
Ultimus Custos (The Last Guardian)

Mrs. Lucy G. Smith tried to run from her fate as the leader of Guardianes La Tierra, translated from Spanish as Guardians Of The Earth, after the Sacred Stone Of Prophecy chose her over her father. Wanting to live a normal and happy life, she decided to escape to Spain with her husband. However, as fate would have it, Erebus, the demon of darkness, who exists in the form of mist, has been wanting to come to the earth in the body of a man, so he could rule all of mankind. He sent his lover, Hekate, the demon of witchcraft, to the earth, in the company of her daughter Empusa, who was a ruthless, blood-drinking, and flesh-eating monster. Together, they invited other demons, wrecking havoc in the city, as the once peaceful city turned into a home of paranormal activities. Trapped in the war, Mrs. Smith lost her husband during the chaos, giving her no reason to run again. She decided to accept her fate and pick up the mantle of leadership as the leader of the organization. However, her father, who was still bitter over the fact that his daughter was chosen over him, accepted a deal from the same monsters his family legacy fought. With each demon having their own selfish desires of ruling the earth, which can actually come to pass if they can possess the Sacred Stone Of Prophecy, the most important relic in the Guardian's home. It can become a weapon of mass destruction in the hands of the demons, as they all target it, in order to have supremacy over humanity. Stopping this now rests on the shoulders of the Guardian. Will she be able to stop these monsters from inhabiting the earth? Will she be able to stop demons from enslaving the human race? Find the answers to your questions in this fast-paced action, suspense-filled, and thrilling novel.

Perry_Trey999 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

A young boy could be seen walking on the quiet street clutching something by his side as he staggered on. There is no single soul on the street except staggering boy, the area seem deserted. The silence was so creepy that you could almost hear your heartbeat.

The boy came close to a street light that reflected the full features he has on while he rested his hands on a parked vehicle. There was blood stains on his clothe and his collar was torn. He looks like someone who had been running a long distance, which had drained his energy.

He raised his head up as the light shone on his face revealing who it was, Trey!

There was a whoosh sound behind him as he started up in fear. What he clutched by his side shone a green light before blacking out as he heard the figure moved past him again. He turned to where he heard the sound as his breath became shaky.

He was visibly scared with no means of defending himself. All he had was the pendant, which has the shape of an hexagram with a stone in the middle, the stone was crystal clear, serving as the all seeing eyes at the middle of the hexagram pendant.

The stone radiated a green light again as he heard the whoosh sound again, this time around, it was close. He felt a renewed energy due to the fear he has in him as he started down the street, running as fast as his legs could carry him, but there was a sudden clasp sound as a metal caught his legs, making it impossible for him to move. The metal held his legs so tight that the more he tried to free himself, the more he hurts himself.

He was in pain and was helpless, he felt a strange aura around him as the environment became cold. He kept struggling with it but it was impossible for him to get out. He felt an aura from the opposite direction, although he doesn't know how it happened, but he could sense that something was coming from that direction as a portal suddenly appeared with a lady coming out of it. She was clad in nothing but a breastplate made out of gold and silver with a skirt made out of the same material. She has fangs in her mouth with blood dripping from her it. Trey's eyes trailed down to what she was dragging along with her, it was the body of a man whose throat had been ripped on and he was sure that's his blood in her mouth.

"Shit, shit, shit!!" He cursed trying harder to free himself as the strange lady moved towards him with a creepy smile on her face.

She moved with such an incredible speed all of a sudden that Trey couldn't figure it out as she was already standing face to face with him.

" To aíma tou kyláei stis fléves sou" she said in Greek, trailing her nails down the vein on his neck as his heart kept trying hard to escape from it's cage. He was shivering, completely paralysed with fear of what might happen.

" Pós xéroun póso simantikós eísai, fýlaka" she said again, licking his neck he shuddered in fear.

" You have something I want" she said In English, with her eyes fixed seductively on him.

" I... I don't ... I don't have anything" he said, " please, just let me go" he pleaded in fear.

She laughed at his fear. Walking round him as with her nails trailing his shoulders.

" You look innocent" she said, " If only you know how powerful you are" she said, stopping at his front again with her eyes fixed on his fear weakened eyes.

"Den xérete ti dýnami katéchete kai to eídos tou kindýnou pou thétete gia ton káto kósmo, " she said in Greek.

" I don't have any idea what you're trying to say, but please let me go" he pleased again.

" I'm afraid I can't" she said, digging her hand through his chest as she ripped his heart out. His body fell with a thud as she licked the blood on her hands, dropping the bloody heart on the floor. She moved towards the body and was about to pick it up when it slowly fade away with a strange wind blowing it off to her back. It assembled together, forming Trey again, but this time he wasn't dead, he was standing, surprised at what's going on as he kept checking himself all over.

" What the hell is going on? " He asked no one in particular as he kept looking at himself. " I thought... I died" he said looking up to see the lady whose face had completely changed to that of a demon, except for the fact that she still have her normal body shape and armour, she now has fangs and a tail.

" You killed me" he said pointing at her as he touched his face with his left hand. "You killed me," he repeated, backing off as she snarled viciously at him.

"Yes, I killed you and I'll kill you again if you don't give me that" she said pointing at the pendant In his hand, it was glowing now.

" This time around, I'll remove your head from your body, tear you limb by limb till you have no joint attached to another " she said as her eyes turned completely black with rage. There were veins on her face as she snarled, charging at him with full speed. The stone glowed, and just as she was about to get to him, he found himself in the woods, alone.

He had covered his face, trying to defend himself, but was surprised when he found himself in another environment.

"What the hell's going on?" He asked no one in particular.

"They'll keep coming for you" he heard a voice behind him as he turned sharply, he was startled.

There, standing right in front of him was an old man with a strange looking walking stick which has a strange stone on it. He was putting on a very old robe and his voice was shaky as he talked.

"And I won't be able to protect you" he added as he moved slowly towards him.

"You can help me?" Trey asked.

"Yes I can" replied the man, "if you allow me" he added.

"I want you to help me" Trey said sobbing, "I don't know how I got here. My aunt will be worried" he added.

"Don't worry about your aunt, she can take care of herself. Worry about yourself" he said.

" Will you really help me? " Trey asked sniffing.

" I will, " he said making Trey, sigh in relief

" Thank you old man" He was saying, but his next statement shocked him.

" But on one condition" he said as Trey frowned.

" And what's that? " He asked with suspicion.

" You give me something I need, you have it with you right there" he said pointing at the pendant in Trey's hand. He clutched it tightly.

"Why do you all want it, what's so special about it?" He asked as the man moved slowly towards him.

"You have no idea what you have in your hands" he started, closing on him as Trey backed off. "It consists of power. Power you can never imagine in your wildest dreams" he said as his voice suddenly became mean. "Now give it to me and you'll leave here alive" he said as Trey kept backing off.

"No!," Said Trey stubbornly.

"Give it to me!" The man groaned, charging at him intending to snatch it as he changed form into the lady he saw earlier on the street, colliding with him as Trey suddenly found himself on the bed in his bedroom.

He was sleeping when he felt a hand touch him soothingly on the shoulder. "Wake up sleepyhead" Mrs Smith's voice said into his ears as he slowly opened his eyes.

"C'mon aunt Lucy, it's not morning yet" he said closing his eyes again.

"Wake up, we haven't finished our business together" she said.

"What business?" He said opening his eyes as the smile on his face turned into a frown when he saw the horror before him. It wasn't Mrs Smith, it was the lady he saw on the street.

He screamed In horror as veins appeared on her face, flashing her fangs in his face with her eyes turning completely black. But a hand grabbed him as it tried to steady him.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, it's a nightmare" Mrs Smith said as he looked at his environment. He was indeed in his room, but it was Mrs Smith this time as she tried to calm him down. She gave him a cup of water which he drank from as his breath was coming in gasps.

"It was... It was... A dream" he said panting. It was daybreak already.

"I know" Mrs Smith replied then she frowned when she caught sight of something glowing in his left hand which was balled up in a fist.

"What's that in your hand?" She asked pointing at the glowing green light.

His bones almost crawled out of his skin when he opened his palm, revealing the ancient pendant with the glowing stone in it.

"It's from my dream, I saw it in my dream" he said, but Mrs Smith wasn't listening.

"The stone of fear" she muttered.




Foreign Language

Ancient Greek: "To aíma tou kyláei stis fléves sou" - English: "His blood flows in your veins".

Ancient Greek: "Pós xéroun póso simantikós eísai, fýlaka" - English: " How they know how important you are, guardian".

Ancient Greek: " Den xéreis ti eísai ikanós, ti dýnami pou katécheis kai tin apeilí pou apoteleís gia ton káto kósmo" - English: " You don't know what you're capable of, the power you possess, and the threat you pose to the underworld".

I hope you guys are able to understand this chapter? Someone made mention of me interpreting the foreign languages I use while writing Maldito Del Infierno, so I decided to write their meanings at the end of each chapter.

I hope you guys are able to understand this chapter? Someone made mention of me interpreting the foreign languages I use while writing Maldito Del Infierno, so I decided to write their meanings at the end of each chapter.

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