
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Late night with a Thestral or How’d I forget about the Dragon?

Weeks past and I was walking to Forbidden forest, late at night. I told that Thestral i'd visit so I was used Disillusionment I slipped out the castle. Walking past Hagrid's Hut seeing a glimpse of the it's owner as I pasted.

Before I visited the entered the Thestral territory though. I need a gift. The forbidden forest although it was home to some dangerous magical creatures, it also had some mundane animals as well. So using the Supersensory charm on myself, I started listening and smelling for some animals.

After a while of walking and listening I picked up on something. Before I got after the sound I did a quick feather-light charm and, silencing charm on myself. With that I was off, after a couple minutes I arrived at a pack of rabbits. They hadn't sensed me as they hadn't ran away.

A flex of my will and three levicorpus spells were fired. With that three rabbits were in the air. A swift swipe of my wand later and the rabbits had their necks snapped.

With my gifts in hand I levitated and Disillusioned them. Then, using the four-points spell, I was off towards my destination. Although students weren't allowed into the forest there are maps of it. A while of walking later, I knew i'd entered Thestral territory. Scattered all around the clearing were skelatal horses.

When I ran my eyes over them I somehow spotted the one I first met. When I got close the horse looked right through me and my charms.

"Hey. I told you i'd visit." I said to the creature. In response I got a low humming sound.

"Brought you a gift." I said floating the rabbits to the Thestral. To which it devoured the dead animals with fervor. And I started petting the Thestral.

"You like it. Good i'll bring you something better next time." Which got me a humming sound.

I spent a couple minutes petting the Thestral and letting it eat. Before I asked.

"Hey can I ride on your back?" I asked the Thestral.

In response I got humm, that was in a slightly higher pitch than the others I had. Causing me to smile.

"Thank you before we ride. Do you want a name?" I asked and recived no response.

Hmm. Maybe it doesn't understand.

"Well…uh I meant so I had something to call you." At my words I saw a change in its eyes.

"I see you understand now. First are you male…or female?" A low humm was what I recieved.

"I see female then. How about Helena?" I suggested. The Thestral took a few seconds to digest the name and gave a high humm.

"Good glad you liked it. Now can we get a ride in?" I asked and the horse lowered her body. And I look that chance to hop on.

When I was on she stood up and started a run and, with that we were off in the air. In one flap of her wings we'd left the trees and were high in the sky. Feeling the cold winds I cast a wandless warming charm. The nights sky was beautiful, directing the stars were gleaming and the moon was out in full force.

For what could have been hours me and Helena soared through the air. And the experience made me even more resolute in learning unassisted flight. The feeling I felt on Helena's back would only be amplified by doing it myself.

Eventually, I had to go so I signalled Helena to fly down near the castle. Getting of her back I gave her a few pats and, saying my goodbyes. Then, cloaked myself in spells and went back to the castle.

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"You look tired Neville did you not get any sleep last night?" Asked Hermione concern in her voice.

"I was up a little bit last night could sleep." I lied, turns out I was with Helena well past 4:00 at night.

"Well you should do that."

"Sure." I replied simply. The three of us were visiting Hagrids cabin becase these three wanted to talk about Nickolas Flamel with him.

When we got close to the cabin I noticed, that it was wierdly hotter than usual. Knocking on the door Hagrid appear and tried to get us to leave. But, the trio mentioned the stone and he shooed us in. When we were allowed in I notice an egg in his fireplace. Wait a fucking minute this was that stupid dragon egg shit.

"Hagrid. Go to Dumbledore now!" I yelled at the man.

My tone of voice struck the man and the trio as strange.

"That is an XXXXX call creature. You can not hatch that in a school. Nor can you possess that." I continued causing the man to look down in shame.

"Come on Neville don't you think your being harsh." Said Harry

"No i'm not he is trying to get himself in Azkaban. Listen Hagrid you can't keep this in a wooden cabin. Much less hatch it. Go to Dumbledore maybe he can get permisson to hold classes on dragons with it." I said trying to be compassionate with him.

"Thank you Neville you do make a point, I will go to Dumbledore. He'll sort this out, he will." Said the giant probably seeing what he'd done wrong.

"No problem but, where did you even get the egg from." I asked actually not remembering.

"Oh uh I won it in a card game at the Hog's Head, hooded fella neva saw his face though."

"Well you didn't steal it so Dumbledore will be able to help you." I said.

And, with that the Golden trio started their conversation with Hagrid confirming what they'd known already. A change though was they found out about Fluffy's weakness early. Which might change things a bit.

Well not my plans. I can't really change things from canon too much. As long as the other two members of the trio don't go in with Harry things will go well. I feel truly powerless at times but, I just couldn't do anything about Voldemort's wraith so i'll not be going into the tasks with them.

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