
Chapter 6

As we all followed Mr Wonka to where ever he was going, Wonho tugged on my sweater's sleeve and said to me quietly "Noona" so no one will hear him, I then responded with "yes, Wonho?" "if Mrs Gloop simply just watched over Augustus and listened to the rules and directions, then wouldn't all of that have been avoided?" he asked me in Korean because he probably didn't want anyone to hear him, especially the parents. Which I then replied in Korean as well "yes, Wonho, it would've. But don't worry, I'm sure he'll be alright" and we both then paid attention to where Mr Wonka was taking us.

A large pink sea horse boat then came down the river that was driven by the Oompa Loompas who were all facing the way the coast is going. We all gathered up into one line and all climbed on the boat one by one, other than Mr Wonka, Wonho and I came on last and there was no space on the boat except for the back so we both sat there, Wonho was next to Charlie and I was next to Mr Wonka, which Wonho kept on grinning at might I add.

Suddenly all of the Oompa Loompas began to start giggling and Violet asked what was so funny, which Mr Wonka replied with "I think it's because of all those god damn cocoa beans. By the way, did you know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins, gives one the feeling of being in love" Mr Wonka said while looking down at me, but I didn't notice. "you don't say~" Violet's mother said to Mr Wonka in a flirty like voice, which made me cringe big time as well as Wonho.

"onward!" Mr Wonka told the Oompa Loompas as one of them began to beat the drum at a reasonable pace. As we started to move Mr Wonka got a metal ladle with melted chocolate from the river and handed it to me "here, try some of this". I took the ladle from his hand and took a small but not too small sip from the ladle and boy it was delicious "mmm! It's sooo good!" I said and smiled like a child and I then handed it to Wonho, "after you've had your sip, give it to Charlie and his grandfather" "oki!".

Wonho took his sip and his eyes widened in happiness and joy, he thanked Mr Wonka and gave it to Charlie "here Charlie!" and we both watched Charlie drink it "it's great!" and he then handed it to his grandfather and after he took his sip, I passed the ladle back to Mr Wonka and thanked him "that's because it's mixed by waterfall. The waterfall is the most important, mixes the chocolate, churns it out, makes it frothy. Oh, by the way, no other factory in the world-" Mr Wonka repeated himself but got interrupted by Veruca.

"You said that already" she said to him, "Your all quite short aren't ya?" Mr Wonka asked as a remark towards what Veruca said, she was definitely getting on his nerves. "Well yeah we're children" Violet said to Mr Wonka. I then wanted to shrink and not be there because of this topic. "that's no excuse. I was never as short as you" Mr Wonka said while he was acting childish and at this point, I REALLY wanted to just not be there.

"You were once. And SHE certainly is still" Mike said to Mr Wonka and then gestured about me, I could feel my face turning redder than a tomato at this point and everyone was looking straight at me. "Was not, ya know why? Because I distinctly remember to put a hat on top of my head, but with your short little arms you could never reach" Mr Wonka replied to Mike and all of the children turned around.

"do you remember what it was like being a kid?" Charlie asked Mr Wonka curiously, "oh boy do I! do I…?" Mr Wonka asked himself and then began spacing out as if he was having a flashback. I would've done something but I didn't want to interrupt him and I wasn't sure if he wanted to be left alone, so I left him alone to be in his own world.

After a bit, Mr Wonka seemed to be brought back to reality and looked like he had seen a ghost, "Mr Wonka, are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost" I asked him, my voice filled with concern, he then looked at me and then nodded saying that he was perfectly fine with a smile. I then believed him and just turned to face Wonho.

"Look at that, Noona!" Wonho exclaimed to me excitedly, I looked to where he was pointing and saw a very pretty view of the candy meadow that we were at earlier. "Why do you call her that?" Veruca asked Wonho in the same tone that she used towards Mr Wonka. "Call who what?" Wonho asked Veruca, confused as to what she meant.

"Your mom-" Veruca answered while pointing to me, "why do you call your mom 'Noona'?" "Yeah, what kind of kid calls their mom by their name?" Mike also said adding to Veruca's statement. Wonho did nothing but laughed which made Veruca and Mike mad "What's so funny!" they shouted at Wonho, not understanding. Wonho then told them "no, no, no. Noona's not my mother! She's my sister!" he explained "what?" Violet asked, confused "and for the record, Noona isn't her name, her name is Sooyoung!" Wonho said which made everyone on the boat even more confused, even Mr Wonka but I didn't know that he was listening.

It then occurred to everyone that no one there except for Wonho and Sooyoung herself knew Sooyoung's name at all. "ok… but that still doesn't explain why you call her Noona" Mr Salt said, "oh, because Sooyoung is my big sister and big sister in Korean is Noona!" Wonho informed them with the same smile that he has on his face, "oh so you're from Korea?" Mr Teevee exclaimed with a look of interest on his face 'probably because he teaches Geography' "yup!" Wonho said, having pride in where he's come from "but I thought that you're not allowed to leave Korea" Charlie said "well, maybe in North Korea but not in South Korea where we're from" Wonho told them.

There was a bit of some conversation going on with the children and with the adults but I didn't bother listening, "are you mute?" I heard Mike ask, everyone turned to face him, including Mr Wonka "what?" Mr Salt asked the boy, "you, are you mute?" Mike asked at he pointed to me, "Mike don't be rude!" his father said to him but didn't do anything.

"what? I'm only asking! She hasn't said ANYTHING since we all arrived! Are you mute or not!" Mike shouted at his father and then to me, as if he was interrogating me, it honestly scared me because I have selective mutism as a child and I still have it until now but it mainly only happens when I'm absolutely terrified.

Everyone looked at me and Wonho was about to lunge at Mike but I stopped him, in full honesty, I wanted to smack this boy which is a big thing for me because I've NEVER hit a child, let alone a person, 'but yet again, if ANYONE were to talk like that to someone older than them, they would get slapped silly' but we're not in Korea and no matter how terrible these children are, I won't hurt them, at least physically. So I responded politely.

"oh, no, I'm not mute, but I do have selective mutism!" I said politely, I hoped that that would make him stop but unfortunately, it didn't "that's no excuse! Why weren't you talking at all since we got here!" Mike continued on, "I simply just don't like to talk that much at all, and I'm shy" I replied sheepishly, now thankfully he finally left me alone and everyone went back to their own stuff.

"so Noona means big sister in Korean?" I heard Charlie ask me "yup! Would you like to know more?" I responded to him, he then nodded and I then explained some family names in Korean "ok, now, if you were a boy, and you had an older brother, you would address him as Hyung but if you had an older sister you would address them as Noona. If you were a girl, you would call your older sister Unnie and your older brother Oppa. Father or dad in Korean is Appa and mother in Korean is Eomma" I informed Charlie, "wow!" Charlie exclaimed and I then let Charlie and Wonho play for a bit.

I began to relax for a while enjoying this moment as I closed my eyes, I felt a pair of eyes on me but I just ignored it thinking that it was Mike or someone judging me or something, but I'd never think that it was Mr Wonka himself.

Mr Wonka POV

I secretly listened on the conversation between the others and the girl that I now know as Sooyoung, talk, well, more like that devil, Mike being rude calling her short and mute.

How can she be mute?! She has the softest and beautiful voice I've ever heard, and so what if she doesn't like to talk much?! It doesn't mean that she's mute!

I continued to listen to Sooyoung teaching Charlie on Korean "and what do you call your lover?" Charlie asked her and she replied with "if you're a male, then Jagiya, or Jagi for short" 'Jagiya~'.

That's what I wanna call her someday- wait… Willy what are you talking about! You can't think like that! Probably just because I haven't been near people in so long…

I noticed that she stopped talking and then rested her head a bit and closed her eyes, this gave me the chance to look at her and I continued to admire her beauty; but seeing her so peaceful gave me an idea…

Sooyoung POV

I felt so relaxed. I haven't felt like this in such a long time, but of course, it had to be destroyed. I suddenly felt the boat go faster and faster which scared me because I was scared of fast rides. I shot my eyes open and sat back up straight. I looked around and saw that we were about to enter a huge drop and I wasn't ready, I wasn't prepared. 'I did not sign up for this'.

And down we went, fast. I clung onto the person next to me because I was terrified, and kept my eyes shut. The person felt warm and soft and comforting like if I were to let go, their warmth would disappear forever and I would be stuck in eternal coldness forever, they put their arm around me I a comforting way that made me never want to let go. And not to mention, they smell like chocolate… wait… chocolate?

I opened my eyes again, looked up and saw that the person that I was clinging onto was none other than, Mr Wonka.

I quickly let go of him and I'm pretty sure that I was redder than a tomato. Mr Wonka did nothing but chuckle and made a gesture telling the Oompa Loompas to go faster but I never saw. I looked to the corner of my eye and saw Wonho with the biggest smug face ever. I tapped his head and he then tapped my nose. It was a thing that he has been doing ever since he was a baby so I didn't mind, it was like our way of communicating.

"People, keep an eye out. We're passing some important rooms here" Mr Wonka said to everyone as we went past a whole lot of rooms, like whipped cream room, "Whipped cream" Charlie said, it made me smile, Charlie reminded me a lot of Wonho, he was like a Western version of him. So filled with wonder and amazement of the world, it really made me so soft.

"Precisely, hehe," Mr Wonka said to Charlie. "That doesn't make sense" Veruca said, ruining the moment. "For your information little girl, whipped cream isn't whipped cream unless it is being whipped with whips," Mr Wonka said like it was the most normal thing in the world. It. Left. Me. S h o o k. I was now actually a bit scared of Mr Wonka now (you dirty little fucks-).

After some time, we stopped in front of one particular room which, I looked at the top of the door and read what is said out loud, "Inventing Room?".