that days broadcast a new light..

she entered into the broadcasting boat and tested the microphone after putting on her head set then she started immediately she was asked to by the club president

"Welcome to today's Broadcast my name is Valerie everyone let's dive into the mysterious world of Love that comes in different forms and uniqueness of connections stay tuned while I read you a short story posted on the broadcast teams group by an anonymous person who just wants everyone to hear their lovely story.. I read ' This is a magical story about how I met my boyfriend it might sound funny but I hope this gets broadcast on the school radio... their were this particular benches in the park close to where I live, I sit there everyday to read news papers which was my dad's habit in which I had unconsciously gotten the habit of reading news papers everyday before coming to school, I always go to the park to enjoy the natural space and dive into reading till my wrist watch gives me a reminder that it's time to go, so Everytime I go to the park their is always this guy sitting opposite the bench I do sit on and this felt like a ritual to the both of us without even seeing each other's face or talking to each other, we just enjoy that unique atmosphere..then on a faithful windy morning we both sat their as usual but this time around their was a twist... the wind was a little bit hard then it swept my news paper off my hands and I was in utter shock at this... then I was starring at the guy sitting opposite and at that particular time his papers flew off as well and our eyes locked into each other but instead of embarrassment we both gave each other a knowing smile... acknowledging the strange way we feel about each other even in silence .... and then we continued with this ritual without words letting our silent connect grow stronger eventually, then later on we started leaving small gifts for each other on the benches such as books,a cup of coffee, a hand written note e.t.c

And I hope to continue enjoying this adventure' with a smile emoji...

Valerie could not help but smile at this beautiful message... " this is a very strange and interesting kind of love and I'm very sure others would agree with me on this, we are sending you lots of love and happiness in your relationship thou we don't know you but you story is one of a kind... thank you very much for listening to us today do have a blissful week ahead and we would be ending off with this song titled Bizarre love triangle by New order and this is an iconic 1986 song.... I hope you all love it, good by till next Monday and always remember to love yourself"

then she tuned up the song and left the bot while her co- members were giving her a round of applause..

Not knowing that other students were also very engrossed in the story she was telling with her calm and quiet voice.

while Valerie was not so sure she did very good but when she got back to class and everyone was clapping for her when she was entering she felt very good... and could not hide the natural blush on her cheeks .