
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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183 Chs

Grant Ward


Grant Ward never attended the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy; he was entirely self-taught, making him significantly different from their academy-trained agents.

However, he would occasionally return to headquarters and Daisy had arranged a meeting time over the phone.

Surprise, stunned, and puzzled were the initial reactions of the agents upon receiving the invitation to film. Ward was no exception.

As a Hydra spy who had experienced many challenges, he was somewhat confused when he received the news.

"Why am I cast as the male lead? I've never acted before." They met in a coffee shop within the headquarters, exchanged a few pleasantries, and he asked a bit amused.

Daisy scoffed, You've never acted? Your life is a play! From start to finish, with your skills, you could easily outshine those Hollywood actors.

Of course, she couldn't say those words.

"Mr. Ward, your image perfectly fits the script requirements—handsome, rugged, skilled, and possessing a sense of justice. These are all your strengths."

Ward's immediate response was to reject the offer; he had never heard of any spies becoming movie stars, which seemed too high-profile.

However, as a member of Hydra, he knew that Nick Fury currently valued the three women. Although he couldn't predict whom the director would ultimately choose, he saw an opportunity to get close to Daisy Johnson, analyze various aspects of her intelligence, personality, and hobbies, and even assess the possibility of recruiting her into Hydra. A golden opportunity like this was not something Hydra would pass up.

The Hydra leadership was eager to obtain information on Daisy, and as a spy, Ward had no right to refuse.

Ward maintained a gentle smile on his face, but his mind was already racing with various thoughts.

Realizing that he had taken a bit too long to think, he raised the script, indicating that he was still reviewing the character information.

With training from both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, his reading was extremely fast and he quickly read through the script and outlined the character of Dr. Grant in a matter of seconds.

It had to be admitted that the character resembled him.

As the adopted son of John Garrett, a high-level Hydra, Ward didn't have much affinity for Hydra. He always followed Garrett's orders. The adoptive father asked him to be a good man, so he would become a good man or vice versa.

But despite Garrett's high regard for him, Garrett was just a minor high-level figure in Hydra. When superiors ordered his spies to carry out missions, he had no choice but to comply.

Caught in a dilemma, Grant Ward felt like he was being pushed to the edge of a cliff.

Moving forward had a high chance of exposure, while stepping back could lead to Hydra eliminating him and possibly even his adoptive father.

He had no room for choice.

Having worked at S.H.I.E.L.D. for many years, Grant Ward had, at times, entertained thoughts of being a hero. However, reality did not allow him to do so.

Maybe he should consider making some adjustments for himself? He felt a bit conflicted.

After organizing his thoughts, he asked Daisy, "What if there are missions during the filming?"

"You won't be assigned any missions," she replied. She had already discussed this with Nick Fury.

Ward inquired further, "The agent's true appearance appears on screen, how will my future career be handled?"

There's no need to worry about this. Americans really have face blindness! Like Superman next door wearing glasses, or Wonder Woman combing a ponytail – people just can't recognize them. It's a bit better here, but face blindness still exists.

"Mr. Ward, you can have some beard. Our makeup techniques can make you look a bit older than your actual age."

At this point, Grant Ward couldn't think of an excuse to refuse. He could only express his willingness to participate.

Without hesitation, Daisy led him to Coulson's side for an audition. Despite Ward's reluctance to expose his true self, his impulsive and silent acting, combined with his brash and daring image, earned him unanimous praise.

In the cast, she also spotted a familiar face – Agent May, who had taught Daisy a lot of martial arts.

To the average Americans, Daisy, an 80-pointer beauty, was just average, but Agent May was considered a super beauty by their standards, how beautiful no matter how you looked at it!

The crew constantly surrounded Agent May with inquiries and compliments. Regardless of the time, there were always people trying to strike up a conversation with her.

Recently divorced due to personal issues, she wore a cold expression. She had applied for a transfer to a non-combat position, and as a good friend, Phil Coulson pulled her into the cast to play the role of the billionaire's captain of the security team.

Looking at the cast filled with familiar faces – Coulson, May, Ward, Fitz, Simmons, and herself – Daisy felt like the first season of the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. show could start shooting right away!


With the male lead sorted out, Daisy contacted her cheap mentor, Dr. Hank Pym. She planned to give the role of Dr. Hammond to the old man.

"An old man abusing genetic technology?" Old Pym was a bit confused when he received the script. Given his age, why bother acting in a movie?

"Yes, to remind ordinary people to have a sense of awe. The old doctor is too idealistic and ultimately brings about bitter consequences. I think you are very suitable for this role," Daisy earnestly invited.

It had to be said that this role touched Old Pym. Warning ordinary people and scientists to have a sense of awe, he thought the concept was excellent and agreed after a little consideration.

Daisy persuaded Old Pym to join, and before leaving, she secured a sponsorship of five million from Yale University. All she needed to do was film a laboratory scene on location at Yale University.

With an easy five million in her account, Daisy left Yale feeling and sighed that it was really good to make money while being backed by S.H.I.E.L.D.

If Nick Fury hadn't established private secret bases worldwide, he would have long become the world's richest man!

With the main cast in place, the remaining two young actors couldn't be found among the agents.

A boy and a girl thoroughly embodied what it meant to be naughty kids, screaming and doing all sorts of reckless things in the show.

It was challenging to find suitable actors, as there weren't agents in that age group. Daisy had to search outside.

The actors' union had stringent clauses regarding minors, and the chosen actors needed to be spirited, with parents who weren't too problematic.

After careful consideration, she managed to find a pair – Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker, two preteens at the age of eleven, and perfect for the roles.

Daisy decided to meet the two first and then convince their parents.

Not finding Peter Parker in the classroom, she spent ten dollars to inquire about his whereabouts.

The situation was straightforward – a typical case of school bullying. Peter was bullied by a classmate, Flash Thompson, but bravely resisted. Now both the aggressor and the victim were taken away by the teacher.

Daisy learned the location and headed to the teacher's office.


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