
Chapter 5

Wonho and I both waited at the front of the gate with the other 5 children and their parents but one of them had what I assumed his grandfather. While we were all waiting I felt eyes on me so I turned to my left and saw that most of them were staring at Wonho and me, probably because we both looked so different from the rest of them, I wasn't sure if it was because we were the only Asians there or because of our clothing, the rest of them had all plain and bland coloured clothing except for who I recognised as Violet Beauregarde and her mother for TV who were both wearing bright blue tracksuits and me then looked at Wonho and I who were wearing bright cute colours, or they were staring because of both…

"come forward" a voice suddenly said as the gates opened. We all moved forward and all the way to the stage, I turned around and saw that the gate was closed and then turned back to face the stage. All of a sudden a puppet show came on and they were singing about Willy Wonka, I found it cute. Until they caught on fire and a throne came on which I assumed was for Willy Wonka but no one was sitting on it or on the stage that wasn't on fire.

"wasn't that great?!" a man said clapping next to me, "I thought that the middle was kinda iffy but the final, amazing!" he said smiling 'he wasn't there earlier…' the man then walked up to the front and greeted us all "good morning star-shine… the earth says hello" he was clearly nervous I can't blame him though, I would be nervous if I had to do what he's doing so I gave him a smile to try and comfort him. The then got out some q-cards and began to read from them.

"Hello, my name is Willy Wonka and welcome to my factory," he said reading from the cards. "come along everyone, so much to see but so little time!" he then walked further into the stage and we all followed him trying to avoid the fire.

"just throw your coats anywhere" Mr Wonka instructed us as he left his coat on the ground and we did as we were told. As we continued to walk down the hall one of the little girls ran up and hugged Mr Wonka and he then tensed up. "hello Mr Wonka, my name is Violet Beauregarde" she said to him and he was obviously uncomfortable and he then replied with "I don't care" in the same tone as Violet and he then continued walking until he was stopped once again.

"Hello Mr Wonka, my name is Veruca Salt," she said in a fake polite voice as she did a little curtsy. Mr. Wonka then made a really smart and funny reply to her, at least it was funny to me, "I always thought that a Veruca was a wart that you get on the bottom of your foot" I tried not to laugh at that but thankfully all that came out was a giggle which I had hoped wasn't audible enough for them to hear but unfortunately they did, "is she a kid or an adult?" I heard Mike whisper to his father.

We were then about to continue until we were interrupted AGAIN. "hello, I'm Augustus Gloop. I love your chocolate" he said 'where are these children's' manners? Haven't their parents taught them anything?' I thought to myself, they should at least wait for a better time at least. Mr. Wonka then continued walking until he turned around to us "you must be Mike, you're the little devil who cracked my system" he said to Mike and his father, he then turned to the other boy with his grandfather and then to Wonho "and you two, you're just lucky to be here" he said.

"and you all must be his p-p-…" Mr Wonka began to stutter but then Mr Salt corrected him "parents?" "yes!" Mr Wonka said, he was about to turn around until he heard Mike say something "I highly doubt that that Asian lady is that kid's mother, she looks more like a kid than me she's way too short and when the hell to mothers' dress like that?!" we all could hear him CLEARLY that he was referring to me, "Mike don't be rude!" I wasn't going to say anything as I didn't let it bother me but I could tell that it bothered Wonho, he was about to say something to Mike until I stopped him and we then continued with the tour like nothing happened.

While we continued walking I noticed that the little boy whose name I didn't know got rudely bullied by that Augustus boy so I got a packet of candy out of my bag and gave them to Wonho, "Wonho dear, go and share these with that boy over there-" I said gesturing to the boy "try and make friends, he could even teach you some more English maybe" Wonho then nodded and went to the boy "hi! Would you like some of my candy?" Wonho asked the boy with his bright smile "ok, thank you" the boy then took some of the candy and ate it "my name is Wonho, Wonho Kim, what is yours?" "Charlie, Charlie Bucket, nice to meet you Wonho!" they then continued eating and talking and I smiled to myself. But I didn't notice that Mr Wonka was looking at me, he was touched and surprised that I made Wonho do that because all of the other children were all rude and annoying.

We then continued to follow Mr Wonka when at the way to the end of the room which had gotten really, really small so all of the adults had to crouch all the way down except me because I'm really short for a 21-year-old, actually, I'm really short in general ;-; so all that I had to do was bend down a bit, which I will admit was a bit embarrassing for me because they ALL noticed and I blushed and Mike snickered, Wonho was really beginning to loss his patience for him but he kept it to himself. "this here is the most important room" Mr Wonka said, "if it's so important, then why is it so small?" Mike asked, I was really losing my patience for this boy "it's to keep all the chocolate flavours inside" Mr Wonka then opened to door and I just stared at the sight before me. Mr Wonka seemed to notice and chuckled to himself.

"it's beautiful" Charlie said in awe at the sight in front of us, "hmm, oh yes very beautiful" Mr Wonka said as he smiled and then looked at me, I wasn't sure if the smile was meant for me but his smile made me blush which had earned a glare from Violet's mother.

"try not to lose your heads and try not to get too excited" Mr Wonka continued as he walked, we then stopped on the bridge that was over the beautiful chocolate river. "ever drop in this river is melted chocolate in the finest quality. The waterfall is the most important. Mixes the chocolate churns it out and makes it frothy. No other factory in the world mixes their chocolate with waterfall, and you can take that to the bank" Mr Wonka informs us on how he makes his chocolate, it was really fascinating to me. We then continued to walk, he motioned his arm indicating for all of us to move in front of him and he then walked next to me earning another glare from Violet's mother once again.

"People!" Mr Wonka said trying to get our attention, see all turned to face him and he then continued, "these pipes suck up the chocolate and carry it away all over the factory, thousands of gallons an hour" he then turned to us.

"do you like my meadow? Please try some of my grass please do. It's so delectable and so damn good looking" Mr Wonka said as he looked at the delicious-looking grass, 'Mr. Wonka's right, it does look tasty' I wanted to eat it but I didn't want to embarrass myself more than I have now, so I just stood there admiring it. "you can eat the grass?" Charlie asked him so Mr Wonka thought of a smart remark to that, "of course you can, everything here is edible, even I'm edible. But that's called cannibalism my dear children and is frowned upon in most societies" I then let out another little giggle at Mr Wonka's remark and I didn't notice that he had smiled which had once again, made Violet's mother glared at me which I noticed and got scared so I hid my face and began to admire the grass again.

But I was probably admiring it a bit too much because next thing I knew, Wonho was dragging me by my hand around the meadow and started eating about anything insight and that he was able to reach.

"Wonho, don't eat everything! You might choke or get sick!" I told him as I stopped him from stuffing his mouth. He then apologised and went on to explore while I followed him.

Willy Wonka's POV

After I told all of them to go and explore I noticed that the Asian girl was staring at the grass a bit too much that she didn't even notice that I said anything, I found it pretty cute actually.

I continued to walk around watching everyone explore, I saw that Mike boy destroying my poor candy pumpkins and that disgusting Mrs Violet making that ugly so-called smile at Mike's f-f-father-r. Anyway, I continued to watch them all until I saw the little Asian boy about to fall into my chocolate river, I was about to say something until I saw his caretaker stop him 'actually, what even are their names? What's her name?' I watched them some more and went closer to hear what they were talking about.

"now remember Wonho, you can't touch the river" "but why Noona?" 'oh so their names are Wonho and Noona' I continued to listen and watch what they were saying. "because we humans have good and bad types of bacteria, and they are always on us, so if we touch something the bacteria goes onto the thing that we touch. So that would mean that if you touch the chocolate river you'd transfer the good and bad bacteria into the river which would wreck the chocolate. Which would hurt Mr Wonka and my feelings, do you want to wreck the chocolate?" she said to Wonho, that was really sweet of her really.

"*gasp* NEVER!! I'd never want to wreck the chocolate OR hurt yours or Mr Wonka's feelings!!" the boy, Wonho said, 'her English is really good while the boy's English is broken…but it makes it a bit cute' "can is go and play with Charlie, Noona?" the boy asked her "of course Wonho, dear" she replied to him with a smile.

Wonho then ran off where the boy, Charlie was and the girl then went off and sat on one of the benches near the river. I then decided to go and sit next to her after a while.

I walked up to her and looked at her appearance for a bit 'she has long fluffy looking black hair, hard chocolate brown eyes, baby soft pale skin and adorably small hand that I could barely see through the baby blue and white sweater she wore (a/n Sooyoung is really self-conscious about her hands because they are s m a l l)' I also saw that she was wearing a baby pink plaited skirt with a creamy white scarf, white tights and black shoes and that she was admiring the chocolate waterfall, "wonderful isn't it?" I said as I sat next to her, she then looked at me with a shocked expression "y-yes it's very beautiful" she responded in the cutest voice I've ever heard and I then noticed a blush had appeared on her cheeks.

"May I?" I asked her indicating that I wanted to sit next to her, she then nodded and I sat next to her, she had a delicious scent of strawberries which I smelt when I moved closer to her, she didn't seem to notice because she was busy admiring the meadow while I was busy admiring her doll-like appearance 'what's going on inside that cute little head of yours?' I wondered to myself.

After a bit she glanced at me and then noticed how close I was to her so she moved away a bit with a bright shade of red on her cheeks, it was honestly the cutest thing I have ever seen and she then continued to admire that meadow.

I decided to start a conversation with her "how are you liking my meadow?" she then turned her head a bit to face me and then turned it back, she let out a sigh and said "it's absolutely beautiful… and delicious" she said as she let out another sigh. It then gave me an idea, I reach out to the candy tree to my right and plucked off a lollipop and gave it to her "here, have this" she looked at me and then the candy, she slowly reached out her hand and took the lollipop from my gloved hand, she then brought the lollipop closer to her face and gave it a small lick. Her face instantly brightened up "yummy! It's so good! Thank you Mr Wonka!" she thanked me in the cutest voice with a grin, like a child's, but not like the devils here though. I then smiled at her and chuckled and she smiled back "your welcome" I replied to her, and at the corner of my eye in the distance, I could see Violet's mother glaring at her but she didn't notice because she was behind her.

End of POV

Sooyoung POV

I smiled back at Mr Wonka and we all then heard Veruca say "what is that? It's a little person. Over there" she said as she pointed to a little person, we all then went over to Veruca "who are they?" Charlie asked, "are they, real people?" Mike also asked and Mr Wonka then answered their questions.

"Of course they're real! they're Oompa Loompas!" he said as he looked at them "Oompa Loompas?" Mr Salt asked "imported from Loompa Land," Mr Wonka said back to him, "there's no such place" Mr Teevee had said "what," Mr Wonka said.

"Mr Wonka I teach high school geography and I tell you that there-" Mr Teevee was about to continue but Mr Wonka interrupted him "well then you'd know all about it and know about how much of a dangerous place it is," he said back to him clearly annoyed.

*Timeskip through flashback because I'm too lazy to write it all*

"They are such great workers, though I must warn you, they are mischievous. They have to make a few jokes" Mr Wonka warned us all. We were all suddenly interrupted by Augustus's mother screaming. We all turned around and saw that Augustus was drinking from the chocolate river dangerously close.

"little boy!" I shouted trying to get Augustus's attention, Mr Wonka also tried to get his attention "little boy! My chocolate can't be touched by human hands!" but right after he said that Augustus fell into the river. Mrs Gloop kept on bothering Mr Wonka to save him because he can't swim and all but Mr Wonka didn't do anything.

A few seconds later the pipe that sucks up the chocolate came and sucked up the chocolate with Augustus but he didn't go all the way up but he instead got stuck halfway, "look the Oompa Loompas!" Charlie said pointing to them, "back off you little freaks" Mike said rudely, I swear if a kid were to say that in Korea they'd get badly punished.

"what are they doing?" Veruca asked Mr Wonka which he then replied with "well little girl, I think that they are going to treat us to a new song. It is on special occasions, of course, they haven't had a fresh audience in years" as he started to dance to the Oompa Loompas' song.

*Time skip to the end of the song*

right after the song, Augustus went right up into the pipe surprisingly and the machine was off.

"Bravo! Well done! Aren't they delightful!?" Mr Wonka cheered and I then cheered as well which made Mrs Gloop glared at me. 'for a round cake looking lady, she sure is scary... ᵃⁿᵈ ᵘᵍˡʸ'. "I do say that it all rehearsed," "like they knew it was going to happen." Mr Salt and Mike both said getting suspicious. Mr Wonka then took a quick and subtle glance at me like he was asking if it did look like it was rehearsed, so I shook my head a little indicating that I was saying "no".

"where is my son?! Where did he go to?!" Mrs Gloop asked obviously worried about her son. "that pipe just so happens to lead directly to the room where I make the most delicious kind of strawberry chocolate covered fudge" Mr Wonka informed Mrs Gloop as he pointed to the direction of where we last saw the pipe that held Augustus left.

"So then he will be made into strawberry chocolate-coated fudge that everyone will be selling him by the pound?!" Mrs Gloop sounded very worried about her son. at this point, I was probably going to get anger issues because I began to tense up a bit when Mrs Gloop blamed Mr Wonka for what happened to Augustus when she should have been watching over him, which Mr Wonka seemed to have noticed.

"No, I wouldn't allow it. The taste would be terrible. Can you imagine an Augustus flavoured chocolate-coated Gloop? Ew" It took me all of my will-power not to laugh and I could tell that Wonho was having an even harder time not to. Mr Wonka just ignored all of Mrs Gloop's yelling and watched me try to contain my laughter. Thankfully, after a short while, I stopped.

Mr Wonka had made a call to one of the Oompa Loompas, "I want you to take Mrs Gloop up to the fudge room, K?" Mr Wonka told the Oompa Loompa, he did a signal and did as he was told.

"Okay children, let's keep on going too much to still see," he said while walking in another direction and we all followed.