
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs


Others enjoy a high-tech life in Wakanda, while the border tribe can only graze outside. The ordinary people of the tribe cannot experience the grand ambitions of their ancestors. They are resentful, dissatisfied, feeling like outcasts.

Daisy just glanced and didn't say much. She came for the Heart-Shaped Herb and Vibranium, not to become a freedom fighter.

If the old king and T'Challa were willing to offer Heart-Shaped Herb and Vibranium, she could help to suppress the border tribe, whether with machine guns or gas attacks, she had no psychological barriers.

Daisy pointed to the writing on the wall of the border tribe and asked Storm: 'What script is this, Ororo, do you recognize it?'

She had studied Wakandan script for a few days in a hurry, and she did recognise it, but the notes left by Black Panther's father only had translations between Wakandan and English, without any phonetic information. She could write it but not read it.

The real world is not the same as the movie world, and the whole universe doesn't just speak English. To have a deeper connection with Wakanda, she must learn this language.

Storm and T'Challa have a very good relationship and she naturally know Wakandan. She hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.

'Can you teach me?' Daisy smiled brightly.

To this reasonable request, Storm couldn't find a reason to refuse. She knew the thoughts of the old king and T'Challa. They wanted to step out of Wakanda and be accepted by the world, but they were also worried that the outside world would covet their Vibranium and technology. What they lacked was a bridge.

Daisy's level might be a bit lower, but it's a good start. Learning the language will increase understanding, which is a good thing.

Then Storm began to teach Daisy Wakandan. She didn't know that Daisy had already learned a big part of it secretly. Now she only lacked pronunciation, and Storm felt Daisy was learning too quickly, but she attributed it to the extensive training of agents.

During the learning process, the two women became more familiar with each other. Ororo appeared serious, but she was actually quite rebellious. She had left Kenya to wander in Egypt during her youth, even becoming a street thief. She didn't like a stagnant life, her personality was like a storm, unpredictable.

Now restrained by Charles Xavier, her inner nature remained unchanged. She enjoyed adventure, excitement, and was very interested in the story Daisy told about leading agents to hunt down Nazis.

Their relationship gradually changed from strangers to acquaintances. They weren't quite friends yet, but they were at that level where if they met on the battlefield, they would exchange a few words before starting a fight.

'You've kept us waiting for a while. Indeed, there is an invasion in Wakanda. My father wants to see you.' Only until the evening of the next day did T'Challa return. He was pleased to see Daisy learning Wakandan and had similar thoughts to Storm. He saw it as a positive signal. He led the two women into Wakanda on the aircraft, surrounded by mountains.

On the way, Daisy saw at least three layers of barriers: electromagnetic devices, cloaking devices, and some kind of microwave that seemed to resist mental scans.

The aircraft had its own identification system, and after passing through several layers of barriers, Wakanda was finally unveiled in the glow of the setting sun.

T'Challa and Storm had been observing Daisy's reaction from the corner of their eyes, and Daisy showed genuine surprise, which satisfied their vanity.

Daisy wasn't acting much; she was genuinely amazed.

Amidst towering mountains, the river sparkled in the sunlight, as if proclaiming the grandeur of this place.

Following the river, a city with a high-tech feel came into view. Its architectural style was different from what Daisy had seen before, with glimpses of ancient buildings still visible.

In Wakanda, the people had incorporated technological elements into the originally rugged and bold architecture, as if combining features from different eras. There was a blend of civilization within the wildness, and the tribal culture concealed advanced technological artifacts. This was Wakanda.

Wakanda's technological development was unique. For example, they had advanced laser weapons but preferred practicing martial arts with knives. They had high-speed railways in the city, yet common people enjoyed strolling with baskets. Virtual imaging technology was highly advanced, yet they retained ancestral worship customs.

There were many strange and unreasonable things, but Daisy estimated that the technological level here was about fifty years ahead of the outside world and thirty years ahead of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"How did you develop this kind of technological prowess?" she knowingly asked.

T'Challa responded with a smug smile, leaving Daisy with no choice but to drop the subject.

In reality, Daisy had already figured it out to some extent. It was likely due to Vibranium. Vibranium had the property of energy absorption, and they used it to create an endless source of energy.

Aircraft, trains, weapons, and even the entire city's power source were based of Vibranium.

This unlimited energy supply enabled their advanced technology. However, their development was not synchronous with the outside world; their technology had some irregularities.

Their advanced weaponry was meant to maintain royal rule, and the lives of the people hadn't seen much improvement. Daisy saw that the street markets and regular people were not much different from Puerto Rico; most were still engaged in trading and agriculture.

She felt somewhat disapproving internally, but she showed a suitable amount of awe on her face to satisfy their vanity.

The aircraft landed at the palace, where Daisy encountered the Royal Guard: an assembly of black women, each with a bald head and carrying laser-firing spears.

It could be said that the royal family was cunning, disguising laser weapons as spear shapes. If ordinary people tried to rebel and charged in with swords, the laser weapons would teach them a lesson.

Two rows of these women, dressed in identical red battle attire, all bald, prompted Daisy to give up after a brief glance. Just like how people from the West might have difficulty distinguishing individuals from the East, she experienced a form of face blindness with these black women.

"What protocol is required to meet your king?" Daisy walked into the palace and quietly asked T'Challa.

Storm awkwardly stayed outside the palace gate, leaving Daisy accompanied only by T'Challa.

He smiled gently and said, "We don't have those formalities. This isn't a formal meeting, Miss Johnson, you can feel free."

Daisy was relieved by the simplicity.

Shortly after entering the palace, she first encountered the old king's wife, who was the queen of Wakanda.

The queen held a seven or eight-year-old girl by the hand – T'Challa's sister, Shuri. She was a young girl with intellect rivaling Stark's, a female superhero. Of course, she was still just a child. The queen curiously observed Daisy for a moment before being led away by her own mother, who wore a headpiece resembling a chef's hat.

The queen's attitude was far from friendly, her lips pursed, her gaze was cold and indifferent. Daisy could sense a subtle hostility from the queen, not directed at her specifically but towards all outsiders.

T'Challa understood his mother's temperament well, politely narrated Wakanda's history, and diverted her attention while leading Daisy further inside.