
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs


When it came to the topic of so-called large-scale weapons of mass destruction, Storm wasn't comfortable discussing it and could only smile awkwardly to show agreement.

Daisy continued, "Although I'm not entirely convinced that there are advanced weapons in Africa that even S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't know about, I'm following the leads. The opposing group is well-trained, and currently led by the French mercenary Batroc. He's a skilled fighter and an expert in combat."

Viper's influence was substantial, involving various intermediaries to secure the hiring of a large group of mercenaries.

Both sides set off roughly at the same time, but Daisy had spent a few days playing with the lions on her way, deliberately falling behind by almost three days.

She didn't anticipate recruiting the likes of Batroc, a French-born mercenary with peak human physical attributes. He had been an Olympic weightlifter and possessed well-developed leg muscles.

Batroc was level-headed and had agile thinking, proficient in various combat techniques, particularly adept in using his legs. He had held his own against Captain America in the second Captain America movie, which highlighted his undeniable skill.

As Daisy and Storm traveled together, during a restful evening, the backup that Storm had urgently summoned finally arrived.

Meeting up with Storm was an African American man, with a mild temperament and clear gaze. He had a neatly trimmed beard, and his movements showed remarkable agility and skill.

"Ororo, is this the aid that Charles sent... ?" Daisy playfully asked, knowingly.

Storm was overwhelmed by guilt for keeping information from Charles Xavier, someone who had treated her like a father figure. She didn't want to hear that name at this moment.

However, describing the young African American man posed a challenge for her. Ultimately, she decided to be truthful, "I'm sorry, Daisy. I didn't mean to deceive you, but this is not related to Charles Xavier."

Daisy chuckled inwardly. Having dealt with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra personnel daily, she found it a bit unusual encountering these righteous individuals. She had a good grasp of their personalities and realised how easy they were to manipulate.

She adopted a guarded demeanour, "Are you going to take action? Are you with those folks?"

Storm hurriedly explained, "No, I assure you, it's not that. However, the current situation has nothing to do with Charles Xavier, nor does it involve mutants or the U.S government. Please, believe me."

In this situation, only a fool would trust such words. Daisy shook her head, indicating disbelief.

At that moment, the African American man next to Storm stepped forward, raising his hands to show that he was unarmed.

He was T'Challa, who had just assumed the title of Black Panther from the old king. Originally, Black Panther and the king were one, but due to the arrangements of the old king, T'Challa had prematurely acquired the title and the heart-shaped herb enhancement.

T'Challa had received Storm's message and hurried from Wakanda.

"Miss, my name is T'Challa. The people you're tracking are looking for me, or rather, they're searching for my homeland. Please believe us, we mean no harm," T'Challa said to her calmly in English.

Daisy pondered for a moment, "How can you prove it?"

Both Storm and T'Challa motioned for her to follow them. When they arrived at an open area, they stopped.

Daisy looked around and reached out to touch something, seeming to understand something, "Is there some kind of cloaking device here? Did you develop it yourselves, or did other countries sell it to you?"

T'Challa found Daisy's condescending tone quite ordinary; the outside world had always looked down on African technology. If Daisy had been overly respectful, that would have been abnormal.

T'Challa smiled calmly and, with a hint of arrogance, produced a device, lightly pressing it. A sleek black-coated aircraft materialized before Daisy's eyes.

After receiving a nod of permission to examine it closely, Daisy circled the aircraft.

The aircraft had a disc-like appearance, elliptical in shape overall, with a turbine engine on each side of the wings. The rear of the aircraft had a blue-glowing propulsion system, emitting no noticeable odor, unlike any known aerospace fuel used elsewhere.

"Extraterrestrial spacecraft?" Daisy continued to showcase her acting skills.

T'Challa feigned sophistication to the highest degree, smiling as he replied, "It's our aircraft, Wakanda's aircraft. Come, Miss Johnson, we can talk along the way."

T'Challa had said they would talk slowly, but as soon as they got on the aircraft, he accelerated the pursue. Unfortunately, the mercenaries were already ahead, and with their astonishing stealth abilities, the aircraft flew back and forth in the vicinity twice, revealing only some human footprints but no other details.

"What secrets are you hiding?" Daisy asked with a heavy expression.

T'Challa and Storm exchanged glances, and ultimately T'Challa spoke, "The objectives of these unwelcome guests are my homeland. Please come with us to Wakanda, and my father, the king, will answer all your questions."

Daisy nodded in agreement.

The aircraft entered the mountains, but their first stop was not Wakanda. Daisy figured it was still wishful thinking.

T'Challa parked the aircraft on the outskirts of Wakanda, in a place called the border tribe.

"Please rest here for the night; we'll head into the mountains tomorrow," T'Challa said, then piloted the aircraft and left.

"Being able to create such an aircraft, why does this place still hold onto pastoral customs?" Daisy looked at the dirty African children herding sheep, with adults riding horses or farming. She was extremely curious and turned to ask Storm.

This wasn't acting; she had genuinely wondered about the peculiar social organization. While the other tribes in Wakanda enjoyed convenient lifestyles, the border tribe, serving as the nation's eyes and ears outside, led a pastoral and agricultural life?

Such unfair treatment, it's no wonder the Border Tribe sided with Killmonger on his first day as king.

Wakanda's national policy was clearly flawed; there was no justice in this.

In fact, Storm had asked T'Challa similar questions before and received an answer about ancestral traditions. It was a choice made by the ancestors of the Border Tribe!

She refrained from commenting; perhaps the founding members were willing, but what about the descendants? Just by looking at the resentment on the faces of the Border Tribe members, it was clear they were not content.

Storm was very earnest. She didn't have the habit of spouting nonsensical explanations like Madame Hydra. She could only recount the standard response.

"It's their tribal tradition..."

Daisy furrowed her attractive brows in thought, "Logically, that shouldn't be the case. The technological sophistication of that aircraft has already surpassed S.H.I.E.L.D., and with such advanced scientific technology, they could easily install several surveillance devices outside. Why would they still send people out on missions and maintain such primitive pastoral habits?"

Storm was so anxious that she felt like scratching a wall. How was she supposed to know! But as a half-owner, she had to provide an answer.

From folklore to tradition, and finally discussing their quality of life, she felt embarrassed by her own explanations.

Fortunately, Daisy didn't continue to dwell on this issue. The two walked along the tribal path, observing a village that was indistinguishable from any other place in Africa.