
Twilight: Dark Queen

She is the Most elegant woman you've ever met,she is the most manipulative and cunning women you've never met, She is royalty Bow down before your Queen. (ALL HAIL VOLTERRA) WARNING WARNING!!!! this Story contains rape And Will Have Other fetishes depending on my Choices if you do not like to read stories like this then continue to another Story.

Nicholas_Sea · TV
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8 Chs

Chapter: 03.

I Opened my Eyes and they Quickly Adjusted and I Looked around and made sure that i was Safe And got up and felt my pussy was Leaking and looked down and Seen I was horny I just stared at my pussy juices leaking and said Not Even caring "so this is what happens when a male vampire bites a woman well it might just be my reaction but it felt good so I'm not complaining."

I'm so used to having sex it's not Even surprising anyways I've gained power Hehehehehehehe if you must know this was All pre planned I felt someone was following me who was surprisingly not so sneaky as a vampire he must have just been turned anyways I Led the mysterious handsome vampire to my castle and let myself become his meal but Truth be told I thought i was gonna die i didn't know if my plan was gonna be Hundred percent Accurate it was a fifty fifty.

I put my hand on my chest And didn't feel my heart beating And Seen my Red eyes in a Mirror on my desk in my room and thought "I need to Check to make sure of something"

i Swayed to The Window and opened the Curtains and Started at My skin Sparkling and thought "So I'm a Vampire from Twilight I mean its not a Bad thing i think vampires from Twilight are underrated i feel like if they tried hard enough They could evolve their gifts Speaking of Gifts do i have a Gift"

I closed my eyes and Tried to feel for something and felt Something and Opened my Eyes and Seen the shadows and Darkness Moving as the room Got Dark I smirked and said " So I have Umbrakinesis This Gift will be Powerful in the Future it has So Much potential I mean I wouldn't care what gift I got I'll try to max it out hehehehe."

I Used my vamp speed to the Bathroom almost Falling on my First try and got used to it easily, i arrived in the bathroom and Took a bath.

TIME SKIP: After my shower

I was in the Training grounds Testing my strength and I must say Newborns in Twilight are strong but it won't last long you age, Good thing about it at least my new Body learned fighting skills when she was Taking etiquette class that my new Fat Fuck father assigned to her I bet he wanted to make sure I didn't Lose my Virginity before I got married what an asshole I hope he is still alive so he can Be My food.

I suddenly Felt thirst forgetting to feed and vamp sped Getting dresed and Sped Out of my castle and used my gift going in the Shadows and was eyeing a Muscular man in his 50s hearing his heart beat with stress I smirked and Faded into the Darkness laughing Elegantly "Hahahahahaha.".

Muscular man:POV

I was Farming Tirelessly even though I was tired and Sweating but I suddenly heard Whispers that sounded like it was in my ear "You smell Delicious my dear"

I Looked around Almost shitting myself and held up my shovel and and Thought Scaredly "What the Fuck was that"

I didn't think much of it and Went home since it was getting dark.

I opened the Door To my House and Closed it behind me I took a Shower then Got into bed getting Comfortable and heard Someone next to me that sounded like a woman with an elegant Italian accent making me pause "Isn't this lovely my dear we get to spend so much time together you must be pent up with all that stress." The woman said in a wifely voice.

I looked over and seen the Most beautiful woman I have ever seen and leaned in accepting her offer, Suddenly i seen the World spinning upside down and my eyes looked down and seen my body with no head and Screamed "AHHHHHHHH.", And blacked out...


I Licked my lips Getting the blood Off of My Mouth while Smirking Looking at his Dead Body and Vamp sped Away not caring if his Body is Found and thought "This Will be fun as a Vampire Hahahahahahaha"

I arrived back at my castle and Went to the Training grounds again to Fully check my gift.

i Lifted my Hands And All the Shadows And Darkness Moved *Doom* I seen the Whole Stadium Engulfed in darkness i smirked and Said to myself "So this is as Far as I can Go with my gift for now That's good at least i have Some way to defend myself."

i Made the Shadows go away and Vamp sped to my Library And Sat down In the Chair and Crossed my legs While smiling really enjoying this new vampire life.

TIME SKIP: 2 Years Later/ 1594 Bc

I Was Currently in my Fathers shadow you ask why it's because I'm here i kill him and take his Fortune he's been Trying to leach off my Fortune to expand his Wealth so I have to get rid of his ugly old ass.

I stepped out of The Shadows And said elegantly "Hello Ugly fat Fucker did you miss Me my dear.", He turned around fast that didn't seem possible for his weight age and was Scared shitless by my sudden appearance an Said loudly "What do you want I gave you everything, life, Luxury and a Husband what else could you ask for."

I Stared at him and smiled and said with my Italian accent elegantly "Of course you did my dear But your still of use to me Dead of course Father dearest."

I Vamp Sped to Him Grabbing his throat and snapped it *Crack* and Went limp.

I put my face by his neck and Elegantly drained his blood,his fat ass has alot of nutrients and Dropped his body And thought to myself "That's what you deserve you Fucker Rot in hell piece of shit and you won't be seeing me for who knows how Long Hahahahahahaha"

I Swayed to his Desk and took out a paper And signed my name as the inheritor Oh his Fortune by copying his Handwriting Which I learned copying handwriting in my past Life don't ask why it's family issues.

I Kept the inheritance paper and Sunk his Body into my shadow that Absorbed him and vamp sped out of the Castle and into the woods vamp Speeding all the way Back to Greece.

and while i was vamp Speeding through the woods I heard screaming and Stopped and Went into my shadows and Went where the Noise was and Seen a Vampire Torturing some humans and Feeding off of them I Smirked enjoying the show i looked at him And Felt some sort of Connection I thought "Is this My soul mate Decided by this Twilight world but he looks like caius Volturi"

i Stared At him Again getting all of his Looks and thought "So he really is caius Volturi It Seems they where born Ahead of time and will be Older than In the plot" i came out from the shadows behind him suddenly he spun around and Slammed me against the Tree holding my neck Tightly and said with Anger "How dare you Sneak up behind me I should just rip your head off."

I Stared at him unfazed by his Sudden threat and said calmly "You could try but I wouldn't recommend that my dear you see you might also end up with something missing which I think you might need if you want a fulfilling life to indulge in the carnial desires." I Said.

He looked at me Dead in the Eyes neither of us wavering and let go of me and said With Arrogance "My name is Caius Volturi what is yours."


I was Sitting under the Tree with his head on my Lap which I can tell you how it happened hehehehehe well I introduced my name and I Attack all his weak spots and what do you know we clicked just like that he Somehow likes to be possessive of me which I don't mind I mean I loved Caius when I watched twilight in my past Life.

I mean mean no one can deny it was Underrated but somehow this Caius has a Strong fighting ability Even though he doesn't have a gift, i caressed his head and heard him say "So your my soul mate i suppose."

i looked at him and Said "Yes I am."

he Stared at me and i smiled and sai elegantly "Come now my dear i know I'm beautiful no need to stare."

He said "Humph."

i Smiled and Said With my Italian accent elegantly "Now where to my love." I said.

He looked up at me And said surprised at my phrase "We will be Going to Greece." I said Elegantly

"Oh I have a castle there And my son is in Greece But I don't love that child he can die for all I care."

he said With a Possessive Look "So you have a son."

I Stared him for a moment and said "yes I have a Son and I'm 51 years old thanks for asking and I'm guessing we are the same age."

"Yes we are the Same age, wait don't change the subject."he said nodding but realized he Was being manipulated.

I Nodded And smirked.