
Travelling My Favorite Worlds!

Temporary Hiatus. If you want an explanation, well I am a college student first and foremost so spring semester is a thing that I'm going through currently. No work though (yay grants), however sometimes I don't get that much free time, in fact this week was the first time I had some free time in a good minute(I spent it modding skyrim.) Now for the second half, like I'm sure many people can relate to, I have Depression (I don't really keep anything secret since I have nothing to hide or bad about me, but if someone doesn't like me mentioning it sorry I guess?). Well reason I mention it, well these last couple months were rough on me, last week I actually cried a little bit (it was me remembering the past and being happy my little siblings love me so don't worry about me too much) if that is any indicator. Not only that but stress has been building up. Good news time though! Feeling better now (2-22-19) and I do plan on writing more for this story and am doing a different method. I used to write basically ad lib, but I didn't like that, so now I'm writing out the basic plotline of the story so that I have a clear direction. Now reason I'm not writing more of the story now? Well quite frankly I'm drained from it currently. Tapped out. Though I love it too much to give up on it so I will be working on something new soon! Whether this will be a lasting project or not is to be determined but I felt inspired when a fan went and pitched the idea to me. If anyone wants to know as well I am currently working on building an entirely new solar system for a story to take place on (It would be fantasy mainly with touches of sci-fi) and am designing everything from it's origin to the evolutions and then to the worlds histories. It's very early though so it likely won't be seen for a long time yet (only 1 planet partially done currently). So thanks to everyone that is supportive of me, I won't waste those good wishes, and to those that were rude (note, not those that were critical of what I wrote. I like criticism.) learn from those that were supportive or those that criticize. Being rude just leads to situations like Authors not wanting to write something they love. ~See you space cowboy- Your beloved(I hope) Author, Joseph! ------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Joseph and this is my Adventure story! I'm a nerd and well, I always had a weakness to isekai novels. Now I didn't want to get hit by a truck or anything like that, and that didn't happen this time either. Being honest, well it was rather out of left field what happened, I drank myself into oblivion and almost died. However god saved me! Or well, I think he was god he never really told me. Now though, I have the power of going and jumping from world to world! Both real one's and fictional ones! Even ones that are similar to the fictional ones! So what I'll be doing is travelling some of my favorite worlds and live the dreams I always wanted for myself! -------------------------- There will be no NTR, this will be Harem, and I try to be a very involved author but keep in mind I do have a life so if I can't update daily like I usually do I try my best. Currently am editing a few chapters and doing other things so I will be unable to update until I finish the chapters I set as a goal for myself.

j0sejalap3n0 · Others
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63 Chs

The date

*Police report excerpt*

Officer in charge of case investigating disappearance over a month ago was found dead in his home. Bite marks covered parts of his body, including genetalia​. Leads us to believe was the work of a woman due to sexuality the officer had filed. Similar reports are surfacing. Possible cult activity in city. Perhaps missing person is involved.

***End police report excerpt***

You know, thinking about it I feel like my story was taken away from me for a bit by Tsunade... I'll let it slide because at least plot develops with Tsunade, that narrator just wants to describe what I am doing in third person limited! The gall!

If you are going to limit the view to a certain person than use first person! If you want to use broad view you use 3rs person! Amateur.

Where was I? Oh yeah, preparing for my date.

Well I didn't need to do much honestly, I just didn't want to suffer the Hokage's ire, I mean I'm already going to fight him tomorrow. Plus both Orochimaru and Jiraiya we're oddly serious. Well I guess the 3 sannin of the leaf were really close at one point.

Guess I'll just go increase my chakra regeneration, or at least try to. Oh wait I know what I can do! A summoning technique! I wonder what animal I will summon! Hm I better do it away from the village.

I flash to where the battle I had before was and then just chucked a Kunai I out my seal on as hard as I could in the opposite direction of the village.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that though... I had to wait about 5 minutes for it to stop falling completely. Then when I teleported to it I got it stuck in the middle of a cliff. How far am I? I try feeling where my tag is in my house and try to get a sense of the distance... 600 miles away, holy shit. Why did it go so far?

'Combination of Hosts strength and luck.'

Okay, well I start climbing up the cliff and after a few moments I end up at the top. It is quite a large plateu, should be big enough for most of the 9 tailed beasts let alone any beasts I can summon.

I put my hand to the ground and have in form the summoning circle, I then put half of my chakra into making it since the more chakra I put the bigger or more of the animal. At least that's what I remember.

After constructing a surprisingly large sized summoning circle, it ended up being about 100 foot across, it seemed it completed!

A puff of smoke happened and whole waiting for it to clear I heard a voice. "What the hell? Who dares disturb my sleep! I've never met someone so insolent as this!"

Then another voice spoke, "You old codger, you're here? God I never wanted to meet you again with how high and mighty you are. Not even that damn lion is as high and mighty as you and people call him king of the jungle!"

Oh boy this is going to be an interesting thing isn't it? I sat down on a rock as the two kept bickering, after half an hour and when the dust finally settled did they stop, and that was only because they saw me.

When I saw the figures I was in shock, there was a dragon there, and not the Asian kind surprisingly, it was the European style and it had rainbow scales. Not like they were the colors of the rainbow but like they were made of opal and when he turned the light reflecting on them would make in change colors. Neat!

The other figure was a tiger, it was pitch black for the most part, it seemed to be geared toward stealth is what I would think if I didn't see it's body. It looked extremely buff, buff to the point that I am wondering if his mom fed him steroids for breakfast! Jesus, John Cena would be intimidated.

The tiger spoke first, "So are you the brat that summoned us here? You know you're not supposed to do that without a contract hmm? We need to teach you a lesson!?" This must be the old codger surprisingly. I figured it'd be the dragon.

Then the dragon spoke, "You must be losing your memory as you get older. You know as well as I do that it's next to impossible to get a contract for a summoned animal, then take into account how reclusive we are, especially you, heh, and this is what he has to rely on. I am surprised though you had enough Chakra to summon one such as I and then on top of that summon this old fool. You must be drained." The dragons laugh was very loud and booming which made me flinch a bit.

"Uh, yeah it did. About half of my chakra actually. I didn't want to put all of it into the summoning circle in case something happened and I needed to get away." The dragon nods while the tiger scoffs.

The dragon then looks at me, "So what is the purpose of summoning something at all? You must have a reason."

Well that is true I do, "It's 2 things, I wanted to get a strong summoned beast that could help me in battle and one that could help me train in sage mode." The dragon raises it's eye while the tiger scoffs again.

"You want to bring one of us into battle. I once fought the 10 tailed beast alongside my previous and only master! You think you can be as amazing as he was." The dragon scoffs.

"Yes yes you bring that up all the time. My father didn't fight due to him not wanting to destroy the humans. I have heard stories about how amazing humans can be though from some of the now dead elders so I embrace a contract. Though you can't always summon me, there are plenty of young that are strong that can help you. Also regarding the sage arts I am sure we can help you with that." I like this dragon, can I keep him?

"Haaah? You trying to get one up on us? Hmm? Well there hasn't been a human since my master that is able to summon us, let alone me! So I won't let this one get out of my claws. Boy I can teach you sage arts and there are plenty of strong tigers you can summon, how about it?" Is this tiger a tsundere? Well he looks strong so I mean.

"Can I form a contract and learn the arts from you both? I have a feeling that you both were summoned by my circle for a reason."

"Boy you can't learn more than one sage arts style." The tiger says so matter of factly.

"Why is that? Because nobody else has done it? Well guess what, nobody has come from a different universe before either!" I don't really care about these guys telling anyone else since they haven't been able to get anyone to summon them in so long.

"Wait, did you say another universe? We met beings from another world, the ten tails before was once such a being, but from another universe completely? Perhaps you can learn more than one sage arts. I am accepting of you allying with the tigers and the dragons both. If you summon other creatures though I require you speak with us first as we know how the other animals act." Well I think that's fair honestly.

I shrug, "Sure I didn't plan on getting more than 1 summon anyway and I don't really want more than 2 so I'm fine with it." I look to the tiger to see what he says.

He sees my gaze so he scoffs before sending out a small scroll that then frows in size. "Fine. I will allow the alliance as well and request the same things as the dragon." Yup, he's tsundere.

I grab the scroll from the dragon as well as the one the tiger sent out when the dragon walks me through the steps of using the scroll and signing the contract.

"Excellent. I will first return to my Homeland then summon you to train, then the tiger will summon you to train." The dragon seems quite happy.

"Just to let you know I can teleport so after I leave a mark at your place I can teleport to and from whenever you need me. I say this because I have something to do tonight so I will leave some shadow clones to train and be back myself as soon as possible."

The tiger looks at me and gets angry, "What!? You summon us then won't even train yourself? What is this nonsense?"

"If you listened to him he plans on training as soon as he gets his things done. Humans don't live as long as us so he has to do things now. I shall reverse summon you first so you can leave your Mark then the tiger will summon you. " The dragon the disappears into a puff of smoke, as does the tiger, but not before scoffing again.

This tiger better be strong if I'm going to keep dealing with him. A moment later I find myself on top of a mountain with hundreds of dragons surrounding me, but none of them looking like the other one I saw, they all have a single color on their scales. Maybe the multiple colors is how you know who is the highest tiered dragon?

They all start talking, "Is he the one to summon the king?" "The king formed a contract with a human? How strong is this human?" "I want to fight him."

This kind of gossip went on for a minute on until the dragon I met before appeared. "Have you left your Mark?" I nod.

"Excellent. Will you leave your clones you plan on training here? Also I request you send more when the last one goes back to you."

I nod and split off 200 clones, I figure I'll leave 200 with the tiger as well. "Oh my 200? These clones are also surprisingly well made... oh a new technique? I shall have you show me more when you have more time. For now though good luck with the tiger. I advise you leave you clones and leave before someone tries to fight you."

I look at him and try to raise my eyebrow but before I can my view changes again, this time I am in the middle of a jungle which makes sense due to the tiger. I leave my mark and summon 200 clones then call out to the Tiger, "I will leave 200 clones here. I should be done with my tasks by tomorrow night." I then flash away back to the leaf.

I saw why the dragon said to go as fast as possible, everything felt like it was staring at prey, it made me nearly piss myself.

By the time everything finished I had 2 hours left till My date with Tsunade so I decided to go to the bath house before I get dressed and go.

*******Tsunade's POV*******

As soon as I left the office I began enacting my plan, I went to the shops to pick out one of their most beautiful dresses with the money I had saved up, then I went to take a bath, got my hair done, my make up, and then put on the dress.

As I looked in the mirror I couldn't help but smirk. I'm going to make Joseph embarrass himself in public hehe. I saw how he looked at me in the hospital so I know what he thinks of me. I'm going to trap him and make him pay! Even if he has a regeneration ability like Grandfather it just means I can torture him more should he be a pig.

Seeing myself in the mirror though I can't help but frown. Most of the girls from my class got married a few years ago, in fact all of them did. I would have as well if most of the boys didn't just want to use me to increase their status since I was the 1sts grand daughter.

The only three that didn't do that were Sarutobi-sensei, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru. I sigh, I wish that I could have someone I could just lay my head into their chest and cry sometimes. That isn't meant to be though as every man wants something from me.

I'm going to ruin my makeup at this rate. I have to finish getting ready since he's going to pick me up in an hour, I should use the motivation of seeing his face to keep myself moving.

****End Tsunade POV****

That was a nice bath, plus I didn't realize just how much I smelled from all the blood and sweat I got on myself the past few days. I'm going to need to go and clean again after training aren't I? Man... I need to get this place modernized to at least toilets and showers.

I teleport back to my house and put on one of my nice button up shirts, put a little of what's left of my product into my hair, give myself a quick shave, and then brush my teeth.

Brushing teeth isn't a thing here, but man if I kiss a girl I don't want her to taste stank breath. After I finish there are a few more moments left so I start petting Arthur, and he doesn't resist. He just keeps napping. Man I love this little lazy cat.

Then an alarm goes off letting me know that it is time, so I teleport to where Tsunade is, and see she's standing outside of what I will presume to be her house. When I see her though I almost can't recognize her though.

She is dressed in a deep forest green dress that accents the curves of her body amazingly, and although it doesn't show any cleavage it does a good job at 'showing the goods' if you will. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail that had an interesting design on it that I couldn't see from here. Her make-up was also amazing since it wasn't overdone you could see her naturally beautiful face with the only part that you could tell was different than normal was the fact she had a bright shade of red lipstick on.

I look at her dumbfounded for a moment before finding my words that were hit by a car then stepped on by toddlers, "Wow, you look great!" Masterpiece here, huh?

She looks at me and laughs, like she expected my reaction. I can't help but laugh at myself too, after all who better to laugh at the stupid shit you do than you! Wait no, I remembered that wrong, its who better to remember that one thing you said in 2nd grade in the middle of the night right before you sleep than you! Yup that's it.

"Did you put a formula for the flying thunder god technique on me?" I rub the back of my head and smile.

"Yeah, there's one on everyone." I try to play it off so that she doesn't get upset by it.

She rolls her eyes while still chuckling for a bit, "Fine, let's go. It's not far from here."

I walk beside her and smile while we walk several blocks until we arrive at a BBQ place. It was surprisingly expensive but I mean you know, I'm willing to put forth good money on a date.

After we sit down in our own little room they bring us a tray of raw meat and vegetables beside a BBQ pit. Oh so this is one of those places where you cook it yourself? Why is it so expensive then?

Dammit Japan. Or anime. I don't know if this is just a Naruto thing honestly, but damn you whoever thought of this!

I pick up a few pieces of pork and place them onto the grill. Tsunade grabs herself some vegetables, trying to eat healthy hm?

"I'll give you a piece of my pork if you give me a piece of vegetable, deal?" I chuckle and pick up a cooked piece of pork with chopsticks before holding it over to her.

She goes and just eats the whole thing in one bite! I don't know if she's trying to show me an innuendo for something or if she just likes pork! She then giggles to herself, "What piece of pork?" then proceeds to go and eat the vegetables she put on the grill.

Okay okay, I see how you're playing this game, I can play this too. I put some chicken and pork onto the grill along with some vegetables I know I'll like while Tsunade grabs some pieces of chicken of her own and some more vegetables.

After her chicken is done I use some jutsu, maybe quadruple blink step, you can't prove shit, and switch out her chicken with one of my vegetables and I eat her chicken happily in real time.

She looks at he chopsticks then at the chicken I am chewing on, "Oh you bastard! I can't believe you got me back!" I smile as I finish up the last bite of the chicken. She seemed to get bolder though as she went and stole a piece of my meat right from my side.

"Wow, no shame hmm? I'll win this one though!" She laughs since she doesn't know my final move!

I take the plate of meat and vegetables into my hands and stare at her with an evil grin on my face before I dump the whole thing onto the grill. Her jaw drops and before she can compute what I just did I put a piece of cooked carrot into her mouth and smiled as I started going and attending to the food I poured onto the grill.

Apparently some of the juices that piled onto the plate ended up making the fire hotter for a bit so I had to keep flipping the various things so they wouldn't burn, and at one point I got so focused I didn't respond to anything going on around me, though every so often I would feel a brief wave of exhaustion that I assume to be from shadow clones.

After about 10 straight minutes of attending to everything I started putting it onto a new plate and then sat back and smiled, "Haha. Didn't expect that did you hm~?"

She shakes her head before smiling, reaching over and taking a piece of the meat, "Thanks for saving me the work." She winks at me as she eats it gleefully. My secret move was apparently a self destruct type...

I sigh and eat some cooked carrot I made and offer Tsunade a piece of another vegetable with my chopsticks, which she eats right from them once again. Maybe she likes being fed like this? I decide to try it again with a piece of chicken and she eats it happily. "Not that I'm complaining but you like being fed like that?"

She looks at me oddly before thinking about it for a minute then going red, "I didn't remember what it meant... I was caught up in the moment." I chuckle for a bit at her reaction and reassure her that its fine.

After a few more minutes she tells me that shes feeling full, I wasn't but I mean I have inventory so I store the rest of the food. We then leave the store after smiling at the staff of the store. After we turn the corner I finally see the piece that is in her hair, it is a little twig with a symbol of the leaf on it.

"Oh that's a cute hairpiece that you have in there. Mind if I ask where you got it?" I'm curious about it since it really does look cute with how simplistic it is.

She looks down, "My grandfather, this was one of the last gifts he gave to me." I look at her and frown a bit since I know how hard it is.

"I understand how you feel, after I lost my grandmother I cherished one of the last things she ever got for me as well." I pull out of my storage a small Christmas ornament of one of our favorite movies, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, "Though she passed away before she could actually give it to me, she meant to give it to me soon as she passed only 2 months before she could manage to. It was still her last gift to me and I cherish it like no other, so I know how you feel."

By the end of that I was letting out some tears, Tsunade seems to have noticed since she looked up and had some red eyes as well. Seeing me cry though she starts crying herself, she is crying alone while standing up so I let her cry on my chest (A/N: She's like 5'3") while I keep silently crying to myself and trying not to let it be too bad. I'm just glad that when she started crying I teleported us to the top of the 1st Hokage's head.

After a few minutes of her crying she finally finds some strength to speak in broken words, though I won't torture you with that as I will translate for you,"How are you doing so well then? How do you go past it? He was my role model... everyone's role model. He left me all alone and in this world that wants to take advantage of me for being related to him."

I rub the back of her head and swallow my tears, "It doesn't get easier, you just start accepting that they're gone and you try to keep their memory alive since they aren't gone unless you let them be gone. As for everything else I don't have a role model or person I look up to, and well I am not the grand daughter of any Hokage but I can imagine how it feels." I chuckle a bit at the second part of the comment to try and cheer her up, she looks up at me for a moment, and with her face ruined with make-up she chuckles a bit with a smile on her face before she cries a bit more.

After another half an hour she calmed down enough to the point where we were sitting down and enjoying the view of the village. "Thank you Joseph. I think... I think that is the first time I have ever really cried about my grandfather."

I smile at her, "Any time. It's better to cry sometimes than to keep burying it since you can only bury so much before it comes back. I think its better if you cry about it or even just talk to someone about it. So if you ever need to talk just let me know." Charming? Well lets go ahead and roll that dice to see what I get!

She looks at me then smiles, "Alright, I may take you up on that offer later. Think you can take me home now though? You need to sleep to go kick sensei's ass." I nod and teleport her to her place where she gives me a hug and whispers in my ear, "I had fun tonight, I'll be in the stands cheering."

I smile as she turns into her house and I flash back to my place and lay in my bed. Well time to go watch some hent- I mean anime. DONT LOOK AT THE HOMEWORK FOLDER!

Super long chapter today! Hope you guys enjoy it! (4000 words!)

Also I noticed that not only are people in the US reading my story but also Italy, India, The Philippines, and Brazil. I am sure there are other countries but it doesn't show me all of them. Sorry!

Keep reading, voting, and commenting it you like the story!

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