
Tributes for Peace

Three tribes occupied the continent, two of which aim to form an alliance through marriage, how will the two heirs take this news?

EmilySchneider0995 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


*Years Later*

-Bakugou's POV-

I woke up to the sound of squealing coming from elsewhere in the house. I got out of bed to see what was going on, as I walked down the hall I could hear giggling and little feet running around. The twins were awake would be my guess. They both looked just like Kiri, though luckily only one of them had sharp teeth. I rounded the corner into the living room area to get scared by the twins and a bunch of others yelling 'surprise' at me.

"What's going on?" I asked, watching people laugh before getting dragged into a hug by Kiri.

"Happy birthday darling. We decided to plan a surprise party for you since you refused to let us openly celebrate with you." he explained, setting me down so the twins could latch onto my legs.

"I don't like parties, you know that." I grumbled, picking up my tiny gremlins.

"Ya but, this isn't a party per say. It's a small gathering to socialize a bit before breaking up." he stated, making me frown at him.

"Are you trying to use a technicality right now?" I asked, letting the kids climb all over me.

"Quite possibly, but just for a few hours Kat. Please?" he begged, giving me puppy eyes.

"Ya momma, pleeeeease?" the twins begged, making me sigh.

"Fine, just a few hours. After that though I will kick everyone out of this house." I replied, getting a nod from Kiri and the twins.

We all joined the others in the living room, greeting everyone there. Deku had brought his husband, Icyhot, from the last tribe on the island. He wasn't all that bad other than the emotionless behavior he had and the giant scar over his eye. Him and I weren't on great standing, only because when he first visited the Sira's he made a comment about how short I was. Kiri had to break up the fight that had followed that statement, Icyhot hasn't mentioned my height again since.

My old man and old hag came to visit as well, bringing a small basket of treats that can't be made in the climate around here. We all talked for a few hours before, true to my word, I kicked everyone out. The twins ran off to go play with their friends and grandparents while Kiri and I stayed home. That's how I ended up pinned to the wall getting attacked with kisses by this giant idiot.

"Kiri cut it out, the kids could come back soon." I stated, trying to wiggle free from his grasp.

"Come on Kat, let's celebrate by ourselves for a bit. Besides, I told the kids to stay with their auntie Mina tonight." he answered, leaving behind more kisses and biting my neck gently.

"Fuuuck, fine." I whined, letting him pick me up and carry me to the bedroom.

He laid me on the bed before crawling on top and going back to his assault on my neck. I couldn't help the noises that came out as he left mark after mark on me. By the time he had started to move down to my chest and eventually stomach I could tell I was littered with marks. I will have some trouble covering them tomorrow. That would be a problem for them, for now I would rather enjoy my time with my giant of a husband.