
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs


Seeing her own underwear being washed by the another one's hands, this feeling was truly eerie. Daisy didn't plan to stay any longer and went straight back to her room. As Daisy was about to leave, Matsumoto thought of something and spoke, "I've also tidied up the bathroom, you can use it anytime."

After running all day, taking a bath now seemed like a good choice. Just as she took off her top, she noticed the maid walking in wearing only her underwear. There was a different gleam in the maid's eyes, claiming that she wanted to help Daisy wash.

Daisy firmly rejected this bathing proposal. If she were a male, something exciting might have happened, but now? She decided against it.

In the following days, she transitioned from initial embarrassment to gradually accepting the maid's services. Apart from the most intimate matters, her daily needs were taken care of. It was undeniably comfortable.

As the maid became more familiar with her, she also started acting like her "vassal." Her role was to advise, and she believed that Daisy's appearance was too neutral, not fully showcasing her beauty.

Going out without makeup, without wearing jewellery, in the maid's eyes, this was a complete sin.

Daisy humbly learned for a few days, though she didn't know how much she could achieve.

After a few days, as the environment stabilised, Matsumoto hesitated several times, seemingly wanting to learn close combat from her.

Daisy knew what she was capable of, close combat? She relied solely on her physical fitness.

She instructed Matsumoto to focus on studying, first obtaining her law license, finding a formal job before considering anything else.

Daisy had been monitoring those Japanese people, but everything was calm; they didn't seem to be looking for her at all.

Time passed, and the school closure became a reality. Daisy even saw James Wesley with a bruise on his face. The school board and the investors officially signed agreements, and students with connections or means began leaving one by one.

"Daisy, what are your plans for the future?" Angela asked her pitifully.

Of course, Daisy couldn't say that she was busy punching S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and kicking Hydra operatives. She didn't want to be seen as crazy by her roommate.

However, she and Angela couldn't communicate on the same wavelength either. Angela was all about credits, scholarships, and the like, while Daisy's mind was filled with thoughts of the Kree, Thanos, and the Cosmic Being..

After having a meal with Angela and sending her off to work at the convenience store, Daisy found herself with nothing to do.

Sitting on a bench by the roadside, her bright eyes observed the passing pedestrians. She calculated her finances; in these days, she had spent over two thousand dollars on law books, clothes, daily necessities, groceries, and cooking for the maid. She wondered what she could do with the remaining eight thousand.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, a somewhat murky signal entered her perception frequency. She turned her head to look.

An elderly woman, using a cane to support herself, was staring at her curiously.

Daisy felt a strong sense of malice even without sensing it directly. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and left with a muttered "crazy."

But as she walked not even three hundred meters, footsteps sounded behind her. Daisy turned around and saw two burly men trailing her.

There were still some pedestrians around, so putting on a display of "kung fu" wasn't the best option. She made a decision to lead them to a less crowded area first. For now, she needed to run!

If it were the protagonist type who loved danger and kept getting into trouble, they would have a look of panic and be nervous while walking away.

It wasn't that they didn't want to run, but wearing a dress and high heels made it difficult.

Daisy didn't have this concern. She was wearing pants and sneakers, not caring about maintaining a ladylike image. Without hesitation, she broke into a sprint.

The two men trailing her were dumbfounded. This woman was not playing by the rules. Thinking of their mission from Madam Gao, they started chasing her.

After running for five hundred meters, they were stunned. This woman was running incredibly fast! Like a nimble cheetah, she swiftly navigated through the streets.

She was agile, powerful, and had excellent jumping ability. She effortlessly leaped over various obstacles that seemed like hindrances.

Occasionally, she even used parkour-like techniques, bouncing off walls and changing directions mid-air, skillfully maneuvering through obstacles.

With her backpack slung over her shoulder, Daisy's body felt weightless. No matter how complex the terrain was, she could easily overcome it. On the other hand, the two men were like clumsy bears, relying on brute force to crash through obstacles.

"Get someone ahead to block her!" one of the bald men yelled into his phone.

Daisy's goal was clear: escape if possible, but if not, avoid exposing her abilities in public.

After passing two streets, she found a wrought iron gate blocking her path. Without hesitation, Daisy lightly tapped the gate with her toe, using the recoil force to propel herself up half a meter. She grabbed the edge of the gate with both hands, lifted her long legs, and vaulted over it.

The two men trailing her were dumbfounded again. Daisy, weighing around a hundred pounds, could clear the gate, but they, who weighed around two hundred pounds, couldn't.

The streets intersected in all directions, and they split up to continue the pursuit.

Familiar with the terrain and having greater numbers, they weren't afraid of failure. The only surprise was Daisy's speed. Nevertheless, capturing a woman alive wasn't considered a big challenge.

Navigating through complex alleyways, Daisy listened to the footsteps coming from all directions and calculated the distances of various pursuers.

But considering her a helpless lamb was a grave mistake. Daisy extended her hand, feeling the enemy's positions.

Soon, a signal entered her perception range, and she realised that the enemy was close to surround her.

Daisy hid in the shadows. As a man covered in tattoos walked past her, she targeted the back of his head and released a shockwave with a swift motion.

The immense force propelled the tattooed man more than three meters away, and his forehead hit the wall before he slumped unconscious, without even a groan.

Daisy stepped out from her hiding spot, put on gloves, and searched the tattooed man's clothes. She found a P239 pistol holstered at his lower back, with only four bullets left in the magazine.

She also searched his wallet and found a hundred and fifty dollars.

"Pretty poor!" Daisy muttered in dissatisfaction. She wiped her shoe soles on the man's clothes to clean off some mud she had picked up while running through a ditch.