
Top 10 Famous Death Scenes: The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start!

Synopsis: Top 10 Famous Death Scenes No. 10: Demon Slayer - Kyojuro Rengoku's Demise Lights Up the Night, the Eternal Flame of Purgatory In the world of Demon Slayer, the passing of Kyojuro Rengoku shines as a beacon in the night. The flames he wielded continue to burn brightly, never to be extinguished. No. 9: Pirate World - Whitebeard's Furious Onslaught at the Navy Headquarters Marks the Dawn of a New Pirate Era Within the World of pirates, Whitebeard's fierce assault upon the Navy Headquarters left an indelible mark, even as he fell in battle. This event heralded the arrival of a new era of piracy. No. 8: Naruto Universe - Unraveling the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the Fall of Madara's Grand Ambitions In the Naruto universe, the powerful illusion of the Infinite Tsukuyomi was shattered, revealing the true intentions of Madara's grand scheme. His ultimate dream crumbled, a victim of its own deceit. No. 7: Naruto Universe - The Uprising of the Nine-Tails, Fourth Hokage's Sacrifice for the Sake of Naruto Amidst the turmoil of the Naruto world, the Fourth Hokage and his beloved wife united in a heroic sacrifice during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Their selflessness ensured the safety and future of Naruto. No. 6: ... The aftermath of these poignant scenes was followed by more entries in the "Top Ten Black Pseudonymous Scenes," with mischievous Laughing Bats spreading across the multiverse. As the chronicles unfold, Ryan emerges as the central deity, guiding the destinies of each recounted character, all of whom have become reincarnators. Once again, they are destined to alter the course of fate. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Top 10 Famous Death Scenes, The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start! This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 86.2 : Thanos vs Avengers (2)

However, as Thor approached, a colossal hand gripped the battle axe!

The killing intent in Thanos' eyes was awe-inspiring, and he thrust Stormbreaker towards Thor's chest.

Thor felt a sharp pain in his chest, shocked and angered, but he couldn't break free.

In just two more seconds, his chest would be laid bare by his own axe!

In Asgard, watching the horrifying scene on video, Thor rubbed his chest with unease.

He couldn't fathom why Thanos possessed such immense power in that moment.

The trio couldn't merely be defeated; they were ruthlessly overwhelmed.

And Thor himself was on the brink of a tragic demise, unable to conceive a way to survive.

On Earth, in an unfamiliar room, Steve watched the video before him with a wry smile, then grasped his numb face.

He was aware of his own frailty and couldn't bear to witness Thor's impending death.

Thanos revealed a menacing grin, poised like a Shinigami. Just one more second, and he would pierce the heart of this Asgardian survivor!

"Die!" Thanos roared.

A shadow passed by, Mjölnir struck Thanos' head, and then swiftly returned!

What's happening?

Thor's heart raced as he watched in the video. His hands strained against the storm axe, and there was no opportunity to wield Mjölnir.

Suddenly, he gaped in shock!

The perspective shifted, and Steve's eyes blazed with determination, blood and dust smeared on his face. He held Mjölnir firmly in his hand.

How could a mortal be deemed worthy by Mjölnir?

While Thor remained astonished, he recalled what his father had said before: "Whoever lifts this hammer shall possess the power of Thor!"

"I knew it!" Thor marveled.

In the Avengers Tower, he had seen Steve nearly lift the hammer, but he hadn't expected Steve to finally do so at this critical moment!


Thor's face contorted with cold fury. He kicked Thor with great force, sending him into the ruins, then wielded the twin blades of destruction and advanced toward Steve.

He aimed to make Steve comprehend the depths of despair.

Facing Thor, Steve held both the shield and Mjölnir, his eyes unflinching.

The next moment, Steve took the initiative to strike, spinning the hammer rapidly as he charged. He delivered a mighty blow as he closed in.

Thanos was sent flying in response.

Seeing Steve pursuing the advantage, he struck the shield with the hammer.

Thanos swiftly rose, attacking the shield with his weapons. However, in the next moment, Mjölnir whooshed by, simultaneously smashing into Thanos from behind!

An unexpected ambush from an unexpected angle left Thanos completely defenseless as a shield struck him in the back of the head.

Seizing the opportunity, Steve pressed on, his shorter stature transformed into an asset. Mjölnir and the shield launched a coordinated attack, driving Thanos backward repeatedly.

Simultaneously, a dazzling thunderstorm emanated from the hammer, releasing lightning that struck Thanos to the ground.

This wasn't the end; Steve had taught himself without a teacher, lifting Mjölnir high for a thunderous strike.

In the next moment, even more intense and terrifying lightning descended from the dark clouds.

In Asgard, Thor fell into silence. Although Steve had saved his life in the video, he couldn't fathom how Steve had become so proficient with Mjölnir, employing a whole set of skills.

Worriedly, Thor touched the hammer. This Captain America appeared naive, but he must have secretly contemplated wielding the power of Thor for a long time.

On Earth, Steve, who hadn't watched the video earlier, looked surprised at this moment.

What had just occurred?

Why had he suddenly become so formidable?

It felt like the time in math class when he'd lowered his head and then looked up to find the blackboard covered in complex formulas.

Steve leaped with Mjölnir in hand. The hammer crackled with thunder as he struck it forcefully at the fallen Thanos.


The ground quaked, and the lightning spread like a spider's web. Unfortunately, the hammer didn't connect with Thanos at all.

Thanos had already rolled away to evade and, upon getting up, seized Steve by the neck, slamming him to the ground.

Thanos's anger was evident as he discarded his helmet, picked up the twin blades of destruction, and protected his neck from both sides as he advanced on Captain America.

In the next moment, the double blades of destruction danced nimbly in Thanos' hands.

The enraged Thanos seemed to grow even more formidable, landing several blows on Steve's thigh and Mjölnir with his double-edged swords.

In the end, Steve could only defend with his shield.

Thanos grinned as the double-edged blades, brimming with power, relentlessly struck Steve's shield.

Sparks flew, and it was deafening.

The vibranium shield proved vulnerable beneath the relentless assault of the double blades of destruction, shattering like ordinary iron.


Ultimately, Steve crashed into a heap of rubble, his shield reduced to just half its original size, and he collapsed to the ground.

The entire battle had spanned only six or seven minutes.

In the end, only Thanos remained standing among the entire crowd.


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