
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs

Skadi’s Hammer

In comparison to the enemy's feebleness, S.H.I.E.L.D. had deployed almost all of its elite forces. This group of people represented the highest combat level of the current Earth, so losing would be abnormal.

"There is a room sealed by a metal door, it seems to hide some secrets inside," Crossbone reported from the front.

He really wanted to keep it hidden, but with so many personnel on the scene, not reporting it was unrealistic.

Daisy estimated that it was the landing point of Skadi's Hammer. As the on-site commander, she wanted to personally watch as the agents broke through the door.

The massive metal door, over a meter thick, was forcefully dismantled by the agents using a plasma cutter.

Daisy entered the room, and the first thing that caught her eye was Skadi's Hammer.

Unlike Thor's Mjölnir, which was square-shaped, the Skadi's Hammer before her was silver-white all over with a golden handle. It had a guard similar to a fencing sword, and the overall design was like an auctioneer's gavel, a round-headed hammer.

The indoor area of nearly a hundred square meters was filled with research equipment, but the equipment was covered in a thick layer of dust. It seemed that the Nazis had initially conducted serious research, but manpower had its limits. As the war came to an end, hopes dwindled day by day. This hammer that had fallen to Earth had gone unnoticed for some years.

"What is this?" Even though she knew the truth, she turned to ask the Nazi leader in the base.

The old German ghost brought up by the agents was at the end of his life, even with the Red Skull's advanced technology and the special radiation of Skadi's Hammer delaying his aging. He was from the age of Captain America and Peggy Carter.

The old man closed his eyes and muttered a couple of sentences. Daisy cursed silently, not understanding German. Fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. had all sorts of talents, and Black Widow quietly translated it for her.

Daisy chuckled darkly after hearing it. These guys had researched for sixty years, yet they didn't know as much as she did.

But these clues were enough for now. She immediately reported the findings, specifically highlighting the courageous deeds of Crossbones, Ward, and others, hoping they would be recognised as key figures for the next phase of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operations.

Hydra had never been a united front. Individuals like Dr. Whitehall and Baron von Strucker, who had inherited the legacy of Hydra from World War II, might not openly admit it, but deep down they still had feelings for that era of Germany.

If they knew that Pierce and his group had massacred the Nazis, they would definitely feel uneasy. Daisy was planning to turn this into a movie and TV series for widespread promotion. She had an immature plan to try and win these people back.

Nick Fury arrived quickly, bringing with him the former director Pierce and two members of the Security Council. They wanted to get a close look at the Nazis. After all, more than sixty years had passed since the end of the war, and lively Nazis were a rarity. To share in the glory of the operation, they wouldn't refuse.

"A metal hammer? What do the inscriptions on it mean?" Nick Fury asked Daisy. He knew that Daisy had studied Norse runes.

Daisy answered truthfully, "This hammer belongs to Skadi, the Norse goddess of winter. These Nazis studied it for about ten years, but unfortunately, they didn't find anything."

She handed a thick stack of documents to Coulson, who quickly flipped through them. "Is this the work of the Red Skull again?"

"Yes, according to Red Skull's records, the person who wields the hammer gains the power to conquer the world. Red Skull tried it, and if the records are correct, Hitler also attempted, but neither of them managed to lift the hammer."

Only Daisy and Black Widow have seen these documents. They have been waiting for Coulson to arrive. Now that the elite agents have heard about it, they're surprised. Just lifting a hammer can conquer the world? Crossbones and Ward's expressions become somewhat unnatural. Even the cunning former director Pierce seems intrigued.

"Have you tried it?" Nick Fury's one eye is fixed on Daisy.

She shook her head, no need to embellish and be overly loyal.

Coulson affirmed her action with a look. But a problem arose, the responsibility feff on him now, how should he respond? Should he say he wants to conquer the world? That he wants boundless power, so he should give it a try?

His gaze turns toward the two council members and former director Pierce.

Although these three had different motives, they all seem intrigued. After all, who wouldn't want superpowers? However, they were still rational. Stepping forward now would undoubtedly become a weakness to be attacked by political opponents.

The elderly British representative asked Daisy, "Agent Johnson, what exactly are the selection criteria for this hammer?"

Daisy carefully chooses her words to make it understandable, "Madame Lansbury, these Nazis studied this hammer for ten years. Based on various data calculations and analyses, the actual weight of this hammer shouldn't exceed forty pounds. However, it seems like an unknown force is acting upon the hammer. Our science can't explain this phenomenon; we can only attribute it to magic. Apart from its chosen wielder, theoretically, no ordinary human on Earth can lift it."

Her explanation was vague, leaving the elderly woman somewhat puzzled.

As politicians, they choose to step back. The other council member made the same choice.

The decision-makers are now narrowed down to Fury and Pierce.

Daisy stands on the side, watching the commotion.

Inside Pierce's mind, he was itching to grab the hammer, but he needed to maintain his image.

He couldn't think of any excuses, finally he claimed his advanced age and declining health as a reason, and declined the opportunity to lift the hammer.

"If I mutate later, kill me," Nick Fury whispers to Daisy in a voice only they can hear.

After he spoke, he walked up to the hammer and looked at it. This silver round-headed hammer with exotic flair and a hand guard, he rolled up his sleeves, he grabbed the handle with both hands, mobilised all his strength, and silently shouts, "Lift!"

The result was disappointing. His effort seems to vanish into thin air, and there was no reaction from the hammer. What happened to the promised forty pounds? Why does it feel like it's rooted in the Earth?

He tried again, but the outcome remains the same. He couldn't lift it.

Coulson left, and Director Pierce's rationality succumbs to greed. He walked up under Nick Fury's curious gaze and tried with all his might, only to find that he couldn't budge it either.

Next up were the two council members and several renowned elite agents, including Daisy.

The hammer's reaction is strange. All her probes bounce back unaltered. The hammer seemed aggressive, and if it had a voice, it would probably shout "Get lost!" at her.

Strong force, electromagnetic force, weak force, and gravitational force – these are the four fundamental forces of the universe. Among them, gravitational force is the most intuitive and easily grasped. According to the general theory of relativity, gravity is caused by the curvature of spacetime. Daisy can manipulate strings to create curvature, thus controlling a certain amount of gravitational force. Given some time and finding the right points, using gravity to lift the hammer shouldn't be too difficult for her.

However, this method was quite awkward. Magneto had played around with Thor's hammer more than once, yet he never acquired the power of Thor.

Without acknowledgement, there was no divine power bestowed. Simply lifting the hammer was useless. Moreover, this hammer is dangerous. She didn't want to resurrect another Jormungandr. Daisy tugs at it with her own strength, but then she gave up, shrugging her shoulders to indicate, "Can't lift it."