
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Mirror of Erised or a Merry Chrismas at Longbottom Manor

Christmas was coming. It was mid December, Hogwarts castle was covered in several feet of snow. The lake froze solid even I didn't go outside to workout anymore. The weather was least of my concern right now though. Mcgonagall had just taken down names of those staying at Hogwarts over the holidays. And, I who was leaving had one last thing to do in the castle. Find the Mirror of Erised. Using the Marauders Map i've been able to find an abandoned class Dumbledore frequently visited. It was only a matter of going to it at this point. So with my probable location in mind I journeyed out the Gryffindor dorms late at night. Under a Disillusionment charm i'd recently learned. With the combo of this charm and the map, i'd been able to find my destinaton quite easily.

Entering the room, it had the typical look of an unused classroom. There were silhouettes of desks and chairs. But, the most prominent feature was a magnificent mirror. Propped against the wall as if it was put there to keep it out the way. As high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet. There was an inscription carved around the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. I show not your face but your hearts desire. 

Moving nearer the mirror and deactivated my Disillusionment charm. When I looked in the mirror what I saw wasn't my reflection. By the same token, the face was familar I saw it every day. It was me or what I wanted to be. Just a look was all it took was a glance to know he was powerful. Standing besides him a woman face covered in a veil a baby in her arms. A family, and power that is my hearts desire. But, maybe I knew that already.

"What do you see my boy?" Came a calm voice making my jump and, whip out my wand. Looking over I see Dumbledore sitting at a desk in the room.

"Now now my boy. No need to be so jumpy." Said Dumbledore. And I put away my wand.

"Sorry about that professor." I said walking over to him. Sitting in the desk beside him.

"Do you know what that mirror is?" Asked Dumbledore.

"The Mirror of Erised. It shows you what you want in your heart. It also has the function of hiding things away." I said. 

"Very impressive. Not many people know about the mirror especially your age." Complemented Dumbledore. 

"I like history. If you don't learn from it your doomed for failure." I said.

"Wise words." He replied "May I ask what you saw in the mirror." 

"I saw what will hopefully be my future." I said smiling. 

"Hmm. Well then I hope you can succeed in your dreams." Said Dumbledore. "And with that I must warn you. Do not seek out the mirror anymore, many have wasted away before the mirror." Said Dumbledore getting up from the desk. 

"It does not do…to dwell in dreams and forget to live." I said quoting the very man I was talking to earning me an eye twinkle.

"Wise words once again Mr. Longbottom."

- - -

Waking up in my own bed was always a good thing. Hogwarts was fun and all but I still perfer my own room. Popping my back I did a quick morning routine. And, hit the stairs. A trip later and I was inside the dining room, where gran sat with breakfast on the table.

"Morning gran." I said putting an arm around her giving her a kiss to the cheek.

"Good morning Neville."

Taking a seat at the table I started to fix my own plate.

"Your Grand-Uncle and his wife will be arriving before twelve."

"Ok, will we go visit my parents today to." I said to Gran.

"I'll take you after you eat if you want."

- - -

The Janus-Thickey Ward was just as silent as the first time i'd come here. And just like last time Frank and Alice hadn't changed. I felt deep regret that there was nothing I could do for them. Unlike in fanon there was no going to someones mind to fix them. After all to quote Snape. The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Moving on.

"Hello again mom, dad. Let me tell you two about my time at Hogwarts." I began.

- - -

In the large family room the entire family was seated. After dinner we'd retreated to open presents for Christmas. Well technically just me. After all, what would I give them they all have enough money to buy whatever they wanted.

"Alright, lets let Neville open his gifts!" Said Algie with excitement.

Opening it up I find a pair of boots. No just any boots they were dragon hide. There was also a pair of stylish leather gloves made of the same material. Say what you want about Algie he gives good gifts.

"Like it. Thoses gloves are made of Hungarian Horntail." Said Algie.

"Dear and I had them custom made for you." Added Egnid

"It lovely thank you." I said.

"Now for mine." Said Gran just throwing a silk pouch at me.

"You said you wanted an extended bag."

"Thank you Gran I love it." I said smiling at her.