
Twilight: Dark Queen

She is the Most elegant woman you've ever met,she is the most manipulative and cunning women you've never met, She is royalty Bow down before your Queen. (ALL HAIL VOLTERRA) WARNING WARNING!!!! this Story contains rape And Will Have Other fetishes depending on my Choices if you do not like to read stories like this then continue to another Story.

Nicholas_Sea · TV
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8 Chs

Chapter: 02.

I Opened my eyes and Looked around taking in the my surroundings and seen I was inside a Luxurious Bedroom and Got up and Said with an Italian Accent "Where am I."

i Quickly noticed the change of my voice and looked down at my body and seen Medium sized breasts and immediately noticed I'm a Woman and thought with a Stunned face "Did I Transmigrate into a Italian Woman"

suddenly i was Assaulted with memories and Screamed Holding my head "GAHHHHH."

it seems this Body's name is Ambra Valentino she Comes from A Italian Ancient Rich Family from Generations of Wealth and She is 37 years old and i have to be honest My new body is Quite beautiful she has Long platinum Black hair And Ice blue eyes and Light skin color and a Heart shaped face and is 5'7 in height and has Medium Sized breasts and a Bubble ass.

i looked around the room and got up off the bed and Searched around the luxerious room impressed at how luxerious it was and and used my new body's memories to check the current dated and Found out it's 1599 Bc. I said with my current Italian accent "What the Fuck am I Doing Thousands of years ago.

I Thought to myself "I Wonder what world I'm in and If I have a Cheat Like most Reincarnaters and Transmigrsters"

"system are you there, Hellooooooo System." I said but Didn't get a Response and Waved my arms Around to see if i had any special powers and i was a Little angry and Stopped what I was doing, Now Is not the Time to be angry I have to plan for the Future and figure out what World i am in.

I walked out of my new Room and Went through my new body memories to check Where the library is because if this Body is Rich their should at least be a Library in this Mansion and I immediately Found it and Went there and Opened the Door and Closed it behind myself and started Searching to see if there are any clues not Bothering to admire the beauty of the Libary and said with my new Italian accent elegantly "Found you." and grabbed the history book and Sat down in a old expensive Chair And crossed my legs Since I am a Woman Now and opened the history book and started Flipping through the pages and Seen Records of Very beautiful Godlike beings who sparkle in the sun And Some things about wizards and Elves and Other creatures.

"So im in Twilight I will need some sort of way to protect myself there's no telling if it's more Dangerous than in the Movies" I thought and closed the book While smirking and Got up off the Chair and Left the Library.

I thought to myself "It seems my new Parents in this life doesn't care about this This Body and it seems my new mother has Passed Away while giving birth to my New body Which is Good for me the only problem is my new father Blames Me for her Death Oh well I don't give Two Fucks about some rich asshole I've had it worser than that Fat Pig".

I Walked back to my new Room Passing Maids Along the Way and Walked in my new room and Closed the door behind myself to have Some time to think of my plans for the Future I Sat on the Bed and Thought "First and Foremost I have to Gain Some Power there no telling the dangers of my new life I cannot risk it I need power but the Question is how.

i Heard a Knock on the door and Said with my Italian new accent Elegantly "Come in." and a random maid Walked in and Said respectfuly "the lord is Calling for you my lady" i looked at her Calmly but inwardly i thought " ugh how tiring i hope im not one of those damsel in distress Manhwa Female protagonist who travel to ancient times into a Plain vase young miss who gets Sold off To marriage For benefits for the father Dearest"

I said elegantly "Ok you are Dismissed." and the maid Bowed respectfuly and Left and i got off the bed And *Sighed* and opend the door and left my room and Swayed down the long Hallway, I *sighed* again and thought "are you Fucking serious i mean i enjoy Luxurious things but this hallway is to long But ill have to get used to it since this is my new life"

I arrived at my new Father dearest office and just walked in not Bothering to knock the door slamming behind me and Stood quietly in the middle of the Office while looking at the Old Fat Fuck sitting at his Desk.

I Heard the Old 68 year old fat Fuck say "I've arranged a Marriage for you it's about time you make yourself useful And give me some Benefits since now that I've finally found someone who will want to marry an old woman like you, you can depart Tomorrow your dismissed" He said not Giving 100 shits about my opinion and Just drunk his Evening tea getting back to his paperwork I Rolled my eyes at the Fat fuck not caring if he saw and thought "This is a Perfect opportunity to See the World " and Left his Office while secretly smiling making sure the Door slammed extra loud to my liking and Swayed back to my room while thinking "He didnt even tell me my supposed husbands name not that i care"

i arrived at my room and said elegantly to the maid not Doing her Job " Be a Dear and Make yourself useful and prepare me some Clothes for my trip."

The Maid looked offended and mad and said "Bu...." I interrupted With a Serious Face and said Elegantly ordering "Get to it Beggar Before I get the Whip." she immediately got to it And I Sat in my Expensive chair And Crossed my Legs and thought "This is the life to bad i have to marry some unknown man"

TIME SKIP: The next day

I Got up and Did my morning Business and Got Dressed for my Trip And Swayed out of my room and Went all the Way Downstairs to outside the castle and Seen Knights Waiting for me while staring I said elegantly Calmly "Well Hello to you to are you My bodyguards for this Trip."

the Caption of the Knights said With a Serious Face "Yes my lady We are your bodyguards ordered by Lord Valentino To protect you on this Trip."

I looked him up and Down and said elegantly "I didn't ask you to tell me who orderd you i already know who, otherwise why are you standing in front of me Sir caption." I said Saying the Last words extra slowly for the retarded man wasting my time on someone with no education.

"Bu...." The caption said

I said elegantly interrupting "You can Be quiet now sir captain the reason I said I already know who ordered you is because your in this Castle which is heavily guarded For a Paranoid person who can't learn to fight for himself and has to rely On People to be around him Twenty four seven Sir Captain." The Captain Looked confused clearly showing his zero Brain cells that's not active during times of need.

I said elegantly "go get the Carriage ready and make sure my luggage is ready." I said not dealing with Brain dead People and Got into the Expensive Carriage and thought "at least that Father is Useful in some ways this only speeds up my plans for the Future"

I open the Carriage curtains for the Window and opened it and said to one of my Random knight bodyguards "Tell the captain to hurry up so we can leave it will be dark before we Even arrive" the Knight immediately did as he was Ordered.

I closed the curtains and Looked at the Black Dress I was Wearing and was Pleased along with my heels I'm Adjusting to my new Body well along with accepting my new Identity i have full Control over my body now I can remember things Very easily and I feel Stronger.

I felt the Carriage Start Moving Leaving the Castle Grounds onto the Road and Look out of the Window seeing the City and Thought "it seems this will be where italy will be in the future" and closed the Curtains and took out the History book i stole from the library already knowing i will leave and opened it and started flipping through pages about species and thought "it Seems Wizards are in this World But my new Body's lineage dont Have the Blood Of witches and Wizards and I dont have Aptituded and i can't be any of these Other races so that leaves vampires.

"I guess that's my only Option for power But how am I gonna find a Vampire" I thought to myself.

TIME SKIP: 1 Year later/ 1598 Bc

my Life this Past year has Been Completely Hell Well not all what I mean by hell is boring hahaha what you thought the same thing happened to me like my last life like hell i would anyways my new husband is decent i mean he has a Small 4 inch cock his other qualities are average and I no longer have my Virginity I'm Currently pregnant with another mans Baby yep Im pregnant I mean why wouldn't I this child can be useful in the future and I'm Currently in Greece Yes in Greece where the Leaders of the Volturi live before they Where turned this is also apart of one of my plans to gain power be Turned around The Same time But I dont know if they where Born yet since they where born around 1300 i remember and rubbed my belly.

TIME SKIP: 2 years later /1596 Bc

It has been 2 years since I have had my child his name is Zeolious Valentino and he is 2 years old yes I named his last name after myself since I didn't like my husband's last name and I am now 40 years old and my husband passed away a Year Ago Because I murdered him yes you heard right i murderd him since he was of no use to me anymore i was Only using him to collect money and since i have Fortunes saved Bye bye.

i Was currently in bed Resting when i Felt something Breathing on my neck and opened my eyes only to meet Red eyes it bit my neck and started sucking me dry as i screamed loudly "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.".