
Tributes for Peace

Three tribes occupied the continent, two of which aim to form an alliance through marriage, how will the two heirs take this news?

EmilySchneider0995 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter Ten

-Bakugou's POV-

I was sitting in the wagon that Kiri put me in, waiting for the damn nerd to relieve himself. I could see some people talking amongst themselves as everyone stayed here for the nerd. Kiri was standing at the side of the wagon, watching me for some reason. I glared at him and saw him smile before pouting, crossing my arms over my chest. I jumped slightly when I felt a hand on my leg, looking at the idiot redhead in front of me. He had a stupidly cute smile and was laying his head on his arm while leaning on the wagon.

"Dumbass, not in front of the others." I stated, swatting at his hand and jumping when he gave me puppy eyes.

"Aw, my shy little pebble. Don't worry, they won't care what we do unless we're actively fucking in public." he said, making my face burn.

"Shut up idiot, like that would ever happen." I huffed, hearing him chuckle.

"Sure love, anyways it sounds like your friend is coming back so we'll be on our way again soon. Then you can have me to yourself if you want to stop along the way." he said, getting a glare from me as I blushed brighter than his eyes.

The nerd walked back and climbed into the wagon, the guard that went with him going back to the pink haired girl. We started moving again, heading back along the path as we traveled farther and farther from home. The scenery was quite nice as we traveled through the forest that was slightly familiar to me. Our settlement always moved around through the woods as needed to avoid the Sira's from finding it. It wasn't practical to pick up and leave a lot, but we all grew familiar with the trees.

I decided to rest for a bit, still tired from the last few night's activities. Placing a decently soft bag in the corner I curled up with my back to the side wall of the wagon. Deku was quietly writing in his journal, mumbling in a barely audible level. I held onto myself as I let the bumping of the wagon lull me to sleep. I could briefly feel something flutter over me before I slipped entirely into darkness to sleep.

-Kirishima's POV-

I was walking before Mina bumped my arm, making me turn to look at her with a small frown. She had a smile on her face as she pointed past me towards the wagon. I looked to see what she was pointing at, Katsuki was curled up in one corner sleeping as the greenette was scribbling in a book of sorts. I drifted a bit closer and saw the other small male look up at me briefly. I pulled a small fur blanket from a bag in the wagon and draped it over Katsuki's small body, smiling when he snuggled into it.

"Hey Kiri, do you want us to try to grab a few foods from here while we head back? That way they will have at least some foods they're familiar with." Mina asked, getting a small nod from me.

-Time Skip: Three Days Later-

We finally made it back to the tribe's main settlement, Katsuki refusing to ride in the wagon to meet everyone. After about an hour of wiggling and kicking we agreed to let him walk with us. Though he did have to stay near me because of the wildlife and to show everyone who he was with. The greenette stayed by Sero, looking around and noting different things in his book. I couldn't help but to smile when we walked into the settlement, every crowding around us.

"Kiri's back!" someone yelled, everyone running over.

"Kiri Kiri Kiri, everyone missed you guys." Kami stated, jumping around excitedly before getting picked up by his husband.

"Glad to know Denks is still as energized as ever, how's that going for you Shinsou?" I asked with a smile, seeing him glare at me.

"He's a bit much at times, but at least he's not the son of an overly aggressive second in command." he responded.

I could feel Katsuki's hand tighten around my arm, nails slightly digging into my skin. Glancing down at him I could see the murderous look in his eyes. I put a hand over his, noting the nervous look on Shinsou's face after he looked at Katsuki.

"I think Kat wants to rest after our long trip. Please excuse us." I stated, carefully guiding Katsuki away from everyone.

"See you at the bonfire Kiri!" Denks yelled as I walked away.

We were walking along the small path towards the house that my family had built many generations ago. It was carved into the mountain itself and led down to the caverns. It was a nice house, expanded every generation as another room was added each time a new chief was chosen. It was a family tradition that was upheld strictly.

"Sorry about having to live in a literal hole in the wall, but it's kinda tradition for the chief to live here with their family." I stated, rubbing the back of my neck as I smiled at him.

"At least it's not a tent, besides we'd have plenty of privacy." he replied, walking up to the door.

I followed him and opened the door for him, letting him go inside first and look around. My mothers had decided to move out months prior to meeting with the Folia tribe. I didn't mind too much as I was usually too busy to be home or was too far away fighting. It was definitely nice being back, looking around the very intricate woodwork that outlined the different rooms. It was all handmade and looked very nice. I couldn't help but smile when I watched Katsuki wander further into the home looking stunned.

When he got to the very back he walked into the section that I made. He kept looking around the room, running his hand along the textured walls. When he had explored the whole room he stood in the middle before turning to look at me. I assume he guessed who made this room because he looked proud when his eyes met mine. I watched him walk closer to me before grabbing the small sash I had around my torso and pulled me down into a kiss. I leaned further down and picked him up gently while holding the kiss. I made my way to the bedroom, loving how he wrapped his legs around my waist.

"I'm so glad I have you all to myself." I stated, seeing him blush.

"Shut up dumbass." he muttered, looking away from me making me chuckle and kiss his neck.

"How about we have some fun before the bonfire?" I asked, leaving a small mark on his neck.

"Ngh~ idiot, what if someone hears us?" he asked, looking embarrassed.

"If they end up seeing or hearing us they can only blame themselves, we're inside a mountain and it's our home so they shouldn't be in here if they don't want to risk seeing you under me." I stated, kissing along his neck and jaw as I spoke.

"F-fuck you idiot ngh~" he whimpered out, squirming in my arms.

"If that's what you want darling." I stated, laying him on the bed and kneeling above him.

I loved the faint blush over his features as he lay there staring up at me with lust filled eyes. I gently ran my hands along his thin waist watching him squirm more as I lifted the small skirt he had on. I leaned down leaving kisses along his milky thighs, a few marks being left as well.

I could feel him jump when the door opened, I turned and looked to see who was bothering us. Mina stood with a small smirk and blush. I sat up, hiding Katsuki from her view as she put her hands up defensively.

"Sorry to bother you Kiri, your mother's sent me to get you for the welcoming feast." she said, making me groan and nod from her to wait in the hall.

Once she was out in the hall I turned to Kat, finding him hiding his face under a pillow. I chuckled and moved it away from him to see his bright red face. He frowned at me when I gave him a smirk, grabbing the other pillow and smacking me with it.

"I told you dumbass, now look what happened." he huffed, still bright red.

"Don't worry love, she won't say anything to anyone. Let's go meet everyone shall we. That is if you're not too scared to meet people." I teased, watching him glare at me with a look of determination.

"I ain't scared of nobody, bring it on mighty chief." he said, using a mocking tone for the last part.

"Come here you." I growled playfully, dragging him close and picking him up making him squeal a bit.