
Chapter 3: TheTwinNinja

Sometimes he forgot that the world wasn't always such a dark place. There was still light in the world that broke through the dark clouds that loomed over life. His eyes opened at this revelation and saw that he was still attached to a tree from his previous encounter with Yuri Senju. He noticed a kunai with a note attached to it was embedded in a near-by tree. He charged up his chakra and busted free of the trap. It was more of a hindrance than a finishing move, however, it was extremely effective in the previous battle because it was used in junction with another trap based jutsu. After brushing off the debris from his jacket and pony-tail hair style he plucked the note off of the kunai and read it. It was a congratulations for how hard he tried in the battle. Rai couldn't help but feel a little bitter knowing that he couldn't even touch his opponent. She was a monster in offensive and defensive jutsu so it wasn't much anybody could do, but it still didn't help his ego. He decided to see if she kept up her end of the deal and built him a home. He was surprised to see that she had actually found something better. It was an old ninja hide-out that must have been from one of the previous Uchiha. It had the Uchiha crest plastered over the long halls and appliances.

" One day I will become strong enough to beat her and everyone else."

This moment was one of the defining moments of Rai's life.

After a few months Rai had realized that he never participated in any practices or missions with his team. He was assigned to Team 3 last year and since then he only saw them about once or twice in his daily activities, which contained, Training and Sleeping. He decided to stop by the training grounds and see if they were there or if they had wondered where he was at. He body flickered through the woods and arrived at the village in about half an hour. When he got to the training grounds he was greeted by both of his teammates rushing at him with kunai drawn. He quickly launched himself into the air and tested out a move that he's been working on for a while.

"Static Kunai Field"

He did a few quick hand signs and flung a multitude of kunai at the ground and surrounded both his teammates. They tried to chase him but were interrupted by a wave of lightning holding them where they were standing.

"Listen I know I haven't been showing up lately..." Rai was cut off by an array of kunai come directly at him.

He jumped backwards and saw that one of his kunai had been shifted from it's original position and it caused his technique to fail. He watched as both of the girls quickly sped towards him while weaving hand signs. By using his Sharingan he was able to copy and identify the jutsu as:

"Water Style: Tornado of Water"

Rai could dodge it but he had other plans. He watched as both the attacks came towards him and he weaved some hand signs. He aims towards the middle of both jutsu as the raged onward.

"Fire Style: Giant Fireball Jutsu"

He blasted the large fire ball at the tornados and watched as steam became the outcome of the jutsu colliding. This was Rai's chance he had to act quickly before the steam cleared. He used his Sharingan to track the closest movement and threw a kunai in its direction. He heard a small grunt of pain and saw a shadow moving. Just as he was about to let off another fireball he heard the shadow speak.

"We yield", Said the standing shadow as she carried her sister over to him.

"We were under the impression that you were the weakest ninja in the village", said the injured female ninja.

"I'm sorry but what were you're names again? I'm Rai Uchiha", asked Rai. He only ignored the comment of him being weak because he had already proven his strength.

"We've been a team for a long time and you don't even know our names? I'm Aiko and this is Aio", said the uninjured ninja.

"Sorry, but I don't make it a habit of getting peoples names", Rai said with a dull glare.

"How could you not know us though? We a the famous twin ninja who one first place in last years tag team tournament.

Rai began to walk closer towards them and tossed over a bandage to Aio.

"Sorry about the cut." He said as he walked away.

Little did those three know that they weren't the only one's at the training grounds that day. A suspicious onlooker had noticed Rai's strength and saw how much he'd grown in strength.

"Such ruthlessness towards one's own teammates. Perhaps he would be a good test subject? I must look deeper into his progression", Said the hidden ninja as he smiled creepily.

Sorry for the late update. Will try harder next week. Still updating the next chapter so.. don't go to sleep yet.


Sad_Kuncreators' thoughts