
Top 10 Famous Death Scenes: The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start!

Synopsis: Top 10 Famous Death Scenes No. 10: Demon Slayer - Kyojuro Rengoku's Demise Lights Up the Night, the Eternal Flame of Purgatory In the world of Demon Slayer, the passing of Kyojuro Rengoku shines as a beacon in the night. The flames he wielded continue to burn brightly, never to be extinguished. No. 9: Pirate World - Whitebeard's Furious Onslaught at the Navy Headquarters Marks the Dawn of a New Pirate Era Within the World of pirates, Whitebeard's fierce assault upon the Navy Headquarters left an indelible mark, even as he fell in battle. This event heralded the arrival of a new era of piracy. No. 8: Naruto Universe - Unraveling the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the Fall of Madara's Grand Ambitions In the Naruto universe, the powerful illusion of the Infinite Tsukuyomi was shattered, revealing the true intentions of Madara's grand scheme. His ultimate dream crumbled, a victim of its own deceit. No. 7: Naruto Universe - The Uprising of the Nine-Tails, Fourth Hokage's Sacrifice for the Sake of Naruto Amidst the turmoil of the Naruto world, the Fourth Hokage and his beloved wife united in a heroic sacrifice during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Their selflessness ensured the safety and future of Naruto. No. 6: ... The aftermath of these poignant scenes was followed by more entries in the "Top Ten Black Pseudonymous Scenes," with mischievous Laughing Bats spreading across the multiverse. As the chronicles unfold, Ryan emerges as the central deity, guiding the destinies of each recounted character, all of whom have become reincarnators. Once again, they are destined to alter the course of fate. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Top 10 Famous Death Scenes, The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start! This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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285 Chs

Chapter 87 : Avengers!! Assemble!!

In the DC Universe, the green-haired clown erupted into wild laughter.

Thanos' impending victory made him pause, sensing that he had remained too composed for too long.

"Let me ponder this for a moment. Half of Gotham's population is wiped out. Haha, what a brilliant idea!"

In the world of Hokage, Uchiha Madara crossed his arms, his eyes brimming with approval.

Such unwavering determination, the will to lay everything on the line – these are the qualities of a true warrior.

In the Marvel Universe, Thor's heart swelled with determination.

Odin, on the other hand, felt a strange absent. He hadn't seen the Ancient One before, but now he noticed her absence.

Where had she gone?

At the same time, Doctor Strange turned his gaze towards Ancient One, standing beside him, his expression profound.

Ancient One felt a pang of helplessness, but she couldn't admit to abandoning her heir after finding him, so she remained silent.

[Thanos sighed inwardly.]

[From being treated as a monster in his childhood to growing up on Titan, he had tiptoed on the brink of death countless times over the past few hundred years. He had faced numerous battles.]

[So many years of conquest, tyranny, betrayal, and bloodshed.]

[Today, he was finally on the verge of success.]

[He gazed at the human struggling on the ground, clutching half a shattered shield.]

[Thanos's eyes oozed disdain as he slowly uttered,]

"For so many years, I've never allowed personal feelings to sway me."

"But this time, it's different."

On the spaceship Sanctuary II, Gamora understood the reason behind these words.

The Avengers had used time travel to alter the fate of those who had already perished, and this had enraged Thanos to the core.

Gamora anticipated that what followed would be an extremely brutal massacre.

[Thanos's voice grew colder,]

"Dealing with your group of stubborn, irritating, insignificant planets, I will relish the process of annihilation."

"Their cries of despair and fear will be the only sounds they make."

"I like his lines; I've decided they're mine," Lucifer commented, almost applauding at this point.

Some twisted spectators grew excited, as this was their favorite spectacle.

[As Thanos' voice echoed, the thousand-meter-long Sanctuary II emitted a massive burst of blue light.]

[Suddenly, countless dark cult soldiers and bio-engineered creatures materialized, enveloping the entire battlefield in a shroud of darkness and despair.]

In the Marvel Universe, countless individuals felt a sense of hopelessness.

How could they hope to win a battle where the odds were so heavily stacked against them?

[Despite the intense pain coursing through his body, Steve gritted his teeth and rose to his feet.]

[His shield, though in tatters, remained firmly strapped to his left arm, just as it had in countless battles before.]

[Gazing at the overwhelming enemy in the distance, Steve's eyes bore no fear as he took a determined step forward.]

[Though they were outnumbered, they would press on.]

In Sanctuary II, Thanos sneered.

He had lost count of how many heroes like Steve had fallen, and they were nothing more than the last vestiges of resistance.

In Asgard, Thor felt a surge of admiration.

Steve was a true warrior, with valour flowing in his veins. He was indeed worthy of wielding Thor's hammer.

[Suddenly, an electrical crackling sounded in Steve's ear.]

[After a second, it became clear.]

"Captain, it's Sam. Can you hear me?"

Steve's expression shifted from confusion to recognition as a familiar voice echoed in his ear.

"On your left!"

Steve turned in shock and witnessed golden sparks materializing in the empty air.

In the next instant, dazzling light filled the battlefield as hundreds of shimmering portals slowly expanded.

At that moment, Sam flew past Steve like a falcon, followed by a multitude of heroes and warriors.

[Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Wanda, Valkyrie, the Last Warrior of Asgard.]

With all members reunited, they fought shoulder to shoulder.

The exhilarating music set the scene.

[Ant-Man burst from the earth.]

[Thor rose from the wreckage.]

[Iron Man reawakened.]

[Captain America summoned Thor's hammer, exclaiming,]

"Avengers, Assemble!"

In the Marvel Universe, countless viewers clenched their fists and were on the verge of tears.

Superheroes and ordinary individuals alike, those who possessed power and those who didn't, stood their ground.

For the sake of their world, they rose up to fight, ready to meet their destiny with honor.

[As the words fell, a deafening roar reverberated, and heroic warriors charged towards the dark cult.]

[Thanos's expression remained calm and unflinching as he raised his twin blades of destruction.]

[Behind him stood the five obsidian generals and countless soldiers, charging into battle.]

[From above, two surging dark tides hurtled towards each other, each intent on consuming the other.]

[The battle had officially commenced.]


[Roars, explosions, lasers, bullets, lightning, and blades.]



[In a matter of moments, the Earth had become a battlefield, with lives lost every second.]

[The seemingly colossal mutated warrior was crushed under Ant-Man's might.]

[Tony and Pepper's dual lasers decimated a multitude of bio-engineered creatures.]

[Banner wreaked havoc on the massive aircraft hovering in the sky.]

[Thor unleashed a torrent of lightning, vanquishing the Black Dwarf.]


[Star-Lord Quill wielded his elemental gun, taking down three minions before being struck down by the fourth.]

On the spaceship, Quill, who believed he was about to rise again, wore a perplexed smile.

At that moment, he was on the verge of tears.

Why was everyone else engaged in a life-and-death battle while he was stuck in a comedy routine?

Was this really the time to be funny?

In a luxurious bathroom, a man in a red and black uniform sat on the toilet, sipping red wine and laughing:

"Come on, Chris Pratt, Marvel isn't for you. If you can't cut it, go play the Terminator!"

A dark cult soldier pressed Quill to the ground, about to do something unspeakable, but was shot and killed by a bullet.

Quill, now freed from his assailant's grasp, sat up and, with a shocked expression, uttered:


Across from him, a Gamora from 2014 scrutinized him.

Quill's brain struggled to comprehend the situation, and he rushed over to her in astonishment.

"I thought I lost you..."

Quill's emotions overwhelmed him, and he reached out to touch Gamora's face, her smooth green skin a constant source of fascination for him.

"Do you have to be this clingy?" Gamora felt her scalp tingle and pushed Quill away.

"Don't touch me!"

After two consecutive blows, Quill fell to the ground with a pained expression and quipped:

"You didn't hold back the first time!"

"Second time's the charm. Let's take out two birds with one stone."

Off-screen, Quill was visibly uncomfortable and turned to Yondu beside him, expressing his confusion and frustration:

"Whether this woman lacks a brain or is just crazy, it's not my fault that I keep getting beat up!"

Yondu remained speechless, unsure of what was going on in Quill's mind.

On-screen, Gamora stared at the Nebula beside her in disbelief and asked in a suspicious tone:

"The man I'm supposed to find in the future is him?"

Nebula's deadpan expression conveyed the cruel truth.

"Other than him, there's only one option left."

"I am Groot!"

"Don't get too excited, Groot. I'm even worse off than you; I wasn't even chosen."

"I am Groot..."

"It's all right, don't comfort me. I don't like women without hair, especially green ones."

"I am Groot!"

"Okay, I admit I was wrong, and I take back the last statement."


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