
Chapter 4

We didn't need to pack anything because we were only going to be there for one day but I brought one small bag for important stuff like my purse, phone, toothbrush and a warm jacket because it was extremely cold there and I don't plan for either Wonho or me to get hypothermia there. We got everything we needed and Wonho sat in the kitchen waiting for me while I checked to see if all the doors were locked, lights off and we then left the house. I locked the door and called for a taxi to pick us up.

7 minutes later the taxi pulled up in front of our house and we both got in, "where to ma' me" the driver asked me "Seoul Airport please" I replied politely, the man then nodded and started the car and off we were to the airport to America.

We arrived at the airport, Wonho and I got out of the taxi and I then paid the man the amount needed and we entered the airport. We went and checked in to the plane and went to our first-class seats. Wonho had the window seat while I had the one next to him, he was obviously very excited because he kept on looked around waiting impatiently for the other passage to board the plane, after a bit the plane finally took off and off we were to America to meet Willy Wonka, Wonho watched a bunch of Disney movies on the plane's TV while I just listened to music and waited for him to fall asleep.

About 4 hours after we took off Wonho finally fell asleep which meant that I could fall asleep in peace without having to worry about something happening to Wonho and there I drifted off to sleep.

*Timeskip after flight*

"Noona wake up! Noona wake up!" I was shaken awake by Wonho, I looked around a saw that we had arrived in America and we then left the plane and into the airport. While we were in the airport it the accrued to me that Wonho barely knew any English unlike me and then not many people know Korean so it was dangerous for Wonho if something happened so I decided to carry him in my arms so nothing would happen, "Noona what's wrong?" Wonho asked me confused as to why I was carrying him all of a sudden "I just remembered that you don't know much English Wonho so I have to keep you closer" I told him as I smiled and continued walking to the exit, he then nodded and we continued.

We staying in a little hotel to stay for the night because tomorrow was the day that we would have to go to the factory, 'wait, tomorrow's also Wonho's birthday!' I then reached into my bag and pulled out the gift that I got Wonho and approached him and saw him lying on the bed. I then gently shook him, he then looked at me and asked what's wrong and I then handed him the gift, "happy birthday for tomorrow Wonho!" I said as I smiled at him, he jumped up and down, thanked me and then opened it and his eyes began to sparkle, it was a Kumamon Bag that had his name on it. He then hugged me tight and we then went to sleep getting ready for the big that that was ahead of us tomorrow.

I decided to make this one short because I really wanted to get to the part where they're at the factory. which is going to finally happen on the next chapter

Queen_Kukkicreators' thoughts