
Unable to Cultivate, I Can Only Raise Soul Pets

Author: Xia Shuqin
Video Games
Completed · 2.2M Views
  • 506 Chs
  • 4.2
    112 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Unable to Cultivate, I Can Only Raise Soul Pets

Read ‘Unable to Cultivate, I Can Only Raise Soul Pets’ Online for Free, written by the author Xia Shuqin, This book is a Video Games Novel, covering TRANSMIGRATION Fiction, SUMMONS Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The former Immortal Ascension Realm Cultivator Wang Che failed to overcome the Heavenly Tribulation, and as a result, hi...


The former Immortal Ascension Realm Cultivator Wang Che failed to overcome the Heavenly Tribulation, and as a result, his soul transmigrated to a world of the Martial Soul where soul beasts and humans lived together peacefully. After confirming that he could not cultivate in this world, the depressed Wang Che had no choice but to adapt to this world. So… “Caterp… Green Caterpillar, million years evolution!” “I choose you! Rayquaz… Wait no, Sky Dragon!”

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Shiroi_kage · Fantasy
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6 Chs


AJI SAKA - ASAL MULA HURUF JAWA Alkisah, Tersebutlah seorang pemuda sakti yang tinggal di desa Medang Kawit. Aji Saka namanya. Ia mempunyai dua pembantu yang sangat setia. Dora dan Sembada nama keduanya. Suatu hari Aji Saka berniat ke wilayah Medang Kamulan. Ia mendengar perilaku Raja Medang Kamulan yang bernama Prabu Dewata Cengkar yang sangat jahat. Prabu Dewata Cengkar gemar memangsa manusia. Setiap hari ia harus makan daging manusia. Patih Medang Kamulan yang bernama Jugul Muda harus sibuk mencari manusia untuk dipersembahkan kepada rajanya yang sangat kejam itu. Rakyat Medang Kamulan sangat ketakutan dan mereka memilih untuk mengungsi dari Medang Kamulan dibandingkan harus menjadi santapan Prabu Dewata Cengkar. Aji Saka berniat menghentikan kekejaman penguasa kerajaan Medang Kamulan yang gemar memakan manusia itu untuk selama-Iamanya. Dalam perjalanan menuju kerajaan Medang Kamulan, Aji Saka dan dua pembantunya tiba di daerah pegunungan Kendeng. Aji Saka meminta Sembada untuk tinggal di daerah itu dan menyerahkan keris saktinya. Katanya, "Kutitipkan keris sakti pusakaku ini kepadamu. Sekali-kali jangan engkau serahkan keris sakti pusakaku ini kepada siapa pun kecuali hanya kepadaku saja! Aku sendiri yang akan datang mengambil keris pusakaku ini.” Sembada mengiyakan pesan Aji Saka. Aji Saka bersama Dora melanjutkan perjalanan. Di sebuah tempat, Aji Saka meminta Dora untuk tinggal karena ia akan ke kerajaan Medang Kamulan seorang diri. Syandan, Aji Saka bertemu dengan Patih Jugul Muda yang tampak kebingungan karena tidak mendapatkan seorang manusia pun yang dapat dipersembahkan untuk Prabu Dewata Cengkar. "Jika itu yang menjadi kebingunganmu, serahkan aku kepada rajamu, wahai Patih Jugul Muda," kata Aji Saka. Patih Jugul Muda sangat keheranan mendengar ucapan Aji Saka. Jika orang lain akan lari terbirit-birit jika hendak dijadikan korban guna memuaskan nafsu Prabu Dewata Cengkar itu, Aji Saka malah menawarkan dirinya! Patih Jugul Muda lantas membawa Aji Saka ke istana kerajaan Medang Kamulan. Berbeda dengan orang-orang lainnya yang sangat ketakutan ketika dihadapkan pada Prabu Dewata Cengkar, Aji Saka tampak tenang. Sama sekali ia tidak menunjukkan ketakutan. Katanya di hadapan Raja Medang Kamulan yang sangat kejam itu, "Sebelum hamba Paduka makan, perkenankan hamba mengajukan satu syarat terlebih dahulu." "Syarat?" Prabu Dewata Cengkar melototkan kedua bola matanya, "Syarat apa yang engkau kehendaki?" "Hamba meminta imbalan tanah seluas surban yang hamba kenakan ini," jawab Aji Saka. Tak terkirakan gembiranya hati Prabu Dewata Cengkar mendengar syarat yang diajukan Aji Saka. Syarat yang sangat mudah menurutnya. Hanya dengan memberikan imbalan tanah seluas surban yang dikenakan Aji Saka ia telah dapat memangsa Aji Saka. Maka katanya kemudian dengan wajah berseri-seri, "Aku akan penuhi permintaanmu! Lekas engkau buka surbanmu itu dan gelarlah. Aku telah sangat lapar!" Aji Saka membuka surbannya dan mulai menggelarnya. Sangat mengherankan, surban itu ternyata sangat panjang. Surban seolah-olah tidak putus-putusnya digelar hingga wilayah Kerajaan Medang Kamulan pun kurang panjang. Surban bagai terus memanjang hingga membentang dari istana kerajaan menjangkau wilayah gunung, sungai, hutan, dan bahkan hingga ke Iembah- lembah. Semua tidak menyangka jika surban yang dikenakan Aji Saka itu begitu panjang lagi luas. Begitu pula dengan Prabu Dewata Cengkar tidak menyangkanya. Cerita selanjutnya Dipart yang ke 2 oke... ." ." .

Widian_Mahendra · History
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1 Chs
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Wow, a quality novel, well atleast compared to the utter sub-human trash available so far. MC is an expert who died from tribulation and reincarnated as a young man in a new world. Due to the laws (not governmental laws, but spiritual/magical stuff) of the world he's in, he can't personally cultivate using the methods from his former world. Therefore, he must rely on his soul beast to cultivate, this is not an original idea, his soul beast is well known trash-tier, but with his OP past-life methods, it becomes stronger. The way it's portrayed so far is what grabs my attention, there's young masters, but they don't act like arrogant d-bags. The author took the extra step to explain the feelings of side-characters to make them different then the "Oh so you're trash, hahaha". If you read it, you can see the difference compared to the mass produced garbage. The world setting is pretty standard, yet the author takes the time to explain it, rather then giving us a cookie cutter template that we always see in other novels. He doesn't explain the world, but the differences in power systems between his former world and current. The MC is an expert, so don't expect any character development. He's lived a full life already. I haven't seen those cliché's where everyone mocks him on the daily, the attitudes and designs of other characters are different then regular novels. In conclusion, there's not much difference so far (Chapter 20) with this novel and others, all though the genre of pets is cookie cutter, instead of taking it straight out of the package like other novels, the author has decided to explain things and increase the depths of other things. Then again this is a C20 review, who knows if he goes full china #1 later.


Wow look at me, I am 10000 years old and have the maturity of an infant. Celebrate me for I have lived for so long without gaining anything. Pro Tipp for prospective writers: Don't create an MC you can't understand or even imagine. Stay with what you know and build up from there. Even 90 short years are enough for humans to understand that arrogance and pettiness doesn't contribute to conflict resolution.


Thanos a flick away from imortality, struck by the Dao Avengers and reincarnated into a Pokemon world. Using knowledge from all the dramas and sci-fi movies he plundered from multiple universes, starts cultivating from scratch to create a miracle. Evolving a Caterpie into a Mega Rayquaza.


Well i have read this novel in MTL 270+, this has good story. MC uses his previous lifes techniques or skills in his own way its interesting. Other Characters are sensible, Not all of them are arrogant young masters. Here people who are bigshots don't suppress someone just because they have better talent in something. Its interesting and i enjoy it. Everyone has their own taste so i don't know how many of you will like it or i don't know if this one is going to be chosen for trial.


I did think it was trash.But after I read it ,I felt like this is rather good to compared to other trash there.It is good.please don't drop it.[img=update]


This is so stupid and even if the mc is over 1000 years old he has the mentality of a child. The novel is just to stupid no point in reading this.


Reveal spoiler


I feel the presence of arrogant young masters, face slapping's and forced romance in the midst of this novel. This description, this plot, it's all to familiar.


Published before chapter one be published Okay, seem good. And i think that only because the pokemon referency, i like this anime so much and for me if you have pokemon in anything you have a star from me. This referecy and the fact who i like pet novels


Reveal spoiler


spoiler mc is sometime flexing too much and sometimes too kind and generous for eg 6soul bones without his help they would never even have found out what it is he even let them observe his soul pet many secrets than he still has to give a technique flexing would be the first time military saved him and died and severely injured acts generous refusing some resources of student level to give professional soul masters oh yes it's more valuable than their lives doesn't even bother learning their name and at first it seemed like overwhelming knowledge to train soul pets bit they all just have awaken different already available bloodline and while it is about soul pets we doesn't see mc really train much except for when he first cultivated he doesn't even bother culivate sword after a few time by the way technique should be cultvated by two beings I think so how pet did it is beyond me and it just seems like he get resources easily all the while and people treat him nicely extraordinary luck when he refused they still insist on giving him things +


This is a warning. While the book was good and I enjoyed it, the author had personal reasons come up and the story gets cut short. Not everything gets resolved


Locked by Chapter 10.. No chance to see any quality development or story potential. Short chapters and rushed power explanations. Potential is high but can't be realized.


Don't bother reading this. Authors gave up with writing it around chapter 500 and just writes a plot summary of what was going to happen. Don't read this, don't get invested in this, and don't waste your time on this. Only took one point off translation quality because the quality is great but they had to have known this for a while and told nobody so people would still waste their coins on this.


i mtled this upto chapter 500, and there's this authors note that says "the book is almost over, it should be soon." and im shook. cause i thought that chapter500 was still in the middle part of the story. tf his soul pets only have 20-40,000 yrs of cultivation and the book is almost over??? lets hope that author will change his mind 😭😭 cause this story is really good


THIS IS VERY READABLE IN MTL. This is basically a mishmash of pokemon and soul land. Dont expect a character development because our mc here is a heavenly immortal in his last life.


I am just here to ask if anyone knows which site this novel came from. If not can I ask someone for the RAW. And because Webnovel won't let me post for not having meet the minimum letter count, this sentence was written.


I really like this type of novel the characters aren't arrogant because the MC has a caterpillar soul pet and the MC didn't gain any unique golden finger like system or pet store


caught up with mtl.. has about 300 chapters as of now.. really nice novel.. a few of the plus points are: mc doesn't suffer much so kinda a chill novel with no much tension.. mc does get attention but tries to keep it as minimum as possible.. he doesn't level up very very fast like MC's in other novels with cheats.. maybe later on he will but as of now it seems pretty normal (spoiler: chapter 280 and he's only at level 17) as for few of the cons for some people it may be that mc doesn't struggle or go against the odds n all to get things done.. it's pretty easy for him.. another point can be that mc does many things which shouldn't be possible for him but they kinda accept it with "alright.. everyone has their secrets"


At least a good quality novel about pets without absurd cheats or systems... If only it had 200+ chapters. I'm interested how the story would develop and maybe it could go into top 5 pet/cultivation novels on my list.


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