
Chapter 1: FailureNoMore

He put on his night clothes and fell flat on his bed after taking his shower. He thought about his failures but also about his success. In his class he was ranked lowest in Ninjutsu but was also ranked highest in Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu. Unlike his many family members he didn't need a Sharingan or any other Kekki Genkai to win a fight. He was crafty in battle and used unorthodox methods to win. His father saw this as him being cowardly and trying to run from his failures. He was staring at the ceiling when he noticed the room turn a purple hue. He instantly jumped up and did his best to shake the Genjutsu. This was no prank or joke, it was forbidden to use any attacks against someone if you went engaged in a mutual battle arrangement. He did his best and within a few seconds he was able to shake the Genjutsu. He was just in time to see a fist slam against his chest and send him tumbling out of the second-story window.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu"

His reaction time was perfect this time; with one swift move he picked up 5 rocks and threw them in the direction the voice came from, then he rolled out of the way of the attack and watched it hit the tree behind him. He had to get to his Ninja Tools otherwise this assassin would kill him with ease. The assailant obviously dodged the rocks since no shouts of pain or shock could be heard. It was now just Rai and an opponent whom he couldn't see.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu"

Rai turned to see the attack but not in enough time to completely dodge it. He just tucked and blocked as much as possible. He tore off his shirt and ran towards the direction he heard the voice. The attacker must have grown weary of waiting since Rai could now see him running towards him as well. The attacker threw an array of shuriken and jumped in the air.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu"

Rai already knew what this person was doing. If he jumped he would be hit by the fireball and if he didn't he would have to take the shuriken. Rai smiled and kept running forward and as soon as him and the all the shuriken was about to collide he did a low flip and grabbed a hand full of shuriken out of the air and took his chance with the rest. The fireball crashed behind him and the shuriken storm already passed. His clothes were torn to shreds and he was left bleeding. His original plan was to redirect all of the shuriken or at least some of them but, he underestimated how many there were.

"What do you want from me?" asked Rai in a last attempt to save himself.

The figure didn't answer. He simply twirled a kunai in his hand and ran to stab Rai. The kunai was inches from his face before it slowed down...it was slower than before but it wasn't turtle speed. Rai quickly dodged. His eyes burned like a fire had been ignited in them.

"What did you do to me?" Rai asked in pain.

"Have a look for yourself," said a familiar voice.

Then a kunai was thrown at the ground in front of Rai's face. In the reflection he saw red eyes with a single tomoe curved inside. It was then when Rai realized what happened.

"You're welcome," said the figure before he began to walk away.

"Who are you?" Asked Rai.

"You don't recognize your own brother?" said the man. Then he disappeared and Rai passed out.


Rai's brother, Miru, had defected from Konoha right after Rai was born. They never got to interact. Miru was nothing but an illusion in Rai's eyes. Everyone always said that he was the golden child of the Uchiha. His visual prowess was the best in the family and his Genjutsu was unmatched even by the village elders. After that night Rai would see glimpses of dark figures looking exactly like his brother but they would also disappear as quickly as they came.

5 years had past and now things had changed after gaining his Sharingan. Rai was now a chunin and had some success in learning jutsu he was able to get some of the basics from his affinity elements: Lightning and Fire. He now could use: "Fireball Jutsu, Chidori (a weaker form) , Shadow Clone Jutsu, and Lightning Shuriken Barrage". That was it, but it was better than nothing. He could make 2 shadow clones and still have some chakra left. If he was compared to the average Chunin he was weak but it was fine for now. He was progressively getting stronger and that all that mattered to him. He did have some huge set backs as well, he was formally invited to no longer live at the

Uchiha Clan Mansion. He was homeless but was able to get one of his fellow students to make him a house. It was actually more of a cave but it was extremely well built. He had asked the girl for help because she was a descendent of the Senju Clan and she was one of the lucky clan members who was born with the Wood Release as a Kekki Genkai. She only said she would help because she wanted someone to spar with. In Rai's mind there was no way he could keep up with that monster. Yuri Senju quickly rose in ranks past every Uchiha and Uzumaki. Her Wood Release caused an uproar as soon as it was revealed. She had so much influence at the current moment that she was the next Hokage candidate.

"Look," she began, "If we're being honest my Wood Release isn't even that powerful. People are just so scared of being hit by a tree that they are on defense the entire fight. With that being said I'll help you if you spar with me."

Rai was speechless. Either this girl was stupid or she thought he was; why would he ever challenge a WOOD Release wielder to a battle in the WOODS.

"I don't think that now is a go.." He was interrupted by the tree's moving towards him at an insane speed.

He flipped in the air, placed one hand on a branch and launched himself above the treetops.

"Fire Style: Fireball...ahh", again he was cut off but this time it was by a well placed foot to his spine.

"That was a nice move but, you shouldn't have been so quick to jump without looking."

Rai fell and hit a multitude of tree branches. He was able to correct his landing mid-air so he didn't take any real damage. He watch quickly as Yuri landed gracefully on a nearby tree branch and waited for him to catch his breath. Rai had to think quickly. He activated his Sharingan and began weaving the hand signs for a jutsu that he didn't perfect but it should clear out some of the trees.

He finished weaving and threw some shuriken's just so Yuri didn't advance towards him.

"Fire Style: Fire Stream Jutsu"

A ray of flames spewed from his mouth and set the near by trees on fire. The good news was that Yuri would have to use more Chakra to use her Wood Release but, the bad news was that due to him not mastering the jutsu he used, he wasted half of he Chakra.

"Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall"

Although this particular jutsu was unknown to him Rai still decided to try to run. What he didn't know was that this was the whole point of the jutsu. As he ran the ground sprouted wood slates that curved into a dome shape which essentially made a cylinder shape that trapped Rai. with only one way out. Yuri stood at the open end of the tunnel and weaved her hand signs.

"Wood Release: Singular Hand Jutsu"

Rai watched helplessly as he was about to be squished by the giant fist that came flying down the dome. He knew he had one chance to stop it. It was a good thing he spent all those years training his Chakra Control.


He reached out and began to slice straight through the wooden hand. He felt his limit coming and knew it was over. His mind went blank as the wooden fist turned into a tsunami of wood and destruction. When it was all over he found himself melded to a tree with his house finished. He looked to he a note strapped to a Kunai on the tree he was stuck to reading: "Sorry went overboard. Nice battle, keep training." All he could say was "dammit!"

Sometimes winning isn't always the best way to...win?

Try another solution before giving up...at least try.

Sad_Kuncreators' thoughts