
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs

A maid ?

Daisy who was frightened by the enchanting charm of the Japanese, stuttered, "My current financial situation isn't too good, so..."

The consul, who had been observing the spectacle, spoke up, "Please rest assured, Miss Johnson. You courageously rescued our citizen, and as a token of gratitude, we will provide some rewards. Miss Matsumoto also has her own skills to contribute. You have no need to worry!"

The remaining three Japanese women and the consulate staff all wore expressions of "Agreed, agreed."

Miss Matsumoto's determination to achieve her goal was unwavering, awaiting Daisy's decision.

Unable to refuse, Daisy was handed over a $10,000 reward by the Japanese consulate. Leading Matsumoto, her newly acquired "vassal," she left the Japanese consulate.

As the cool breeze brushed her face, Daisy finally understood the hidden meaning behind the consul's smiling face. He didn't want her to publicise this incident. By accepting this "vassal" and taking a sealing fee, she would refrain from spreading the story.

In this era, people valued their reputation. Unlike Night Nurse, who not only took compensation but also investigated the truth of the matter, such individuals were rare.

Daisy sighed at the cunning nature of politicians. Accepting the $10,000 reward, she turned to Matsumoto and inquired about her skills.

Firearms, driving, bladed weapons, stealth, assassination—she didn't possess any of these skills!

Miss Matsumoto only held a Japanese law license, having not even completed her internship before being duped into coming to the United States.

Her qualifications were not even recognised here, requiring her to retest. Additionally, she needed to master the language and adapt to life in this new country. All of this would be shouldered by Daisy.

On the way, Daisy hacked into the network and disabled several cameras near their rented house. The anticipated Japanese figures were nowhere to be seen. She suspected that the consulate had intervened.

Yet, Daisy remained vigilant. To Westerners, Asian appearances might be similar, but these Japanese people were different. They had seen Daisy's appearance, which, thanks to Hell's Kitchen, was both striking and memorable.

For them to locate a woman like her, neither overly tall nor short, wasn't a difficult task.

Daisy instructed Matsumoto to wait in place while she called Angela. She asked her to stay at her parents' house temporarily, while Daisy herself swiftly returned to her room to pack up her belongings.

She needed to take some electronic devices with her. If the hackers's leverage was discovered, it would leave her vulnerable.

Some clothing also had to be packed. Though they were cheap clothes, they were ones she had worn. Who knew what perverted things these Japanese individuals might do with them?

Angela's clothes were collected as well. Then, with a backpack slung over her shoulder and a suitcase in hand, Daisy rushed out of the rental house.

After reuniting with Matsumoto, they rented an apartment in Brooklyn, an area with a sizeable Asian population.

"Here are two sets of clothes. Your current outfit is in tatters." Daisy handed over two of her own clothes to Matsumoto, whose clothes had been torn by the Japanese.

Matsumoto thanked her and started changing clothes. Daisy intended to look away, but for various indescribable reasons, she ended up not doing so.

Matsumoto was slightly shorter and had thicker calves compared to Daisy's slender ones. Clearly, she hadn't been exercising enough.

Despite being chosen by the Japanese as someone unaffordable, Matsumoto seemed to have been nourished well, as her hips and chest were not small. Daisy's current perspective was insufficient to accurately judge their size, but Matsumoto's blouse looked tight, which rendered Daisy speechless.

After tidying her own room, Daisy found Matsumoto unexpectedly capable of cooking. She inquired further and learned that Matsumoto had taken home courses back in Japan. By the age of ten, most Japanese girls were already proficient in cooking.

Daisy couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. In another time and place, when that indescribable nation transformed, men began taking on cooking duties.

As a former crosser, Daisy could also whip up some dishes, but she had been too lazy. Combined with poverty, she hadn't put much effort into cooking. With a little money now, she finally had the opportunity to improve her culinary skills.

After a short time, Matsumoto prepared two dishes. One resembled mapo tofu, while the other was a stir-fry of various vegetables and bean sprouts. According to her, this was "Chinese cuisine."

The main dish was just plain rice.

"Sorry, the time was too short. I'll definitely work harder in the future!" Matsumoto bowed her head apologetically.

Daisy felt embarrassed. This meal was already a hundred times better than the bread she had been eating.

"Let's eat together. This area is relatively safe, but you should still avoid being seen these next few days."

"Sorry for the trouble."

After exchanging polite words, they finally began to eat.

Daisy's enhanced abilities allowed her to digest quickly, which was also one of the reasons she couldn't save money—most of her earnings were spent on food.

Right now, she craved some meat, a hearty meal, but Westerners were known for their small portion sizes. The dishes were exquisite but not substantial. She managed to finish a bowl of rice and two side dishes, but she still wasn't satisfied.

She wanted to shout "I want meat!" like Luffy, but given that they had just met, she didn't want to leave Matsumoto with an impression of herself as a glutton. So, she smiled and said that she was full.

After finishing her meal, Matsumoto started tidying up the tableware and then busily began cleaning the room. Daisy, lying on the bed, feeling bloated, couldn't stay inside any longer.

She left Matsumoto to clean the room and went outside to buy a pile of law books and beginner's English textbooks. She also consulted the consulate, who assured her that they would help with Matsumoto's daily paperwork.

With a stack of books in her arms, Daisy returned to her apartment. As she entered and removed her shoes, she was startled to find Matsumoto, who had just finished cleaning the room, washing clothes—Daisy's clothes. Among them were a few bras.

"Wow! This is really embarrassing!" She hurried forward to stop Matsumoto, who calmly replied, "It's okay. I often help with washing at home. Please don't feel burdened."

Having said that, Matsumoto uttered a statement that sent chills down Daisy's spine, "Miss Johnson's scent is really pleasant..."

Daisy was so startled that she broke into a sweat. She could only dodge the topic, saying, "I bought you some law books. You have a foundation, so you should first work on obtaining your law license. And also, your English pronunciation is a bit strange."

Matsumoto bowed her head and thanked Daisy, her gratitude overflowing.