
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Skye Pictures


"Not at all, what I mean is making movies, disaster movies, subtly making people acknowledge our work, letting them know that there is a group of people silently protecting this world."

"You see, the Costa Rica incident this time is a good subject. We can make some slight changes. To attract public attention, keep the island, but instead of a spy, make the protagonist a scientist. The enemy isn't Dr. Egghead or giant insects but dinosaurs! What do you think?"

Daisy roughly explained the plot of Jurassic Park. Such a classic movie is surprisingly not present here, a real shame. With just a few modifications, she could turn it into a blockbuster.

Phil Coulson was stunned. He asked somewhat stutteringly, "Is this meaningful?"

Daisy lightly tapped the table, "Of course, firstly, it makes ordinary people feel a sense of crisis; the world is not safe, and they are safe because someone is making sacrifices. Secondly, it helps improve relations with the local government. I've checked the locations of those missions in the data, and most of them are abandoned. The government holds a grudge against S.H.I.E.L.D. If the movie becomes a hit, we can turn those places into tourist attractions in the future."

"Finally, it helps ease the atmosphere within the organization. Agents are also human, regular people. A single bullet might take away a companion's life. Making things a bit lighter, a bit more cheerful, I think it's a good thing."

After finishing her explanation, she waited for Coulson's opinion.

Coulson thought for a minute, used his legendary skill, and threw the decision to the higher-ups.

He asked Daisy to wait and left to consult over the phone.

Daisy took out her tablet, slowly refining the script, thinking about which actors to assign to the main roles. Many memories had become somewhat blurred, vaguely recalling that the braised egg had played a role in Jurassic Park. Could she have him play a similar role this time?

After half an hour, Coulson finally returned.

"The director's idea is that you can do this, but it has to be in your own name. You'll handle all aspects of coordination, and it's preferable to cast newcomers who haven't been on missions. S.H.I.E.L.D. can provide funding and technology."

Daisy readily agreed.

As she thoughtfully walked away, she suddenly remembered something, turned back, and asked, "Coulson, I heard you did some directing for a few days?"

"...That was a cover identity."

Ignoring his response, Daisy continued, "Then you'll be the director of this movie. I'll be the producer. Take some time to refresh your directing skills. Okay, that's settled!"

Without giving him a chance to refuse, she waved her hand and left.

"Me?..." Coulson felt a sense of absurdity. Him, a director? His skills were at best suited for directing a TV show! However, his involvement had its benefits; it could prevent Daisy from making mistakes. After thinking about it, he decided to report to Nick Fury.

Daisy left the office and went to find her two fake best friends first.

Hill still seemed a bit embarrassed, unwilling to stay in her room except for sleeping.

Sharon was left surprised, "Making a movie? Jurassic Park? The island we visited?"

Daisy confirmed that it was indeed that island! Now they were going to use the geographical environment of that island to create scenes for a classic movie across eras!

It must be said that within the American context, apart from Daisy, many young men and women harbored dreams of becoming big stars. Hill and Sharon, for a moment, felt a desire, but thinking of their respective missions and responsibilities, they shook their heads simultaneously. Even if face blindness to the extent of blindness in American comics, they were not suitable for public appearances.

Daisy, likewise, didn't like to be in the spotlight, just purely disliking it.

The elite trio had no intention of participating, but the two could provide some networking assistance.

Agent Peggy Carter had been a diplomat for decades, with connections worldwide. Though most of her old acquaintances were gone, her influence still stood, and some descendants of those she once helped could offer assistance.

Sharon helped Daisy get in touch with the Costa Rican ambassador, who would introduce her to the local government.

Hill had been by Nick Fury's side all along, with an extensive network. She could help negotiate a few product placement ads.

The director approved funding support. For an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. with daily expenses in the billions, the money for a movie was negligible. Hill also helped arrange a few advertising contracts. In just an afternoon, fifty million in funds were secured.

In the original timeline, Jurassic Park was filmed in 1993, with a production cost of $63 million. However, that included a renowned director, high-paid actors, various insurance measures, and accumulated costs.

Daisy's production didn't need all that. Using internal agents as actors, modest pay would suffice. There were no worries about set construction, computer special effects, or the skills of the actors.

Backed by the prestigious brand of S.H.I.E.L.D., they could directly face various countries for promotion, and most would give them a face. Advertising costs could also be significantly reduced. With all the calculations, Daisy estimated she could pocket an extra 10 or 20 million...

She first ordered the maid to establish a new company, named Skye Pictures.

James Wesley didn't understand why she was making such big moves across industries but shut up when he saw the fifty million funds.

Although selling drugs was also considered lucrative, there were many intermediate links, and the actual amount that ended up in their hands was minimal. Fifty million in funds that could be mobilized at any time was still quite shocking.

Daisy owned 30% of the shares in the new company, with the remaining 70% belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even though she hadn't invested a single penny, she was responsible for handling all affairs.

Daisy entrusted Coulson with the task of managing the filming team, as S.H.I.E.L.D. had a variety of talented individuals.

The script was straightforward; she wrote it based on her memories and handed it over to professionals for minor adjustments before use. However, casting required Daisy's careful consideration.

The roles of the two male and female scientists were initially intended for Fitz and Simmons. When the two learned they could become stars, they became extremely nervous.

However, during the audition, Daisy identified a problem. Simmons had no issues playing the role of the long-legged female scientist; she was a biologist herself, and the character matched her well, requiring no advanced acting skills.

However, Fitz fell short. He was too green, visibly nervous in front of the camera, and lacked acting skills. The character of the male lead, initially showing impatience toward two kids until evolving into a character leading them to escape from dinosaurs, this mental journey was beyond Fitz's ability to portray convincingly.

Daisy had no choice but to cast him as the second male lead, a curly-haired mathematician, a role Fitz managed to handle adequately.

'Who should be the main lead?' Daisy pondered with her legs propped up on the table.

Someone handsome with good acting skills would be ideal.

Though reluctant, a name automatically popped into her mind.

Grant Ward, Daisy's lover in the original timeline, a Level 7 S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and secretly a Hydra spy. This guy was handsome and charming, but the most important point is that he also had exceptional acting skills! If he didn't reveal himself, no one would know he was part of Hydra.

Coincidentally, the male lead in Jurassic Park also shared the name Grant.

Daisy felt conflicted, even feeling a little weird. Nevertheless, she decided to approach Ward and at least ask for his opinion.


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