
Tributes for Peace

Three tribes occupied the continent, two of which aim to form an alliance through marriage, how will the two heirs take this news?

EmilySchneider0995 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter Nine

-Bakugou's POV-

I woke up to a warm feeling all around me, and looked up to find my idiot husband holding me. I suddenly remembered what happened last night and could feel my face heat up. My back and hips were definitely sore, but it wasn't unpleasant. I was glad though that he was gentle with me for the most part. It was a detail I definitely appreciated, though I'd never tell him that.

I carefully crawled out of bed, making sure not to wake my idiot up, and headed into the kitchen to start on breakfast. I grabbed some dried meat and a few fruits from the small garden out back before heading in to try and prepare them. I started a small fire, trying to stay quiet as I placed the meat over it to cook. I sat nearby cutting the fruits and vegetables for the meal I had planned.

Just as I was about to get up to find the seasoning herb I wanted to add, I felt very strong arms around me and someone's head on my shoulder. I looked over to find Kirishima's bright red hair next to me, turning around and making him sit up and let go. I could tell from the heat on my cheeks that I was blushing and hearing him chuckle next to me.

"Gods you're adorable, want me to help cook?" he asked, placing a light kiss on my cheek.

"No I've got it, fuck off." I stated, no venom in my words.

"Mmm, I don't think you mean that love. I'll watch and help if you ask." he replied, moving to sit next to me.

"Ya ya, whatever I gotta go get herbs. Stay." I stated firmly, getting up.

I made it outside to the small garden I found, looking at each plant carefully as I looked for the things I needed. I grabbed a few leaves from the three plants I needed before heading back inside to find the idiot right where I left him looking like a lost puppy. I felt a little bad because of the sad look he gave me, making me frown and sit next to him again with a huff.

"Don't look so wounded moron, I was just outside." I stated, checking the meat.

"I can't help it, my precious husband left me all alone after we spent the night together. How was I supposed to feel?" he asked, dragging me into another hug.

"I'm not precious now let go so I can finish breakfast." I grumbled at him, getting let go for the most part so that I could still cook.

"You're precious to me, like a pearl. Delicate in some ways but extremely valuable in the eyes of many. Not to mention your feisty behavior." he responded, making me blush again.

"Quit saying useless things and eat." I mumbled, carefully seasoning the meat and placing it on the plates I found.

"I'd eat anything you gave me love." he stated, kissing my cheek as he took the plate I offered him.

"Shut up." I mumbled, slowly eating.

We ate quietly for the most part, though it was a fairly comfortable silence in the kinda small space. One thing that was nice about this place was that it was well away from everyone else, which meant it was quiet. After we finished eating I went to get a bowl of water so we could clean everything, still in a comfortable silence. Once everything was cleaned up we ended up sitting across from each other, not entirely sure what to do.

I glanced up to meet his eyes, blushing at the loving look in them. Huffing I looked away, feeling warmth creep into my cheeks. I could feel his hands on my waist as he carefully pulled me over onto his lap. I couldn't understand why he was so gentle with me, especially when he was much larger and stronger than me. I turned to face him, catching him off guard as he leaned back to make eye contact.

"Why are you being so gentle?" I questioned, glaring at him.

"First because you're smaller than me. Second, your father would kill me if you got hurt in any capacity. Third, I want to pamper you before anyone else can try to steal you from me." he answered, a stupid smile on his face.

"Why should my old man care? After all, he of all people should know what goes on here." I stated, seeing this idiot redden a bit.

"How would he know that?" he asked, clearly flustered.

"Cause based on what I heard from when they spent their two nights here, my mother had to be carried home by him. She had marks all over her and couldn't walk straight." I answered, rolling my eyes.

"So you're saying you want the same kind of treatment?" he questioned, seeming to try and clarify.

"Yes." I stated firmly, grabbing hold of his necklace and pulling him closer.

"Ruin me Eiji." I whispered in his ear, hearing a mix of a groan and whimper.

"If that's what you want Katsuki, your wish is my command." he replied, diving down and starting to mark my neck.

-Time Skip: The next day-

-Kirishima's POV-

I couldn't help but smile as I carried Katsuki in my arms, I could hear snickers as we made our way into the settlement. Katsuki was almost redder than his eyes, looking really cute. He had dark marks all along his neck, chest, and some on his legs that were covered. I could see his mother nearly burst out laughing when she saw the bite mark on the back of his neck.

"Put me down idiot." he grumbled, smacking my chest as hard as he could.

"You think you can stand now?" I asked, barely affected by his hit.

"Just put me down." he stated.

I smirked at him for a moment before bending over slightly and gently setting him on the ground. I heard a muffled groan as he clung to my arm for a moment, looking ready to fall any second. His mother lost it when she saw him wobble a bit, his father looking shocked and a little flustered. My Ma gave me a gentle smile as Mama looked like she was trying not to lose it like Katsuki's mom.

"Katuski, I'm glad you made it back in one piece." his mother said after a while.

"Don't fucking joke you old hag." Katsuki replied, managing to stand somewhat straight now.

"Sorry honey bear, I'll miss your obnoxiousness around here." she stated, giving him a hug.

"Don't let those giants push you around, son." his father stated, giving him a pat on the shoulder and a hug.

"Don't worry old man, I won't let them." he stated, getting a muted snicker from his mother who got a glare.

"You should all be heading out, Izuku will be along shortly to escort Katsuki. If you need anything from us, simply let him know and he'll get a message to us." Mitsuki stated, getting a nod from my mothers.

As if on cue I spotted the little green boy running over with two travel packs. He handed one to Katsuki who muttered a small 'thanks' before hauling it over his shoulder. I took the bag from him, with much protest, and we all headed to the small gathering of people that would be returning to Sira territory. A few wanted to stay behind as a show of peace, which was fine. Those that wanted to go home were around the small wagon that was brought with my Mama. I carefully put Katsuki in there, looking like a pouting child cause I wouldn't let him walk with me.

Izuku climbed in willingly, offering to hold Katsuki's things which I refused. We began our walk home, about a three day walk from here. It wasn't too dangerous and could be done quicker if not for the wagon being with us. Everyone joked and played around as we walked, though still on edge and ready for a fight if need be. Many times walking through these woods taught us that the wildlife wasn't always the friendliest.

"Kirishima?" I heard Izuku call softly.

"What's up?" I asked, looking over at them.

"I know it's only been a few hours since leaving, but could we stop for a small bit?" he asked, looking embarrassed.

"Why do we need to stop?" I questioned, seeing him look more embarrassed.

"Cause the nerd needs to use the bathroom like an idiot." Katsuki stated boldy, looking annoyed.

"Oh, ya I'll have Sero watch over you while away from the group." I stated, smiling and motioning to Sero.

"What's up dude?" he asked, next to me.

"Izuku has to relieve himself, could you guard him while we wait here?" I asked, seeing him nod and look over at the green boy.

"Everyone hold here for a small break!" I hollered, making sure everyone heard and waited.

"There nerd, now hurry up." Katsuki said, huffing quietly.