
Introduction- Rai Uchiha

He watched as the other students created quick hand signs and caused a variety of jutsu to emerge. Looking down at his own hands he wondered why it was so hard for him to do the same. Everyone was religiously fed the stories of Lord 7th amazing transition from Konoha's worst to arguably the strongest and best Hokage the village ever seen. At this point he couldn't see how such an amazing legend had the same problems as him. It was said that after hard work and training, Lord 7th could create hundreds of shadow clones at the young age of 12. Forget hundreds of clones he could hardly make 1. His chakra control was terrible. He couldn't even walk on water. Everyone had such high expectations of him, after all he was an Uchiha. The Uchiha Clan was able to be reestablished roughly 3 or 4 generations after the birth of Sarada Uchiha. Currently the Village head was Amari Uchiha. He could be said to be one of the strongest ninja alive. At the age of 25 he took over the Uchiha clan and led them to the most prosperous they have ever been since before the Second Shinobi World War. Forget becoming iconic like these idols he couldn't even become a Chunin the way he was heading.

"Rai Uchiha," yelled a deep voice off in the distance, " Get your head out of the clouds and get training."

"Huh," responded the young aspiring ninja,"Yes Ma'am."

His sensei was always adamant about him working hard on his ninjutsu. She knew that his mother and father always beat him whenever he came home with bad grades. He tried his best but even at the age of 6, he couldn't even do the most basic jutsu. He shook his head and started practicing his ninjutsu.

Later that day he saw his father come to pick him up from school with a stern, distasteful look on his face.

"Hello father" He said gleefully.

His father ignored him and walked past him. All the other parents looked away and pretended not to see. The entire village knew that Rai Uchiha was the disappointment of his entire clan. Rai just looked at his fathers passing shadow with a smile and closed eyes, that held back his tears just enough for them not to fall.

"Has he improved at all?" asked his father.

"Honestly...no. He still struggles with many of the basics and can't even make a basic shadow clone." Replied the sensei.

His father cleared his throat and slapped his son across the face. He towered over his son's still smiling face, tears fell even while he smiled making it all the more sad.

"Do not smile at me you fucking disgrace." yelled his father.

"Yes father," said the boy.

He grabbed his son by the back of the collar and stormed out of the school building. Everyone in the room let out a small sigh of sadness. They all knew how bad Rai's ninjutsu was but, no one could say that they agreed with Kaiku Uchiha's discipline.

When Rai got home he had to also face his mothers wraith before being allowed to rest. He sat on his bed and looked out of the window to see all of the Uchiha kid's playing around.

"Geniuses," he said to himself. He knew that all of these boy's had either almost unlocked or had already unlocked their dojutsu, whereas he was nowhere close. Perhaps he was already so numb to pain that it wouldn't activate. He got up and decided to shower. He needed to clear his head. He stepped into the shower slowly, his body still hurt from his mothers beating. He did his normal routiune of tracing the word carved into his back by his father. It read, "Failure". It was cut using his fathers sword and it reminded him that he would forever be worthless.

Sorry about the spacing. I have yet to get used to this writing format and program. I hope that everyone enjoyed the first chapter.

Sad_Kuncreators' thoughts