
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Hogwarts i’m home

One Hogwarts express ride later and I was back at the castle. Serveral prefects were already at the station ready to receive the returning students. After a small walk we were at the road connecting the station to Hogwarts. At the road were a hundred or so stagecoaches. Pulling them were what could only be Thestrals, the creatures themselves had a beauty about them. Their skeletal bodies shone in the light and gave an air of mystery.

Moving over to them I stood in front of them and gave a short bow. And the horses gave me looks almost judging me. Walking over I extended my hand and stroked its head. My affections drawing low humming sounds and, nuzzling into my hand. Its body although cold was not a harsh cold but a gentle cold. It was like the other side of the pillow.

"Neville what are you doing? We're about to leave." Turning my head I spotted a certain bushy haired girl.

"I visit you some time." I whispered to the horse and jumping onto the stage coach.

"How was your Christmas Hermione?" I asked in a friendly tone.

"I just spent time with my parents. We had a dinner. And, I got some presents."

"That's good it was much the same with me."

"So uh…did…you…uh?" Tried Hermione but she came up with nothing.

I just let her go on and eventually she said. "Nothing."

- - -

Arriving back at the castle i'd managed to slip away from the others and, stopped by the Undercoft to collect my potions. With them on my person I was slightly more secure in myself. With that done, I went towards the Gryffindor common-room.

When I entered the common room I noticed the Golden Trio wrapped around the fire place. They were in the corner whispering in hushed tones, probably about the stone.

Walking over I said. "Yo."

"Hey Neville. I've we've been looking for you can I ask you a question…" Asked Harry in a slow tone as if he'd convince me better.

"You already did but sure."

"Well do you know who Nikolas Flamel is?"

Lifting my eyebrow. "Did you three even try visiting the library? Even if you just go into the section with chocolate frog card records you'd find him."

"What!?" "There's a chocolate frog card section!" "Who is he?"

"Calm down, Nicolas Flamel is french alchemist. He was a teacher of Dumbledore and, they collaberated to come up with the 12 uses of Dragonsblood. Also he invented the Philosopher's Stone, it is the greatest form of transmutation. The Stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal." I explain and when I said the last part, a shocked look ran through the trio.

"Snape's after the stone he wants to become immortal." Was Harry's conclusion.

And, so with the information they jumped into their conversation. With me just nodding along with them. At this point they'll never be convinced Snape isn't after the stone. So i'll just let them be convinced and maybe help them with the tasks.

"Hey Neville, Hermione, I got a something I wanna show you." Said Harry knock me from my thoughts.

"Sure what is it?" I asked knowing it was probably the invisiblity cloak.

"Follow me i'll show you." He said and we walked into the boys dorm room.

Harry went into his trunk and pulled the infamous cloak it looked to be made of a fluid-like silky, silvery material. Got to say it was kinda underwhelming, honestly all the Deathly Hollows were. The wand was pretty much cursed, the stone I had no use for and, the cloak could be seen through. Moody's faux eye could and, Dumbledore could sense Harry under it. And even Snape had a sort-of sense were he was able feel Harry under the cloak.

"I got it for Christmas. Is it brilliant." Said Harry brightly bringing me from my thoughts.

"Yeah it is. Who sent it?" Asked Hermione.

"I don't know letter said it was my fathers and they were returning it."

"Harry! Do you know how dangerous it is to just accept unknown gifts!" Chastised Hermione.

"Oh bugger off Hermione nothing bad happened so it's fine." Said Ron.

"It doesn't matter if it's fine now-"

"Calm down Hermione, think about it how many people have access to the common room and, a high quality invisibility cloak that happens to belong to Harry's father." I said pratically feeding them the answer.

"Of course, Dumbledore gave it to you!" Exclaimed Ron. Huh got it before the other two. Not as dumb as he looks.

"Yeah that makes sense but, why'd he have it." Added Harry.

"He was most likely studying it. No invisiblity cloak can last as long as that one you have. If your father had it that's at least a decade so you have something special. I suggest you keep it on you at all times." I said explaining how unique the cloak was.

"Wow! Were'd Harry's father get something like that." Chimed in Hermione.

"Probably a family heirloom." Responded Ron.

"Hmm. Even if it is a cloak isn't necessary to become in invisible. Remember Harry even if you aren't seen you can be heard. Even under that cloak you'll still take up space." I said. That also, reminds I should look into Supersensory charms. Maybe I can make my own sensory spell. Though for another time.

"Thank you for telling me that Neville i'll remember that."

"Good. Now if that's all i'm turning in." I said moving to my bed.

"Come on mate it's like eight." Said Ron incredulously.

"Don't care." I said.