
Ultimus Custos (The Last Guardian)

Mrs. Lucy G. Smith tried to run from her fate as the leader of Guardianes La Tierra, translated from Spanish as Guardians Of The Earth, after the Sacred Stone Of Prophecy chose her over her father. Wanting to live a normal and happy life, she decided to escape to Spain with her husband. However, as fate would have it, Erebus, the demon of darkness, who exists in the form of mist, has been wanting to come to the earth in the body of a man, so he could rule all of mankind. He sent his lover, Hekate, the demon of witchcraft, to the earth, in the company of her daughter Empusa, who was a ruthless, blood-drinking, and flesh-eating monster. Together, they invited other demons, wrecking havoc in the city, as the once peaceful city turned into a home of paranormal activities. Trapped in the war, Mrs. Smith lost her husband during the chaos, giving her no reason to run again. She decided to accept her fate and pick up the mantle of leadership as the leader of the organization. However, her father, who was still bitter over the fact that his daughter was chosen over him, accepted a deal from the same monsters his family legacy fought. With each demon having their own selfish desires of ruling the earth, which can actually come to pass if they can possess the Sacred Stone Of Prophecy, the most important relic in the Guardian's home. It can become a weapon of mass destruction in the hands of the demons, as they all target it, in order to have supremacy over humanity. Stopping this now rests on the shoulders of the Guardian. Will she be able to stop these monsters from inhabiting the earth? Will she be able to stop demons from enslaving the human race? Find the answers to your questions in this fast-paced action, suspense-filled, and thrilling novel.

Perry_Trey999 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

✡️Perry Trey's Paranormal Series✡️


🔱Ultimus Custos🔱

🔥(The Last Guardian)🔥


Cop's cars could be seen by the side of the road with an ambulance which had it's siren on. Paramedics were zipping up the third body bag when Mrs Smith drove by in her car, she frowned on seeing it.

"What the hell?" She said with a frown, pulling up by the side of the road, came down from the vehicle and approached the scene with Clara who was with her.

"I'll handle it" she whispered to Mrs Smith while walking ahead of her.

"What happened here?" She asked one of the cops who tried to stop her from going further.

"You need to back off ma'am, we can't let you past this point" he said.

"Detective Clara Gonzalo" she said showing him her ID.

"I'm sorry detective" he said paving way for them.

"What happened?" She asked another cop just as the bodies where whisked into the waiting ambulance.

"Five teenagers went camping in the woods, four dead and we have just one survivor who doesn't have something good enough to drive the investigation. We think it's an animal attack," the cop said pointing at Matt who was sitting very close to one of the cop's cars, wrapped up in a thick coat as he was shivering.

" I think he's still shocked over the death of his friends" The cop added as Clara looked over at Mrs Smith.. she was scanning the whole place.

" Can I... Speak with him for a second? " Asked Clara.

" Sure you can, " the cop replied as another called his attention.

Clara moved over to where Matt was curled up, shivering as she bend down so that her face could be aligned with his.

" Hey kid" she said softly.

" How you feeling now? " She asked touching his head as she frowned. His body was cold as ice, yet he was sweating profusely.

" He told me not to talk" said Matt all of a sudden. Clara was surprised as she moved closer to him.

" Sorry, what did you say? " She asked.

" He told me not to talk" he repeated.

" Who told you not to talk? " She asked, it's getting more confusing.

" I don't know" he replied. Clara frowned at his reply.

" Hey, look here. What's your name?" She asked staring directly into his face.

" Name's Matt" he said and Clara nod her head, following up.

" Listen up Matt, I'm trying to help you okay" she said and he nod in approval.

" Good. The thing that killed your friends, it's not an animal, is it? " She asked trying to force words out of him.

" It isn't" he replied.

" Then what is it? " She pressed further.

" Look, I wish I could tell you, but I can't. He made it clear he would kill me if I ever say anything" he said with a shaky voice.

" And you're just gonna let your friends die for nothing? " She asked trying to get to his emotional part.

" No, no, stop it!" he said softly as his eyes became wet with unshed tears.

" Perhaps you killed them and tried to cover up the fact that you weren't the one" Clara continued.

" No, no, I wouldn't do that. I'll never hurt my friends"

" I know you do drugs. It's easy for crackheads to get high and turn themselves into a psychopath when they are," she added.

" Okay, okay, I'll tell you but you have to promise, you'll protect me" he said, his voice shaky and his body shivering.

" You have my word" she replied. " So, I'm all ears" she added.

" Facel... "

" Okay, okay... We're done here. I'll take it from here" detective James said, walking towards Matt and Clara as he pulled him up, leading him into his vehicle. He ignited it and smirked at Clara before driving off.

" Son of a bitch! " She cursed as she went to meet Mrs Smith who had been observing from a distance.

" Did you get any information? " Mrs Smith asked as they both moved towards the car.

" I was this close when that son of a bitch ruined everything" she said, her voice laced with anger. " You won't believe the bitch smirked at me" Clara said looking like someone that would rip his head off if she had the opportunity.

" Four bodies, isn't that strange? " She asked, ignoring her rants.

" Of course it is" Clara replied, " I'll get the whole information at work tomorrow. Right now, I just wanna drink and forget about it all" she said reclining on her seat, shutting her eyes as Mrs Smith shook her head, putting the car in motion.


Somewhere In The City....

There was a sudden storm that made everyone start locking up their doors and stores. Shops were closed for the day and everyone was in a hurry to get home as they sense a very heavy downpour. Lightnings accompanied while thunderstorm flashed across the sky as the cloud became so heavy with darkness.

A portal opened up with an entity stepping out of it. He was dressed in an ancient armour which was designed with all sorts of skulls and which hung around his armour like medals. His body emitted black smoke as his face was completely covered with an helmet made out of a skull. His body emitted so much power that would force anyone to look away as he moved to the middle of the street, observing the environment which looks new to him.

Another entity jumped down from the top of a building, landing perfectly in front of the armoured individual as the portal where he came out of closed up.

He has no face at all. It's head looks bony and his fingers which was incredibly long and sharp was bony. He was putting on a black suit with a black tie as his head shone occasionally like a lightbulb.

"Kakodaimon," he said, bowing his head before the armoured man walked past him.

"How long will it take you, Slenderman?" He asked with a very deep voice that would send shivers down the spine of anyone who heard it.

"I'm trying my best, my Lord" he replied turning to face Kakodaimone's back.

"I need more souls to leave the underworld forever and you know it" he said, "I created you for this and if you don't prove your worth now, I might have start sending the spirit of the dead into this place, which would be more fatal. I don't want to announce our existence yet, that's why I sent a serial killer like you" he said with his thick voice.

"I know my Lord, but I think this people have been asking questions" he replied.

"Who?!" He asked, his voice thundering as the sky roared, flashing with lightning.

" Hecate and her daughter my Lord. There's this other demon they have which has gone deep into the city" he said, " I don't know why, but it kept cleaning my trails, I don't know what it's up to" he replied.

" Who is he?! " He asked thundering as his eyes turned red, it was so bright that it could be noticed In darkness.

" I don't know" Slenderman said flinching back, " I don't know much about the ancient demons, I came into existence just few years ago" he added.

" I have just 30 seconds to return to the underworld. Listen attentively, I want you to prove your worth to me, or I'm taking you off this job and I'll replace you with someone else" he said, " as for Hecate, I'll handle her. I'll send another demon to do that. Focus on what you're here for... " He paused as he groaned painfully. Part of his face is burning off already.

" Time's up, I have to go now" he said as another portal appeared behind him and he disappeared into it.


"I feel like sucking out every ounce of blood in his body" a girl dressed in an ancient robe said. She was standing on the top of a skyscraper very close to where Kakodaimone and Slenderman were discussing.

The older woman had a torch which was emitting black flames in her hands. She was putting on a red robe which covered most of her body with her eyes fixed on the duo talking on the street.

"I knew something was wrong right from the moment I saw the body at the school" she said in her usual greek accent.

"Why won't you just let me finish him off already, mother?" The younger lady said.

" C'mon Empusa, you can't feed on his blood, he's a demon. Plus, we have other issues to deal with. They're just mere distractions. He can never take on us, it's suicide if he thinks he could stop us" she told her daughter, whose fangs which had grown disappeared immediately as she smiled at her mother.

" I knew this whole weather thing isn't normal" Hecate said to herself as she fixed her gaze on the duo.

" He said he has thirty seconds left" Empusa said.

" Let's get out of here before they notice our presence" said her mother as she conjured a portal on the roof, swallowing them up.


"You didn't tell me you were gonna leave the house" Trey said without turning to face Mrs Smith immediately she got in.

He was seated in the sitting room, playing video games with his back turned at her.

"You were... Sleeping," she said, " I think it's wise not to wake you up" she replied dropping her bag on the sofa. Trey shook his head.

" You suck at lying" Trey said shocking her.

"What do you mean?"

"I was at the coffee shop and you know it" he replied.

"Oh!" She started. " I was gonna say that" she added and Trey scoffed.

"I was supposed to do the lying part, not you" he said, "except if there's something you're hiding from me" he added.

"Well, there's nothing you'd like to know. So, let's just skip the secret part" she said ope ing the refrigerator, providing a bottle of milk which she poured into a cup, gulping it down.

"Someone dropped a letter for you" he said and Mrs Smith paused. She wasn't expecting any letter from anyone.

"Who was it?" She asked.

"How am I supposed to know when it was a postman that dropped it?" He said, looking over his shoulder.

"Where's it?" She asked with all seriousness.

"Uncle Richard is not home yet, that's unusual" Trey said.

"Can we just skip the Richard part and you tell me where the letter is cause he already called me" Mrs Smith said, she's growing impatient.

"It's right on the dining table" he said as she hurried up to the dining.

There, an envelope was lying on the table with an ancient seal. She froze on seeing the seal. She picked it up, tore it open and read the words in it.

'_I can do this till eternity. By the way, your husband's got a very beautiful bracelet'_

"Oh my God!" Mrs Smith gasped. Her knees failed her as she almost fell down, using the chairs to support herself.

"Are you alright?" Trey asked rushing to her. "What's wrong with you?" He asked and she quickly fold the letter in her hands, hiding it from his view as he helped her up.

"I'm fine, it's just... I feel, dizzy" she lied. "It's been a long day you know. I'll just get some sleep" she added, moving away from him. Trey was confused, she was acting weird.

"Where did you say you got the letter from?" She asked turning to face him.

"I told you a postman dropped it" he replied.

"Where were you then?"

"At the coffee shop. What's up with all the questions?" He asked, he was confused.

"It's okay, my head hurts. I gotta sleep now" she said going to her bedroom as Trey's eyes trailed her with a frown on his face.

"What the hell's going on?"


"Can you just sign the papers already, we need to move him away tonight" Detective James Clark told his chief, holding out a transfer document to his face. He wants them to transfer Mr Richard to the headquarters of SCPD where there is maximum security.

" I don't think I can do that detective, he's not been declared guilty yet. Morever, he just came in today and I don't see why he should be transfered" the bald headed man Mr Mccarthy said.

Detective James groaned. He's getting tired of convincing him throughout the night.

" I don't want it to come to this," James said.

" Come to what? What are you talking about, detective? "

" This, " he said moving close to him, with his eyes locking with Mr Mccarthy's. " You'll sign that document and have Mr Richard moved to the headquarters tonight" he said.

" I'll sign the documents and have him moved to the headquarters" he replied as detective James tapped his cheek, making him come out of whatever world he had been.

"You know, why don't we transfer Mr Richard to the headquarters? The cells here are choked up" he said with a smile, providing a pen from his breast pocket which he used in signing the transfer documents.

"It wasn't that difficult, was it?" Detective James asked with an evil smile plastered across his face.

"Of course not" he replied, "I want you to oversee the transfer" he said handing over the documents to Detective James Clark.

" With pleasure, " he said, taking the documents from him with a wry smile on his face.

You can breathe now, its just a book.

I know this chapter is mind blowing, lots of twist and things that weren't foreseen.

Mrs Smith and Clara thought they have everything under control, but it seems it's the other way round. And the new set of villains, hmm... I foresee bloodshed and war.

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