
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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111 Chs

Manufacturing Equipment

Prominent elites all took turns trying, regardless of who it was, no one could lift the hammer. This made Nick Fury secretly relieved; he didn't want powers beyond his control, and the current situation suited him.

Originally planning to blow up the base and then return with the prisoners to celebrate and claim rewards, now this hammer posed a bit of a challenge. It couldn't be taken away, that was certain. Leaving it behind, Fury was worried that he wouldn't be able to sleep.

He called a few trusted subordinates to discuss the next steps. After this operation, Daisy was officially inducted into this group.

"In the Antarctic, set up a separate base and tightly control this place," the former Director Pierce spoke up first. He appeared to be speaking righteously, but Daisy suspected he was trying to gain leverage to negotiate with Hydra's other bigwigs.

But as a newcomer, it wasn't wise to directly contradict the former Director. So, Daisy chose to listen and observe.

As expected, this suggestion didn't receive unanimous approval. As Nick Fury's most trusted confidant, Agent Coulson offered an alternative approach.

"Dismantle the Antarctic base, then pour a large quantity of metal liquid to bury the hammer along with the ground. Even if someone wants to take the hammer, without large machinery and abundant resources, they won't even get close to it."

This approach gained the support of some agents, with Daisy noticing that the ones who supported it were the stalwart members of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hydra members immediately expressed their concern, questioning whether pouring metal liquid would trigger any adverse reactions with the hammer, like explosions or magnetic field disturbances. Though it sounded a bit far-fetched, it was a fair point.

S.H.I.E.L.D. members countered, arguing that establishing a separate base here would waste resources and manpower. For a while, neither side could convince the other.

In the end, Nick Fury made the decision. Both the base and the hammer would remain.

When it came to deciding who would be stationed there, the room fell silent. Pierce wanted control over the base, but that didn't mean he wanted to stay in the Antarctic – it would be like an exile.

Various agents began putting on a show. One claimed to be old and feeble, another said their old wounds hadn't healed. Even Daisy acted as if she had menstrual cramps, her face turning pale.

In the end, Nick Fury, somewhat reluctantly, handed this daunting task to the honest Coulson.

With the assignment of the garrison settled, the majority of the team, along with the prisoners, sang songs as they departed for headquarters.

Almost fifteen hundred Nazis had been killed, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents marksmanship was accurate, and there were very few injuries. The total casualties on their side were less than twenty, a resounding victory.

Over a thousand prisoners remained, their backgrounds varied. A small portion were former scientists, while the majority were members of the Thule Society – they propagated the Aryan purity theory and were the precursor to the German Workers Party, many of whom were close associates of Hitler.

Just one of these individuals could incite turmoil if captured, and now they had managed to round up hundreds. Nick Fury was so delighted, he even forgot his own last name.

In the following days, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters were in uproar. Leaders from various countries, parliament members, and military generals came and went like a revolving door to see these "historical figures."

Even the reclusive Peggy Carter, who had withdrawn from worldly affairs and was accompanied by Sharon, came to Washington to visit.

Reflecting on the past years, the elderly woman's expression grew dim, and Daisy guessed she was thinking about Captain America.

Unfortunately, what's gone is gone, and even though she once had control over S.H.I.E.L.D. for a time, Daisy speculated that Peggy Carter might have considered a way to extend her youth. However, she had let go of that idea.

Captain America might still be Captain America, but was she still herself?

Over seventy years had passed, and her true essence had faded away. Rather than saying she was still in love with Cap, it was more accurate to say she was reminiscing about her youth.

In the House of M event, Scarlet Witch altered reality, and Captain America wasn't frozen. After the war, he married Peggy Carter, and at first, it seemed perfect. However, the marriage didn't last long due to their differing beliefs.

Captain America made to be an excellent mascot, but when he appeared right before her eyes, in her life, whether as a friend or a lover, he brought disaster. He was too principled and stubborn.

And Peggy Carter wasn't a submissive person either. Following Sharon's quote at the funeral, "Make compromises when necessary, and stand firm when not!"

Both of their personalities were strong. Instead of regaining their youth and then arguing and breaking up, it was better to let the memories remain seventy years ago, to let the story stay in its original form, which would benefit everyone.

Daisy listened as Peggy Carter recounted stories from the past to her niece. Daisy guessed that Sharon's views on love had been skewed from an early age – in Sharon's heart, Captain America had been deified. If she hadn't encountered Captain America, perhaps she could have had a normal romantic life. Unfortunately, fate played a joke on them.

Should Daisy stop her pseudo-best friend from jumping into the fire? Daisy felt she didn't have much say in the matter. Perhaps Sharon liked it this way? Daisy felt that this kind of love was abnormal, and Sharon might still consider her and Hill's relationship abnormal once she knew the truth.

The turmoil caused by the Nazis began to spread at higher levels. It would be inhumane to execute this bunch of people by hanging, but detaining them for interrogation was necessary.

Unfortunately, the Nazis had been in hiding for too long, and they hadn't revealed any earth-shattering secrets. Many of them were scientists or sociologists, and they had little to do with Hydra. Naturally, they wouldn't divulge such information. Surprisingly, the reason the old Japanese ghost had been supporting them all this time was because of their wartime friendship.

Honestly, Daisy was a bit skeptical. Did the old Japanese ghost had such moral character? The original timeline's Wolverine would have had no hesitation, but various interrogation experts reached the same conclusion.

She could only tentatively believe it.

With the Adamantium alloy in hand, she began developing her new equipment.

This metal was incredibly robust, with hardness and density far surpassing Earth metals, making it the best material for crafting weapons.

True Adamantium didn't melt even at temperatures of five hundred thousand degrees, but that was the original version. The diluted Adamantium alloy could be melted conventionally.

The ease of fabrication came at the expense of some strength.

Daisy spent a month in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s logistics department. The alloy blade material of the old Japanese ghost was of excellent quality, and she didn't know how he had developed it. While its melting point wasn't as exaggerated, its density and hardness almost reached the standard of true Adamantium. She put in some effort to forge a longsword and a shield.

Considering portability, she also created two short staffs and two daggers.

With the remaining secondary Adamantium alloy, she crafted a lightweight suit of armor.

Swords had the highest killing power. She practiced swordsmanship with Corinne, the little beauty, for a week. To say that Daisy had achieved a high level was an exaggeration; she had only managed to achieve a rudimentary understanding.

The blade with the guard had a total length of eighty centimeters. Due to the characteristics of the Adamantium alloy, it weighed over thirty pounds. The slim and lightweight blade design of the East couldn't be achieved, so she had to create a more classical heavy sword design reminiscent of the West.